Like Burger and Fries

Diggy Oneshot Collection

A/N Seulgi works in a fastfood and Eunae is a customer. 


Because I will never be over them, everrr...




“Wow Eunae, they could probably buy a shoelace from all that change you’re donating.”


It is always a wise decision to pick and choose your battles. And this one is a battle Eunae has no plans in picking. Like always, it would be a smarter and less stressful choice to ignore her best friend's sarcastic remark and just continue with her good deed of the day.


She emptied out her loose change inside the can labeled Kim Yerim Foundation, bringing a smile on her face at the thought of someday making Kim Yerim’s life a whole lot better.


“Hi! Welcome to Red Flavor!”


A perky, sweet voice announced cut through Eunae’s gift giving. She looked up and was about to place her order when.


“He- Oh…”


Oh my gosh…


She just came to Red Flavor Café because Dohee has been raving nonstop about their 100 percent Angus beef burgers. And Jo Eunae being a burger connoisseur decided to check it out finally.


She just finished a grueling calculus exam and what better way to reward herself than with a burger? Nahyun, her bestfriend and at the same time worst enemy is down whenever food is involved. Eunae walked in this quaint fastfood joint to get a burger, but instead, she got these weird butterflies in her stomach kind of feeling at the sight of the cashier.


If there’s an award for World’s most adorable cashier, the cashier in front of her wins it. Eunae will bet Nahyun’s life on it.


Eunae looked at her and assumed that the ice cream machine threw up on her with how her uniform has splatters of all 44 flavors. But she looks so darn cute with those twin braids and that teddy bear smile.


She knows she has an exam in Accounting to worry about and a presentation in her management class, but that’s like shoved at the very back of her head as she looks at the girl in front of her.


There was just something so comforting about the girl manning the counter. It was like waking up to a rainy Sunday morning with Bolballgan4 songs playing in the background just coming to life.


“Eunae, you’re holding up the line,” Her bestfriend Nahyun nudged or more of shoved her back to reality.


“Oh, hi. I’m Eunae,”


Wait… hold on… did she just introduce herself to a waitress?


“Oh ummm… hi, Eunae, what can I get for you?”


“Ummm can I have your- ahhh.”




Eunae shook her head before swallowing a golf size lump in .


“Your classic burger and fries and some sweet tea.”


“Okay, the classic burger,” The cute cashier looked like she had never seen or know how to work a cash register before. Those crescent eyes blinked nervously at the machine like she’s about to diffuse a bomb. But her confused expression looks so darn cute that Eunae doesn’t mind standing there for hours.


And upon further inspection, and leaning in real close to read her name tag. Eunae learned that cute waitress name is Seulgi.


“and fries and sweet tea? Is that all you want for today?”


And your number, please…




Eunae pulled out her wallet but is finding it quite hard to dig through her bills with the cutie pie like that.


“Okay… that will be 110.79 cents.”


“Wait? What now?” Eunae is never loud, but her voice jumped a pitch higher in surprise.


“God damn! Does that order come with a whole cow?” Nahyun pointed out, making the cashier fret, Eunae got worried that she’ll have a seizure right then and there.


“Oh no… no… I’m sorry… I’m sorry… hold on… hold on… I’m sorry. It’s umm… 11 and 79 cents. I’m sorry… I still get my decimals wrong,” The cashier mumbles sheepishly, and it’s taking all of Eunae’s guts not to jump across the counter and squish those blushing cheeks.


“No… no… that’s okay. It happens to everyone.”


To elementary kids maybe, not a grown adult. And it definitely shouldn’t happen to someone who works in a cash register.


“Okay, here’s your number,” Cute waitress stepped away from the counter. Nahyun usually has an IDGAF attitude, but still can be quite intuitive, she obviously knows that something is going on with Eunae, as she flashed her bestfriend a eating grin.


“…and your order is coming right up.”


The pretty waitress named Seulgi flashed that super adorable smile. And for a second there, Eunae forgot that she needed to kill Nahyun.




“Girl you got to return it.”


