
Perfect Story

Next morning Baekhyun woke up, change and went to his kitchen, there was a message from his mom on the fridge, he grabbed him.

I thought you liked my food :c

Love you, Mom

Baekhyun decided to write back something for her to see.

I was at a friend’s place, I thought you wanted me to make more friends :/

Your lovely son, Baekhyun xx

That wasn't completely right, Sehun was far from being a friend, at the end the guy hated him, then again, Sehun wouldn’t watch such a movie like Breakfast At Tiffany’s for someone he despised. “That’s one of the things that would make him such a great leader,” Baekhyun told himself.

As Baekhyun came down the stairs he saw Sehun, he fell into place beside Baekhyun as he walked and said. “Aren't you leaving your house a little late? Or you want detention on purpose?”

“Not if I take a shortcut. Also, you are late too.” Baekhyun was happy, he had an amazing breakfast. He loved his mom’s food and his stomach was full and warm, that was one of Baekhyun’s favorite sensations. He felt at the top of the world.

As they reached the school's building he saw a bunch of girls outside.

“I have calculus first, but I don’t really know where is the classroom. Would you mind—“

“No need,” Baekhyun told him. “You won't have more problems getting to your classes today or any other day.” He wanted to help the taller so bad but he knew he shouldn’t, he needed to stick to his plan even if his mind (or feelings) told him anything else. He only hoped Seunghee have had rushed to school to print the paper and leave it where everyone would find it. If it was like planned the entire school would hear about it soon.

“What? What do you mean?”

“You'll find out.” The girls noticed them. “And please let me be the first one to congratulate you in your presidency." Baekhyun said with a smile on his face.

“My what? Baekhyun, what have you done—“

“Sehun! Good morning!” Yerim pushed Baekhyun out of the way. “We want to help you reach all your classes. You are still a new student.”

“Thanks…that’s very kind of you—“

“You are so welcome. We just want to help.” The big smile of Sooyoung appeared at the other side of Sehun. “Calculus? Me too!”

“Calculus? We all now she is taking remedial algebra.” Nayeon folded her arms and saw how both girls took Sehun away. “Some girls will do anything for a cute guy.”

Jihyo looked at Baekhyun, he tried to take a step back, but it was already too late. “Baekhyun. You spoke to him. What kind of girls does Sehun go for?”


“You can totally tell us, Baekhyun.” Nayeon flashed a sweet and fake smile. “We are all friends, we won't tell anyone.”

Of course, you won't. Baekhyun thought. She definitely hasn’t been a friend all this past year.

“Sorry. If you want to know anything about Sehun, you’ll have to read about him in our election special.” Seunghee appeared in front of them.

“Election special?” They all wondered.

“Baekhyun, you are a genius when you want to be one. I want a follow-up article by tonight. “

Baekhyun made his way to his classes, everyone in the hall looked more excited at talking, Baekhyun slowed down to hear what they were saying.

“I already have a perfect dress for the formal—“

“I know! We finally have a candidate. And he is single! Do you think he plays any instruments?”

“Do you want to impress him?—Oh my god. Don’t look but that depressive and lifeless loser is right there.“

Baekhyun looked.

Minji walked down the hall. Her black hair with a purple undertone usually fell around her slim face but today she had it tied up in a messy bun. Her face was different, it wasn’t only the smokey eye she had or the thick eyeliner or even the blue contacts she usually wears; it was all the same. Her nails were black. Her style was the same. Oh, her lips. He has never seen her with a natural pink lip color. That was new.

“What does this mean?” Sehun told him.

Baekhyun looked at him. “I don’t really know. Minji maybe felt like it was time for a change?”

Sehun took his arm and drag him to an empty room. “Why so rude? If you want to take me to an empty room, you should invite me dinner first.” Baekhyun said playfully.

“This.” Sehun shows him a paper. The paper. He wasn’t having Baekhyun’s jokes. “You can't tell me you are not behind this.”

Baekhyun took the paper. “Behind this? It’s just an article!”

