Part 1: In the Dark

Foreign Touch

Walking down the dark alley only reminded me how unfortunate my life was; ever since I was young my single father tried to raise me the best as he could but despite if his hard efforts, we still struggled everyday. This particular evening it was raining hard as my feet developed a squeaking sound every step I took and I could feel my jeans sticking to my legs, I hated when that happened. Turning the corner I came upon a group of guys, they were drunk as they unstably throwing each other into the brick walls of the nearby bar.

Trying my best to avoid eye contact I walked past them, but a boy with dark blue hair started to follow me closely behind, picking up my pace, I hoped he would turn around. He eventually walked in front me stopping me in my tracks as he mumbled out the few letters of, "what is a pretty girl like you doing out here in the dark all alone." refusing to answer I turned my head sideways; he d my face hoping he would be able to seduce me into answering, I could smell his breath as it reeked of vodka. His other fellow friends walked behind me grabbing my waist, pushing me slightly off my feet, I could feel the fear and pain creeping up my spine as one of their hands slid down my leg. "GET OFF OF ME," I screamed, refusing to stop, I resulted to screaming, trying to break free of their arms, but it was useless as their arms held me in like a prison

Trying to fight my way through their hard grips on my arm only showed how pathetic and useless it was getting. being pushed up against the wall only made matters worst, as one of their hands slid up the back of my shirt. I heard the loud sound of a motorcycle, tires screeching beneath the loose gravel, followed by the sound of a deep voice demanding the boys to let me go. I couldn't see his face as the shadows of the building made his face hidden; but guessing on the black,mysterious figure, I could tell he was fairly tall.

He seemed muscular and was well-built in all the right places. The rough sound of his boots as he walked towards us only made me feel more intimidated. the boys turned around, approaching the man they asked, "what the are you doing here," despite of the man's large figure, he answered the question politely only to say, "I'm here to stop you guys from doing something illegal before it's too late." " off, would ya, we got this under control and she doesn't need any help, she was the one who came to bother us." I looked at him eyes filled with terror hoping he wouldn't leave me all alone with these crazy men, his reassuring smirk took the weight off my shoulders as he could tell what was going on.

He spoke in a heavier voice this time asking the men to leave, with the tone of anger, as the men refused, he swung his arm at the first man's face. Seeing the man cough out blood by the one punch only proved how strong and powerful the he was, the other men smirked and chuckled as they went at him, all running towards him in all directions. Quick to his senses he picked the men off one by one as if he did this everyday. the heavy breathing coming from the men showed how they're exhausted, him on the other hand was perfectly fine.

Soon all the men were laying on the ground sore in many places and coughing continuously as they tried to stumble out of the alley. He walked towards me trying to approach me with a comforting look, walking closer to me I could see that he had hair dark as the night, with eyes that were warm and soft; the only sign to show how much emotion and pain deep inside him. The way he smiled at me asking me if I was okay was the feeling I only got during the early years of my childhood where I could cry into my mom's shoulder after the long days at school.

The same feeling I got as my mom would tell me everything would be alright, showing me there were harder things in life I would have to deal with.Touching my face to see the swelling of my cuts I had gotten that night, allowed me to feel the warmth and sensitivity we both shared. I could tell just like me, he came from a rough childhood, probably being bullied throughout most of his years in elementary and middle school.

The way he dressed was edgy but was still stylish; he wore a pair of black ripped jeans that exposed his lower thigh and kneecaps, his white t-shirt was a well fitted as he tucked them into his pants to revealed the clean leather belt he wore around his hips. The denim jacket draped over his body, was slightly over-sized but was still able to show the masculinity he had, I examined his face as I could tell he had two piercings on his right ear and another three on his right, one of which was on his cartilage. His hair, covered by the white baseball cap he wore, as just long enough to cover his eyes slightly; his voice was deep yet soothing, it was full of pain yet reassuring, his warm breath asking me once more if I was okay only sent chills down my spine. I realized what had just happened and completely fell towards the ground, a few seconds later I could feel his arms tightly holding me up, preventing me from collapsing any farther. Picking me up and hugging me tightly. continuously telling me it would okay.

Soon we arrived at my house, giving him back his helmet, our hands met. I quickly let go bringing my hand back to my side, I waved goodbye wishing him a safe trip back. Hoping he would say something back, I turned and head towards the building, right before I walked into the door, he caught my arm, looking into my eyes, I anticipated what he was gonna say. He eventually spoke, "Y/N? You..."

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