Nahyun pointed out as Eunae experienced her greatest disappointment yet. And Eunae is used to disappointments… but this… this just shot a bullet through her burger loving heart when she saw a chicken patty instead of the 100 percent Angus beef that she saw in every social media post.


“No…no… I don’t want to hurt…” Eunae turned to the cute teddy bear doing her best, looking so adorable as she pawed around the cash register. “…her feelings.”


What kind of a monster would hurt a sweet teddy bear’s feelings?


Nahyun let out a sigh, “If you don’t want to hurt her feelings, I’ll hurt them for you.”


She didn’t have to look far for an answer. The monster is right there stealing her fries, instead of eating her own.


“What? No! NO! NO! NO! Don't do that… it’s okay… I have always been curious about the chicken burger.” Eunae smiled reassuringly, but Nahyun looked like she’s far from convinced. Eunae took a huge bite of her chicken burger, hoping for Nahyun to drop the subject.


“Mmmmm… this is pretty good. I think I have a new favorite now.” She lied and obviously Nahyun knew it because she answered with a scoff before taking a bite of her burger.


But at least Eunae learned one thing that night…


Hamburger >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chicken Burger




Cute cashier Seulgi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hamburger




“Bye Eunae-shii! Have a good day thanks for coming!”


Seulgi waved goodbye, and Eunae thought she’s about to spontaneously combust from all the feels. But just before she explodes, her amazing bestfriend snickered in Eunae’s expense before adding,


“Oh, she came alright.”




“Are you going out on a date or something?”


Eunae didn’t bother looking away from her reflection and at the shade that her roommate Minjae is throwing at her.


“What? No. Why you asked?”


“You’re curling your hair.” Minjae was pointing out the obvious.


“I just… you know want a new look.”


“So? Who is it? The librarian? A student assistant?” Sumin, Minjae’s friend or more than friend pointed out.


Is this how nerdy her friends think she is? That she’ll crush on a librarian?

And God Damn since when did her dorm room became a motel?


“It’s… it’s… it’s no one, okay?”


“And you have make up on.”


“Can you guys just drop it?!” Eunae’s octave climbed way up the charts as she defended herself against her so called friends. Can someone just try to look good without trying to impress someone?






Eunae walked in Red Flavor and the first thing she notices is pretty cashier Seulgi glancing at her.


She made her look twice, but Eunae is going to pretend that she doesn’t notice it. But that’s easier said than done when a smile is about to break off her cheeks.


“Get her order…” The munchkin in the next register whispered to her.


“Ummm… Hello, Eunae-yah, what could I get for you today?”




“Excuse me?”


Oh my freaking God, did she say that out loud?


“I… I meant… you could give me ummm… your Red Meal number 2.”


“Okay, Red Meal number 2.”


Ask her how her day is?”


“Sooooo, how was your day?”


Seulgi looked up from the cash register with a complete look of shock on her face.


“Oh, it’s quite good. And yours?”


“It’s good too.”


Seulgi’s lips spread in a sweet smile that had Eunae’s heart just beating erratically. “That’s awesome to hear. Would you like some dessert to go with that?”


She doesn’t but because it’s Seulgi who’s asking…


“Ummm yes. Could I have your mango ice cream please?”



“Would that be all?”


Oh my God, she’s so pretty I could just stare at her all day.


“Oh ummm… can I get chicken nuggets too?”


“Just the chicken nuggets or the meal?”


“The meal please…”


“Okay… so you ordered Red meal number 2, mango ice cream and chicken nuggets meal. Is that all?”


Seulgi was just reading her order, but she made it sound like words dripping with honey, poetry at its finest form. Shakespeare sunbaenim is gonna be shook.


“Yea- no- no- ummm… can I get your Caesar salad.”


“A large Caesar salad?”


Salads are for freaking cows. Well, Jo Eunae you better start mooing now.




“I’m going to repeat your order, you have a red meal number 2, mango ice cream, chicken nuggets meal, Caesar Salad. Your total is-”


“I want a shake too? A chocolate shake.”


She couldn’t tell if Seulgi is impressed or worried about her health at everything she ordered.


“You want a shake too?”


“Yes… I-I didn’t eat breakfast today, so, I’m you know… a bit hungry.”