“Well, from all the unnecessary attention I been getting, it looks like it’s the end of my peacefully high school life.”

Bawkhyun rolled his eyes. “You make it sound like it’s the end of the world. It’s just a nomination for class president. It's not bad.”

“Shouldn’t you have asked me first?”

“It's only a nomination! You don’t even have to accept it, but it will be pretty dumb if you don’t. I just thought being class president would be perfect for you!”

“Yeah? How? I don’t care about popularity or anything of those things. I just want to enjoy high school.”

“And that right there is what makes you such an excellent candidate for class! Just think about it—You’d be fair, you’ll treat everyone equally.”

Sehun shook his head. “I don’t even know them! Or anything about this school for the matter.”

“Even better! That way you’ll take the time to know every club or clique or whatever you want to call them.”

“But I don’t want to. Someone else could do it.”

“Are you kidding? It has been weeks without a nomination.” Baekhyun put his hand on one of Sehun’s broad shoulder “Just think about it. You don’t need to accept it but just yesterday you told me how all these cliques sickened you, right?”

“Is this some kind of revenge?”

“I'm doing you a huge favor!

After their little discussion, they went to their next class.

Mr. Kim walked in and told everyone to sit. “Now. Before we start announcements, I want everyone to give a big round of applause to Sehun. Thanks to him, you do not have to hear me telling you about the elections—“

Junmyeon interrupted him. “So new kid.” He glared at Sehun. “Let me see if I got this right. You haven't even been here a week and you think you got what it takes to be class president?”

“I'm just as surprised as you are.”

“You are new, You know no one. We barely know you. Who would nominate you?”

Baekhyun flinched reflexively, knocking his pencil case to the floor. He knelt to pick it up, hitting his head on the edge of his desk as he sat up. With a loud crash, all his books fell into the floor. When he finally got back to his seat, everyone was staring at him.

“Now the mystery is solved, we can move on.” Mr. Kim leaned back against his desk. “Is there anyone who would like to nominate another candidate?”

“Bull.” One of Junmyeon’s monkeys said.

“Minho,” Mr. Kimk said mildly. “Could you explained yourself in a more appropriate way?”

“This is only for him to create a crappy history for his stupid newspaper!”

“It's not stupid!” Baekhyun stood up, sending his notebook to the floor again. “We take our stories seriously! I didn’t nominate Sehun for the newspaper! I did it for the school!”

Half of the class scoffed. “For the school?” Junmyeon said.

“Maybe you didn’t read last week’s editorial, but—“

“Nobody reads it.”

Baekhyun decided to ignore that comment and kept saying. “the number of students late for school or skipping class increased dramatically. We are acting how everyone expects us to act. We are just proving parents and teachers that teenagers can't be mature. That’s why I nominated Sehun because we need someone that cares about making a difference and he is not afraid to speak up. So there.” Baekyung sat down.

Some of the classmates laughed.

“I guess he is right.” Yixing shrugged.

“No, he is not.” Junmyeon shook his head. “We voted for Kris. We should get Kris. Are we a stereotype? I don’t care—“

“Stop right there,” Mr. Kim interrupted him. ”That’s a personal opinion about Kris. He and Zi Tao are no longer students, the class needs a new president—“

“Says who?” Junmyeon stood, crossing his arms across his chest. “We voted for Kris. Him or nothing.”

“I second Sehun for president.”

The class turned to stare.

Minji leaned back in her chair. “We didn’t decide. You decided, rich boy. You want to make the decision for us, you run for president.” There was a murmur that sounded like agreement.

“Great, the loser and the emo. But you know, that's not a bad idea. We should have a president who actually knows how things work around here” Junmyeon said. “Someone like me.”

“I nominate Joohyun!” Everyone stared at Jongin.


“Me?” Joohyun’s pretty face was proof that you didn’t need permission to nominate a candidate. “I can't be class president!”

“Why not?” Jongin turned to her. “You wrote Kris’ campaign speech for him. You know this school, you're organized and you care about the formal.”

