Gone (Jikook)


Jimin stood in the shower, the scalding water battering his skin before running its way down his body. He wished the water could take his pain with it as it washed away, down the drain not to be seen again. But his pain was embedded too deep to be relieved so easily.

Jimin stepped out of the shower, realizing that it was useless if all he was going to do was waste water. His body felt numb as he dressed quickly and left for school, not bothering to take something for breakfast.

When he passed through the school gates, someone pounced on him, almost pushing him to the ground. Jimin already knew who it was.

"Good morning, short hyung!" yelled Jungkook.

"Go away," muttered Jimin.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you from up here."

"I said, go away. I'm not in the mood, Jungkook."

Jungkook laughed, and for the first time, Jimin didn't join him. "You're so grumpy, hyung." He slung his arm across Jimin's shoulders. Usually, Jimin would be flustered and blush, but today, he shrugged him off. Jungkook stopped walking, but Jimin kept going, so he eventually jogged to catch up. In a high pitched, barely understandable voice, he said, "Go away, Jungkook!"

Jimin exploded. He turned to Jungkook and pushed him as hard as he could. Jungkook didn't fall, but he stumbled, obviously surprised. "I said stop, you idiot!" Jimin was aware that other students were watching them, but he didn't care. He was too angry and upset and blinded by emotion. Jimin stormed off.

Jungkook always teased Jimin, and the latter never did anything to retaliate except sometimes playfully hit him. It didn't help that Jungkook knew about Jimin's crush on him.

But today he wasn't in the mood for teasing. He was too sensitive.

Jimin sat through classes without paying attention. The teachers didn't bother him, though, and he silently thanked them.

At lunch, Jungkook didn't join him, leaving Jimin to eat with their other friend, Taehyung. Jimin told himself not to care, instead focusing on the pain that had settled in his chest and remained since he heard the news. He did care, though, which added to the mess in his mind. Even if he was going through other things, he couldn't help but worry about Jungkook being mad at him.

After school, Jimin walked away from his locker slowly, not having much energy. The hallways were almost empty, as most students had left already. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around.


Jungkook looked down sheepishly. "I'm sorry for this morning hyung. I didn't mean to make you so upset."

Jimin's face softened at his apologetic friend. Jungkook was too cute for him to stay mad at. "It's not your fault, Kookie. I'm just-" he choked. "I'm...b just..."

Jungkook looked up, and his eyes widened at Jimin crying. "Hyung! What's wrong?"

Jimin covered his face, not wanting it to look red and puffy in front of Jungkook. Jungkook looked at him with concerned eyes, a safe distance away.

They walked down the street, neither talking. Jimin had stopped crying, but he hadn't explained anything to Jungkook yet. Jungkook had offered to walk home with him.

"Jinsoo passed away," Jimin finally said.

Jungkook looked over at him as they walked. "Your cousin?" Jimin nodded. Jungkook knit his eyebrows. "The one that didn't accept your uality?"

Jimin sighed. "Yes."

Jungkook frowned. "Jimin, I'm sorry for not understanding, but I thought you hated that guy."

"I did." Jimin felt tears filling his eyes again. "But before that we were best friends. And I knew he was... sick. But I didn't visit him because I was stupid and I was angry at him and I was stubborn, and I thought he had more time. I didn't..." Jimin's voice broke. "I didn't get to say good bye."

Jungkook stopped walking at the same time Jimin stopped walking.

"He wrote me a letter. During the last few days. It said... he was sorry. He was sorry that he didn't accept me before and he was sorry that we couldn't be so close anymore and he wished that he had been better so that we could at least end on good terms, still best friends instead of enemies." Jimin felt the pain in his chest flare. "I should have been the one saying that!" He was yelling now. "He was sick, he was in pain, and he was the one apologizing to me! I was so stupid and stubborn and I never said goodbye or sorry or anything!"

Jungkook stood, silently and patiently watching as his older friend sobbed and screamed. When Jimin was done talking, Jungkook wrapped him up in a warm embrace. "I'm sorry, hyung," he whispered. Jimin just shook in Jungkook's arms from his sobs.

The next day, Jungkook was at his house, waiting to walk with him to school. Jimin allowed himself to smile at the sight. They went the whole way in silence.

They walked every day together, for a week.

Usually, it was quiet, like the first day. Until one day Jungkook broke the silence.

"I have to tell you something, hyung," he said, stopping. Jimin turned and stopped walking, too.

"What is it?"

Jungkook looked at the ground, shy for an unknown reason. "I don't know if this is the right time, but I've been meaning to tell you for a long time, and I want to say it before it's too late. I... I like you, Jimin."

Jimin looked at him, frozen in shock.

"Hyung? Please say something."

"I... I..."

Jungkook smiled, showing his bunny teeth. "Do you like me, too?"

Jimin blushed and hit Jungkook. "You already know the answer to that!"

Jungkook smiled wider. "But I want you to say it."

Jimin took in a deep breath and pouted. "I like you, too."

Jungkook smiled and hugged Jimin. "Hyung, you have such pretty eyes," he said.

Jimin allowed himself to smile.

Perhaps Jungkook could help him move on. Move on, but not forget.

Not forget what was gone.

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Chapter 2: More please Author-nim
I'll be waiting.........