“Is that everything?”


You, Seulgi is everything.


And her order… Is everything…


She wouldn’t be surprised if she died of a massive heart attack from all this fat and grease. Eunae could almost imagine what her tombstone is going to say.


Here lies Jo Eunae

Died from being a hoe.




Isn’t she the most cutest thing in the world?


Most and cutest, Eunae you’re getting to be extremely redundant. But she’s more than willing to break every grammar rule for Seulgi.


The cute Teddy bear waitress has her order now, weaving through throngs of the lunchtime crowd to get to her booth.


She should say something to her… Yes, that’s right. A compliment of how awesome their service is. Or how cute she is- okay that might be pushing it. She’ll save the you’re the cutest waitress in the world on the tenth time she goes over there.


Eunae is extremely shy, but she could cough up at least one sentence, right?


After going through a maze run to get to her, Seulgi is already a feet apart from her when she tripped on, what Eunae could assume is air and spilled everything on her.




And there goes her lunch all over her shirt, all over the floor and all over everywhere but the table.

“Oh my God! Nooo… I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry...”


“No… no it’s alright.” Seulgi looks like she’s about to break into tears any second now. Oh no… she makes Seulgi cry, she’s a monster!


“It’s you know, I have been feeling hot today, so the spilled tea on my shirt definitely cooled me down. Thank you.”


Seulgi paused cutely trying to make sense of her explanation but then started pouting again.




“No…no… let me get you a new one.”


Now she made Seulgi nervous and more frantic. She’s a horrible human being.


“It’s okay… it’s okay really.”


“No, it’s not.” Seulgi pouted some more before taking up a tree worth of napkins and starts dabbing it on her chest. Eunae stiffened at the touch, she was trying to clear , but no words or sounds can come out.


“Oooohhh Seulgi unnie,” A bratty looking blonde smirks so devilishly that Eunae won’t be surprised if she’s the incarnation of the devil. “Going to second base already?”


“What? Oh God!” Seulgi jumps back as she realizes what she was doing. “I’m so sorry, Eunae-shii.”


“It’s okay,” Eunae could barely get the word out.





It was Eunae’s turn to jump back as she sees Seulgi bouncing from heel to heel while waiting for her to come out of the restroom.


“I’m so sorry,” Seulgi bows down so low; she looks like she’s apologizing for the sins of her forefathers.


“It’s okay, it is. Accidents happen.” Eunae waves her off.


“Your next meal will be on me.”


“What? No. no. It’s okay. I don’t want to be a burden.”


Seulgi looks up at her with a soft smile that had the worse effects for Eunae’s heart.


“If you like we could go to-“


“Seulgi unnie! The boss wants you!”


“Oh, I got to go… sorry again.”




“See you next time, Eunae?”


“Y-yes…” Eunae barely manages to say out, and she didn’t know if it’s too many burgers or the effects of Seulgi’s smile, but she felt her heart about to jump out of .




It’s her nth time in three weeks that Eunae came to Red Flavor and she doesn’t know if it’s a heart attack coming or Seulgi that is making her feel like this.


But this hopeless crush is as hopeless as it gets.


All she and Seulgi does is exchange glances and shy smiles before Seulgi has to get busy with a customer. There was small talk here and there, turns out Seulgi graduated the year before from their same university. And that now she does the waitressing while working for different dance companies.


In three weeks, Seulgi also mixes up her order, spilled more stuff on her, but here she is, still coming back everytime.


To say she wasn’t disappointed that Seulgi is nowhere in sight would be a gigantic lie.


“So, you have a crush on me, don’t you?”


The girl flipped her fiery red hair.


“Wait- excuse me?”


“Oh c’mon… no need to lie. You’re here almost everyday. So, you must have a crush on someone here and judging how there is really a limited choice, either a midget, a demon, a dumb bear or an ahjumma or a walking perfection, it’s not even a question. I would say a 100 percent that it’s me.”


It’s not you.


“N-no I just really like your burgers. That’s all.”


“Really?” the girl raised a judgmental brow at her. “It’s not even that good.”


