Chapter 4

Change Me

     Joy woke up late. She'd like to say that it was solely because she had stayed up until midnight to watch the comeback but there was something else too. After Yeri fell asleep, Joy had experienced the sort of deep introspection that comes with being awake until the early hours of the morning.

     These revelations have given way to the idea that maybe, just maybe, she had a small crush on a certain brunette. One might point out that all of the flirting and funny feelings should've been enough of an indicator. Yet, Joy had initially chalked that up to her natural flirty behavior. As for the funny feelings she thought it was indigestion. Okay, that was a stretch, but could you really blame her? Feelings were scary. Add all of that to the whole Irene thing and she was close to screaming in frustration. 

     Did she really want to go to school today? After all, missing today would give her and extra long weekend to avoid all thoughts of Wendy. She sighed, if she missed today's tutor session she'd definitely get in trouble for 'lying' about going. That'd only end up with more detentions. Ms. Kim's cat could only do so many interesting things in a week.

     She dressed and headed out in fifteen minutes flat. Today was going to be a hassle. When she arrived third period had already began, so she sneaked in through the window at the back of the class. The monotone of the teacher was so completely boring, Joy couldn't have kept her eyes open. Most of the classes following that ended the same way. 

     Finally, when the last bell had rung, Joy was ready to head home and sleep the day away. That was the case before she remembered she had to meet Wendy. She could just ditch the session and head home, consequences be damned. However, her stupid, stupid legs had led her to the library once again. Maybe it wasn't too late, maybe she could get out of there before Wendy could see her.

"Joy? You're here already?" The girl in question felt dread bubbling up in her stomach. Unaware of the red head's plight, Wendy continued, "you're a bit early. I have a session before yours, but you can wait around if you want."

"Okay. I'm just going to go find a book, um, over there." Joy immediately turned around and began walking aimlessly through the aisles. She wasn't actually looking for a book, she just needed an excuse to get away. The mere sight of the brunette had brought all of those unwanted feelings back to the forefront. 

     It wasn't that there was something wrong with Wendy, she was a good student, and a good person. There was already a number of students that pined after the small girl, from all factions of the school. The problem was that Joy was the one to have feelings for her. Its not to sound bad, but Joy had a reputation to uphold and being all soft for a cute girl is not part of it. Then there was Irene, and as much as Joy wanted them to be just friends, there was no way that their relationship was platonic. The jealousy and touching of Wendy's ; dating was the only logical conclusion. 

     Lost in that loop of doubt, Joy hadn't noticed the shorter girl's approach. "Joy, its time for your session." Seeing that the taller girl wasn't responding, Wendy reached out and poked her. This caused Joy to shout and throw her arms over her head in surprise. That, in turn, cause Wendy to squeak in surprise. Both were alarmed at the sudden presence of the librarian. "Ladies, this is supposed to be a quiet place! I will not have shouting in my library! Out, both of you." 

     Neither wanted to argue with the crazy, old, bat. Quickly gathering up their things, they left. Once out of the library, they exchanged awkward apologies to each other. Not having another place to go, they walked to a small café nearby.

     Not much conversation had been made and it was making Wendy feel antsy. It was rather unusual for Joy to be so docile and despite her efforts, conversation starters had died off rather quickly. "S-so what do you need help with today?"

"Not sure yet. I'll just ask you if I don't understand something, I guess."

"That sounds fine."

     That was it. That was all of the conversation that had happened until the waitress had come to the table. Joy hadn't ordered anything, while Wendy ordered a slice of red velvet cake and an Oreo shake. 

     Minutes had ticked by with only the chatter of the other patrons to stifle the awkward atmosphere between the two. A rumbling sound had come unexpectedly from Joy's stomach and both locked eyes. "Do you want some of my cake? Its pretty good." Too embarrassed to say anything, the red head nodded. 

     Wendy got up and sat down beside Joy. The shock of her action grew when Wendy lifted her fork up and offered the cake to Joy. At this point both were blushing. The red head leaned in slightly taking a bite of cake, her eyes couldn't seem to leave Wendy's face. The brunette ate a piece and then offered another to Joy. They continued like this until the slice was gone, homework long forgotten. 




     Joy insisted on walking her tutor home. On the way they had carried small talk about school and whatnot. As conversations usually go, Joy asked, " so what class is Irene in? I don't think I've seen her around school before."

     Wendy laughed a little, "Irene is in college already."

     Trying to find out more, Joy joked, "wow Wendy you're dating a college student? I figured you were a good kid!"

     Wendy laughed but a pure look of confusion settled on her face. "You think I would date Irene? Gross! She's almost like my sister."

     It took all of her willpower to not let out a shout of pure happiness at the information. "Well does that mean you're sin-" 

"Wendy! There you are! You had me so worried, I was about to come look for you. Yah, did you forget to call me! You little ."

     The color drained from Wendy's face. "Oh crap! Sorry Sooyoungie, I have to go before that grandma hurts me or herself." At that Wendy jogged to her door where an angry Irene waited.


A slightly longer update as a thank you to everyone who's reading the story. I'm honestly surprised I've written this much for my first fic. Again thank you so much for reading!

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Steph_05 #1
Chapter 8: is the end? what happened after their first kiss? thank you author for writing this story I would have loved to read more about them, they are so cute!
Chapter 8: Oh wow didn't notice it's already over
Chapter 8: This is cute... ^^
Chapter 8: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1270587/8'>Chapter 8</a></span>
this is just too cute uwu
everything is just so soft, I love it
Chapter 8: Awww this fic is too cute.
I kept smiling the entire time I read this. I didn't want it to end Dx but thankfully, it ended on a great note.
I love Wenjoy in this.

Thank you very mucb for sharing this with us readers!
Chapter 8: awww they're so adorable! I really enjoyed reading this fluff. thank you for this author ^^
Chapter 8: damn wendy DATE ME TOO JUSEYO XoX
Chapter 6: they’re being so cute i feel like a fragile piece of glass lmao idk