Joohyun bit her lips. “I don’t know. Hmm” Her gazed traveled the room, fell on Baekhyun and suddenly she nodded. “I accept the nomination.”

“Two candidates! This is truly impressive! Does anyone want a third? No? Then I will keep on the class.”

They all opened their books. Baekhyun glanced over at Sehun. Was I the only one who’d noticed he hasn’t accepted his nomination? Baekhyun thought.




By the time Baekhyun arrived at art class, Mrs. Choi had given permission to use the period to make campaign posters. Sehun was at the center of a ring of girls who giggled as they worked.

“Can I speak to Sehun for a moment?” Baekhyun asked the girls. They all nodded.

“But you are not allowed to make him move,” Sooyoung said.

Sehun’s lips twitched in what might have been a smile. “What’s up?”

“Being nominated. I mean, you didn’t even accept it—“

“That rich guy who threw the tantrum decided for me. I don’t think I could handle a year of him telling me what to do.”

Bekhyun felt relieved and smile. “Really?”

“Junmyeon’s a jerk, anyway.” One of the girls said frowning at her drawing. “I don’t know why we let him get away with things. He is not even that cute.”

“He is rich, dating a senior and one of the most intelligent in school.”

“She’s pity-dating him. He’s only boyfriend number three.”

“Boyfriend number three?” Sehun asked.

“Yeah. Guys do it. So why can't we? You are for equality, right?” Yerim told him.

“Yeah, but I didn’t imagine equality like that.”

“If only people were more open and honest and accepting of each other’s need and desires, the world would be a better place.“ Sooyoung said.

“Does he even know he’s boyfriend three?”

“No. He thinks he’s number two.” They all laughed.

“So, how many boyfriends does Baekhyun have?” Sehun asked quickly before they changed the topic, curiosity obvious in his face.

“Me?” Baekhyun said.

“Zero,” Sooyoung said. “Not since he was dumped by the basketball team.”

Sehun blinked. “The team?”

“Not like that!” Baekhyun hurry to answer, feeling his face hot. He was definitely blushing.

“Mr. Byun, that’s not classroom volume.”

“Sorry, Mrs. Choi.” Baekhyun sat down. “It was not the basketball team. I was dating Yixing.”

“And he dumped you because his teammates made him. Therefore—“ Nayeon smirked.

“You don’t know that.” Baekhyun hissed. “Maybe I wasn’t a very good boyfriend. Maybe we fought. Maybe he was already planning on dumping me. You don’t know.”

“I don’t know why he would do that,” Sehun said in an almost whisper. But before they could all react, Mrs. Choi gave them a warning.




Here next chapter! Please comment what you think and if there's any doubt or anything feel free to ask! :D Thank you! XOXO

ps. I will be busy the next two weeks so I'll probably upload the next two chapters tomorrow and Sunday's night :D Tell me if it's all right! Or you would like to wait? 

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mentita_mentito #1
Chapter 8: I just came across this story and it got me hooked the moment I started reading. I like the way you've developed the plot and the characters. And then I get to this chapter and realized it's been almost three years since the last update!!!! Please continue this story!! I don't understand how this doesn't have more views and subscribers, but it's definitely worth the reading. Anyway, I hope you update anytime soon ^-^
kimhyoki #2
Chapter 8: Hii, your story is so great. I love it so much. The story plot, your style of writing like a scenario which only i see in movie, and all above the great Sebaek.
Your story deserves better, Sebaek deserves better hehehehe
Please, can you continue this story? I will wait for you okeeyy
Thank you so much for you :))
Chapter 8: Next chap next chap next chap next chap~ update update update update update~
Chapter 8: Can’t wait :)
Chapter 8: I cant wait for the next chap..
Chapter 8: cant wait for the next chapter!!! gahhhh!!
playfull_prinxe #7
Chapter 8: Idk y i feel hurt....
Chapter 8: "with how privileged guys are." pardon?
BubbbleTeaaa #9
Chapter 8: Beakhyun is a jerk