“I… I really like it.”


“Just as much as you like Seulgi?”






Oh, holy .


“N-n-n-no… I ummm…”


“Ohhh Seulgi unnie,” The red haired surprisingly named Joy called out to the back, and it was enough to put Eunae in a frenzy.




Eunae starts waving her arms, hoping Joy would drop the subject.


“Someone here is here to see you.”


“Oh hold on,”


Joy turned to Eunae with a devilish smirk, before she added.


“You know Seulgi unnie is our worse employee, but somehow she’s extra worse with you.”


Was that a compliment or an insult? Eunae couldn’t tell. But Joy is nowhere near done.


“Like she is a bumbling idiot that can’t think straight or get anything right when she’s around you.”


Eunae didn’t get a chance to decipher whatever Joy is saying when her phone started ringing.


“Oh… ummm… look my phone it’s ringing!”


Eunae gulps as she sees the name flashing on the screen.






“N-nahyun chill…”


“Don’t ask me to chill when I’m starving. I’m so hungry that I almost ate Minjae’s food that’s how hungry I am! Where the are you, Jo Eunae?”


“I’m ummm… doing homework?”


“In the library on a Friday night. Now, where are you?”


“Ummm somewhere…”


“Where is somewhere? Is that a new restaurant? What do they serve there? Fries seasoned with Indecisions?”


Eunae let out a groan in defeat, and she knew how relentless Nahyun is she might as well say it.


“I’m in Red Flavor’s right now.”


“Red? Red Flavor?”


It was quiet for a few seconds, and Eunae felt scared knowing it’s a never good sign when Nahyun is quiet. But then, Nahyun started bursting in laughing, not those cute giggly ones, but the ones that sounded like Imma kill this betch kind of laugh.


“God… I hope she’s worth it.”


“What are you talking about?”


“I can’t believe I almost put a missing page about you on my Facebook account. But look what we have here, you’re just being a hoe.”


“Najjang quit it.”


“Did you even ask her out?”


“What? No… no… I’m not. I came here because their burger is made with 100 percent Angus beef! And their French fries… their French fries came from the organic farm-”


“Bull! Their fries could be made of Styrofoam, and you’ll still eat it.”


“No, I won’t…” Probably if it has some catsup and mayo, it won’t be as bad.


Eunae could imagine Nahyun’s eyes just rolling around in her sockets.


“Oh God… here we go. I’m going there.”


“What? No… I’ll just buy you something. W-w-w-what would you like?”


“I would like for you to go over there and asked her out.”


“No… God that’s so unprofessional. She might lose her job.”


“She’s lucky she’s still has a job. Talk to you later…”


“What? No-no-no-no… Nahyun… Nahyun… please… please… don’t come over here. Please? Nahyun? Nahyun?”


Nothing but the dial tone.


This was going to be the worse day of Eunae’s life, she could feel it in her insides. But she hasn't seen her darling waitress yet. She’ll just have to bear it, grabbing her tea and burger from the counter.


She took a sip of her tea and winced as the carbonated drink flows down .


Is it her? Or does this tea taste a bit funny?




“There you are!” Nahyun said as soon as she spotted her bestfriend in her booth, fingers going crazy on her phone and a gaze that made even someone like Nahyun take a step back.


Oh … someone had caffeine.


“Hey, Eunae? What are you doing right now?”


“I am just raving in yelp how awesome this place is and how absolutely perfect Seulgi is.”


Oh God, here we go.


“Oh, you did?” Nahyun said while getting her phone ready to video this epicness.


“I did! But you know what Nahyun? Why would I say that to Yelp when the best waitress in the world is right there working the counter?!”


“You are so right…”


“I should go tell her that.”


Nahyun motions to the side, ready to lead the way to the counter if that’s the push her bestfriend needs. But Eunae doesn’t need any motivation, all she needs is her caffeine, and she’s good to go.


“Hello Eunae,” But Seulgi was taken aback at the usual sweet customer looking at her with that wide eye gaze. “Can I get you anything?”


“Yup!.” Eunae leaned over the counter; she would have jumped up if she could. “You know what’s the best thing in your menu is?”


