
Never A Burden

Today was tiring, indeed, for a student named Hirai Momo. The blonde girl couldn’t even complain, much to her dismay. Her schedule was packed since early in the morning—having a morning classes up to noon and extra co-curricular activity until 4 in the evening. To be honest, Momo didn’t like to attend those boring classes, but exam just around the corner. She’s not a bright student, that’s why she need to pay attention more in classes rather studying in the library.

After cracking some bones and joints, Momo rushed to the café down the town, not too far from her campus, which made it easier for her to walk rather than taking bus or taxi. Those cost her some of her living expanse. She has another evening shift as a part time cashier at Starbucks. The paid was big, but the job was tiring. After all, Starbucks are popular among youngsters.

Finally, Momo can call it a day. Her shift ended at ten and her body was worn out already. She smelled . On the other hand, her thought was running to her comfy bad at home, and warm bath. She hoped the ride takes only a minute because damn, she wanted to sleep after a hectic day.

The bus arrived. There were people rushing down but waited for her turn to enter the bus. What a luck. After all, the bus still packed with passengers and Momo can see, her favourite spot has been occupied by someone earlier. But at least, she got to stand by it.

The person who occupied Momo’s seat was oblivious of her surround. It has been minutes since the bus moves, but neither one of those times the person spare a glance at anything except outside the window. Momo found herself staring at this person.

The person was a she, with a long black hair lying on her shoulder, and wearing a light blue dress with Momo found it suit the girl, on how the way it portrays the latter’s feminine side. Since the girl was too immersed as she looking outside, she didn’t realise that another person was checking her out. Momo saw the dirty gaze that a man maybe in his forties gave to the girl. She felt the need to protect. And so, Momo moved forward, completely blocking the man’s view.

10.30 pm. This ride may take around 20 minutes—if there not any traffic issues—for Momo to reach her home. With a span time of five minutes walking, she would surely arrive home at 10.55 pm. During the time, Momo never look at anything except the girl. Apparently, the girl’s lock was covering part of her face, making it difficult for Momo to see. But Momo wouldn’t mind that because she bet the girl is pretty.

10 minutes more. Momo still looking at the girl. Somehow, she found the corner of her lips slightly moving upwards as she watching the art in front of her. Her heart surprisingly beating faster than before.

2 minutes. Momo waited for the bus to slow down and finally to stop at a bus stop near her home. The bus finally pulled off which much to Momo’s happiness. Momo was ready to leave the bus for her home, only when she saw the girl stood up. Momo’s smile getting wider.

The girl turned and faced Momo. She searched for something in her bag and took out something, more like a cane and opened the fold. The sound of cane hitting the bus floor erupted Momo’s ear, as some of the passengers gave the bling girl a way to the door. Momo followed suit.

Before the girl, which Momo acknowledged that she is blind, walk away, she caught up her path and grabbed her wrist, much to the girl’s shock. She wanted to pull away of the stranger, but knowing it was someone she knew, she let out a smile instead.


The said girl’s smile getting wider and wider, though she can’t see. After assuring the girl of her presence, she slipped her hand with the latter’s intertwining their fingers. The blind girl quickly remember something.

“Are you with me all along?” The girl asked as they walked together to home. “I thought you said you will go home later than usual.” Momo nodded.

“It’s true, but my manager released me earlier. After all, he knew my packed schedule. It’s Monday.” Momo replied. She held the hand tighter.

The girl stopped abruptly stopped, making Momo confused. “What’s wrong, Mina?”

Mina folded her cane and turned to face Momo. Her hand was quivered as she made it to Momo’s face, slightly brushing her messy bang. The fingers elegantly tracing her features from her eyebrow, down to her eyes, nose and make it last stop on her lips. She frowned out of worries.

“You must be tired.” She said. “I know Monday is the most hectic day for you. Actually, it’s every day.”

Momo smiled as her hand reached to hold Mina’s that place on her face. “It’s okay. I got a day-off tomorrow. The class for tomorrow was cancelled too.” She replied. She leaned down and pecked the younger girl’s lips. “I will sleep all day long.” She finished with a grin.

The girl flashed up her infamous gummy smile, the one that Momo treasures so much. They resumed to walk hand in hand as Momo used her arm to guide Mina the way.

“I’m sorry for being such a burden to you.” Mina broke up the comfortable silence. Momo frowned as she tightened the hold between their hands.

“Why you said that so suddenly?” Momo asked. Disappointment was scattered by the tone she used. Momo heard a sigh coming from the other girl.

“I can’t see. I know how much I troubling you every day. I was grateful enough that you still stay with me.” Mina confessed. The thing she had kept in her chest was now be known by Momo. Momo stopped and caused Mina to do the same. She put her hand on Mina’s shoulder, making her to face Momo.

“Mina, listen.” Momo cleared . “You are never a burden to me. Never. I never think you like one too. Instead, I see as my happiness, the source of my smile every single day. I don’t mind be by your side for the rest of my life. You are the reason why I don’t give up, because I have you.”

Mina looked down. “Sorry…”

“Shhh… No, Mina. You don’t have to say sorry. You’re so precious to me and that word should have never left your mouth for me. I’m more willing to do this for you.” Momo said again. “If you were bothered by these thoughts again, try to remember, how I fell in love with this condition of yours.”

Mina seems convinced by now. She looked up and cup Momo’s face. “I love you so much. Thank you.” She said smilingly. Then, she leaned forward for a peck on Momo’s lips and hugged her tight. “It’s such a blessing to meet you in my life. God must has love me so much.”

Momo smiled at Mina’s last words. “Yeah, the God loves you.” She said as she tightened the hug. Then, she pushed Mina softly to put both of her hands on Mina’s cheek. “And I love you too.” She leaned in and captured Mina’s lips on hers, moving it gently as Mina replied the same momentum. After minutes, they pulled off to gasp for air as their forehead still glued to each other. Mina put her hand on top of Momo.

“Let’s go home. The night getting cold and I don’t want you to fall sick.” Momo said. She held Mina’s hand again and walked home. Mina pulled Momo closer so that she can get some warm from Momo’s heated body.

“Your arms are comfy,” Mina said as she snuggled on Momo’s left arm. “Let’s walk faster so I can hug you to sleep.”

Momo grinned. “Okay, cutie.” She replied. “I can’t wait.”

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Chapter 1: Awww~~ this is so cute
AugustK88 #2
Chapter 1: Read this again and I can't help but tear up. Love this short cute MiMo fluff.
Chapter 1: That was a pleasant twist and super cute. I don't think there are many Mimo stories with this much fluff and sweetness!
gayMooooo #4
Chapter 1: aww...I instantly fell in love in this story ...this is such an amazing and fluffiest mimo fan fic
1241 streak #5
Chapter 1: This is soooooooooo cute!! >///< protective Momo and cutie Minari ^^ thanks for this MiMo ff, author-ssi jjang!
Chapter 1: Awww :> <3 <3 <3 <3

Did secret door already end??? :((
jungiehess #7
Chapter 1: Its cute , aaawww
AugustK88 #8
Awwww.... my heart! This is too cute! MiMo ftw! :)
GalTay #9