“Our 100 percent Angus beef hamburgers?”


Eunae waved a finger at her with a greasy smirk plastered on her face. “Nope. Try again.”


“Our fresh farm potatoes?”


“Nope. It’s you…”


Seulgi blinks those almond eyes so cutely that it made Eunae squeal her lungs out.


“You’re so cute!”


“It’s… it’s who again?”


“You baby bear.”


“W-w-who?” Seulgi was getting more and more confused by the second.


“The one thing I want to eat in this place is you... Kang Seulgi.”


This would be the best time for Nahyun to plop a paper bag on her face and dissociate herself from any relations with Eunae. But Nahyun isn’t the type who abandons you in your moment of weakness. Kim Nahyun is the type of bestfriend who will record this horrible memory on her phone and send it to everyone in her contact list.


“Keep em coming, Jo… keep em coming.” Nahyun continued filming while giving her bestfriend an OK sign.


“I wanna order you, Kang Seulgi.”




“Yes you, Kang Seulgi… I wanna order you… You're like the fries to my burger. Can I order you? To go please.”


“Do you want a side of fries with that order?” Yeri asked, her eyes big in anticipation.


“Sure! You know before I couldn’t understand musicals, like why are these idiots dancing in the middle of the LA freeway in rush hour. But now I know… you let me know.”


“What did I let you know?”


“That I’m so happy because of you! And because of that I want to sing!”


“Go ahead!” Yeri happily handed Eunae the microphone. “Sing your heart out.”


“Don’t mind if I do! Everyone!” Eunae jumped on top of the counter and Wendy’s brow frantically jumped off her forehead.


“I…I…I don’t think the health inspec-“ Wendy tried to put a warning, but it was too late because there was Eunae on top of the counter breaking in a song that will have Red Velvet shook or scared for their life.


Nahyun just cackles like the devil that she is fulfilling her bestfriend duties as she handed the waitress a note.


“Just in case you want to call her.”














PS Their burger is made from 100 Percent Angus Beef.


Eunae lowers her phone with a shaky hand before looking at Nahyun’s face. Her so called bestfriend just let her do all this?


“Y-you let me post this?” Eunae asked, her voice cracking as she’s about to break into tears.


Nahyun continues to sip her drink noisily. “I couldn’t stop you, sorry.”


She didn’t sound the least bit sorry.


“Yes, you could!” Eunae slumps down on her desk. “You could yank the phone out of my hand!”


“Well, I thought about it.”


“But you didn’t though?!”


“Hey… it’s the thought that ing counts.”


“I will never show myself there again.”


“That’s probably a good idea since they have a restraining order against you anyway.”


Eunae isn’t sure if Nahyun is throwing some BS again or if she’s been smack by a restraining order. But it was enough to make her slumped her head on the cafeteria table.


“Gee thanks.”


“Hey don’t feel terrible, remember I gave her your cell number. So, maybe she’ll text you.”


Eunae doesn’t know if Seulgi would ever call her now, but it doesn’t hurt to hope.


“You think?”


“Probably not.”


Eunae just groaned at the honesty she got from her bestfriend. It’s not like she could blame Seulgi for this. Only a person with issues would contact the person who serenades her on top of a restaurant counter.




Nahyun is freaking right.


It’s been more than two weeks, and there was still no sign of a call or a text from Seulgi. It’s not like she could blame her or anything. Eunae had seen the video of the torture she put Seulgi through; she wouldn’t even be surprised if Seulgi is in therapy now for emotional trauma.


Eunae just lets out a sigh, while continuing to scribble teddy bears and Seulgi’s name all over her notes.


Hopefully, in six weeks her heart won’t be aching this much.




This was a cruel joke.


A cruel joke that only her bestfriend could ever concoct as Eunae just stared at the Red to go paper bag on her desk. She has exams to study for, a research paper to finish and a powerpoint presentation begging to be done. And this is what Nahyun does? Distract her with Seulgi thoughts?


She stormed downstairs and was ready to launch the bag to the trash or maybe give it to the neighboring cats when…


“Ummm Eunae?”


Eunae heard her name all her life, but just the sound of her name from her lips and she felt like she’s been reborn at the sound of her name. But oh my God… if she thought Seulgi was adorable in her waitress outfit, she looks absolutely divine out of it.


She meant wearing something else, although Eunae thinks Seulgi would look good out of anything too.






There she is, the waitress/ girl of her dreams just approaching her with two large cups that Eunae pray to God isn’t coke.


“Oh, you got the food I sent?”


“The food?” Eunae was too busy staring at the Goddess that she forgot she had the paper bag in her hand. “Oh yes? You- you got me this?”


“Ummm yeah. I… I haven’t seen you in the restaurant, so I thought maybe you miss it.”


I miss you more.


“Oh yeah ummm… I want to lay low a bit after everything.” Eunae managed to mumble while Seulgi took the spot next to her.


“Well, your review kind of boost our popularity.”


Oh God, just kill her now, please.


“They’re coming in asking for Seulgi… I mean me,” Seulgi’s eyes disappeared in crescents. “So, thank you for that.”


Eunae tried to steady herself by sitting down on the curb, and Seulgi was quick to follow. This was the closest they have ever been, and it’s both exhilarating and nerve wrecking at the same time.


“Well, I’m glad to help.” If what she’s doing is called helping. “You ummm… you probably got a lot of customers asking you out.”


Seulgi answered her question with a soft nod, and it was enough to crush Eunae’s hope.


“There’s quite a few of them but I… I’m only forward to seeing just one.”


“Oh? Who?”


Eunae tries to still her heart from the potential heartache.


“I really look forward to seeing you. To see you just studying in the booth with all the food. You ummm… you make my day… always.”


Eunae could only blink in confusion, as she let Seulgi’s words slowly sink in.


“When I have a terrible day at work, I just look over to where you are, and you have ummm… this effect on me, where you just make everything so much better.”


Seulgi gazes on the ground, a shy smile gracing her lips. Eunae just sat there still trying to take in every word that she just heard. This is a dream, right?


“I was kinda…” Seulgi lets out a sigh. “I don’t know how to say it, disappointed? when I didn’t see you the next day and then the day after that and after that.”


“I ummm… I just thought that you wouldn’t want to see me. I wouldn’t be surprised if I scared you or scarred you or both.”


“No,” Seulgi shook her head, and just something that simple was enough to take Eunae’s breath away. “I was shocked, but in a way, I was happy. Very happy that you feel that way too.”


Eunae was smiling too, a little too widely perhaps but who cares?


The only thing she could do is flash a sweet smile at Seulgi before digging inside the bag, her smile just grew wider as she sees her order right there, her 100 percent Angus beef burger and farm fresh potatoes.


“I didn’t get you a dessert.”


“No, this is okay. No, I meant this is great. Thank you.”


“I was just wondering maybe… we could go someplace for dessert?” Seulgi asks sheepishly.


“What?!” Eunae says in a high pitch tone, which completely threw Seulgi’s composure away. “I… I meant sure! I would love that.”


“I know this great place for bingsoo.”


Eunae wanted to ask Seulgi why she would like to take a chance with her. After the whole caffeinated stunt in the restaurant, she’s more than surprise that Seulgi still wants to be in a 100 meter radius of her. But maybe it’s good to keep some things to herself; maybe she should just delight at the thought that she brightens up Seulgi’s day and that Seulgi would like to take her out to dessert, that Seulgi is right here willing to take a chance on them.


She might be the worse customer ever in the history of Red Velvet Café, but she promises herself she’ll be the best dessert date for Seulgi.


One bingsoo at a time.


Eunae looks over to the pretty girl next to her, eyes sparkling at the thought of them together before she says,


“Bingsoo sounds awesome.”




After a few months…


“Here, let me get that for you.”


Seulgi didn’t get a chance to react when someone swiped the gigantic trash bag from her grip, but not before Eunae stole a kiss on her lips.


“Yah Eunae-yah!” Seulgi squeals, hoping the blush won’t be so obvious. They have been dating for a couple of months, but the girl still has power to still make her blush so easily.


But it wasn’t just the blush that makes her so terrible. Seulgi is pretty sure she looks pretty awful too. She has been working 12 hours straight, moving from the cash register to the drive-thru to the fries. She bet she smells like grease and burgers now.


What a huge turn off.


But Eunae doesn’t look like she cared a bit as she launches the trash on the dumpster. Their hands automatically linked before they went into the kitchen, taking turns to wash their hands.


Seulgi knew that the one cure for all this stress was a hug. She was ready to give her girlfriend a back hug but backed away when she remembers the state that she’s in.


The café looked like a whole different place now, as the night closes in on them and the girls are finally ready to call it a night. She and Yeri were assigned to close for the night, but when Yeri heard that Eunae is coming, Yeri did a disappearing act that would have Houdini shook.


But Seulgi doesn’t mind; she loves having Eunae all to herself. Her studious girlfriend plopping on her usual booth with her books while Seulgi finished closing up.


But tonight, Seulgi would be a little rebel stealing this moment alone to have a date with her girlfriend. She pulls out a cheeseburger and some fries before placing it in front of her girlfriend as she slides in front of her.


Eunae looks at the burger then back at her with a gigantic smile.


“Why are you sitting there?”


“Well, I have been working all day.”


Eunae decided to take matters into her own hands and took the spot next to her. She made sure she got her girlfriend’s favorite down to a tee. From how melted the cheese is on the beef patty, to how Eunae wants her buns to where it’s slightly toasted, to the exact catsup to mayo ratio for her French fries dip.


She always wonders why on Earth someone as pretty and smart and sweet as Eunae would take a chance on her. She’s just a recent college graduate who might as well be unemployed as she juggles waitressing and going to different auditions. There might be a lot of more eligible hotties ready to steal her girlfriend’s heart away, but here is Eunae still choosing to spend her Friday nights here, waiting for her to finish closing.


But maybe it’s good to keep some questions to herself. Maybe she should just delight at the thought that Eunae is right next to her, with their hands link together underneath the table as she leafs through her notes and highlights her books. Maybe she should just delight on going home with Eunae, snuggling in front of her laptop as they bingewatch another series tonight.


Seulgi leans her head on Eunae’s shoulder before Eunae stole a kiss on her hair.


“You smell so good.” Eunae coos, her nose still buried in Seulgi’s hair.


“Liar,” Seulgi jokes, too tired to give Eunae a light slap on her arm. “Here you go,”


She feeds Eunae french fries, and her younger girlfriend just gives her a squishy smile before turning back again to her notes.


Seulgi just chuckles before just taking a deep breath, resting on her girlfriend’s shoulder as she let Eunae study.


Yes, she might not have accomplished much yet. And Yes, she’s not even the best waitress in this place. But if there’s one thing she wants to be best at, it’s making sure she makes her girlfriend feel like the most special girl in the world.


One order of burger and fries at a time.




Shoutout to the amazing author who linked me this tweet about RV working in the fastfood restaurant. hehe. 


Hope you guys enjoy! Thank you so much if you're reading this. 

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Chapter 5: i love this one... like this a little too much.
Chapter 3: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1270127/3'>Tonight and Always</a></span>
i jumped a bit as if i heard the song lol

suddenly want to read diggy fics again after last night suddenly thinking (or more like imagining) seul with eunae lol
Chapter 9: Couldn't stop laughing throughout this XD
SilverStorm13 #4
Chapter 9: Gosh i love the humour in your fic. Little dialouges but already enough to shine through. Wenrene dynamics is just on point and Diggy is so precious.
Chapter 5: This is my favorite chap
Rizzot_1010 #6
Chapter 9: Thank you so much! Diggy is currently my favorite ship, so an update makes me really happy! :D
wansie #7
Chapter 9: diggy so cute :)))

thanks for the update author~nim.
I'm actually looking for some diggy story ^__^
11 streak #8
Chapter 9: <3
Chapter 9: Even tho the naughtiest diggy always should be paired with the 'fluff' tag because these two are just the purest and I love this so much. Ps. Yeri should make her own stupid triggering questions dictionary tho, that girl too brilliant..