Boy From Yesterday (Part 2)

Sealed With A Kiss


A/N      Again, mianhe. This chapter is getting too long. I have to make it into three parts now. So, instead of two

            parts, you will have three. Mianhe. 

            About the family tree and hints, I think it was very obvious don't you think? :-)  Some get it right but some

            get it wrong.  :-)  Confius? Read on and you will get the answer. Enjoy.


Junsu's POV


I did not see Jaejoong hyung during recess and I was worried.

Hey, guys, I don't feel good about this. Jaejoong hyung never miss his lunch and he will always tell us where he went.” I told my worries to my friend and that I was going to find Jaejoong hyung.

Don't worry, Junsu hyung. I think Jaejoong hyung is with Yunho hyung. Maybe they have some group discussion to make because both of them are in the same class.” Before I can move away, Changmin managed to grabbed my wrist and set me down again. I think about it and his assurance had made me calmed down a little.

Not long after, we saw Yunho hyung walked towards us but we can't see Jaejoong hyung. I started to panic while Kibum showed uneasiness as well.

Yunho hyung, where is hyungie?” I asked before Yunho hyung even have time to tell me.

Junsu ah, Jaejoong fainted in the class. I took him to the infirmary and he already woke up. I think you should go there and see him.” Yunho hyung told us the news and straight away, the Kibum and I jumped out from our seats and headed to the infirmary.

We reached the school's infirmary in no time. When we opened the door, we saw Jaejoong hyung was sitting on the bed and he was in deep thought.

Hyung, are you alright?” I rushed towards the bed and held Jaejoong hyung's hands in mine.

Junsu ah, Kibum ah, don't worry neh. I'm alright, just a bit dizzy.” Jaejoong hyung tried to make us calmed down but I know he was lying about being fine.

Yeah, hyung. You were always dizzy but never fainted before. What happened this time?” I knew very well about his condition but all I can remember is Jaejoong hyung never faint in school. Yes, he will be clumzy all the time but never faint.

Really, Su ah. I'm fine. See, I can walk around now.” To prove that he was fine, Jaejoong hyung get down from the bed and started to walk around in front of us.

It's alright, hyung. You already proved that you are fine. Now, can we go to our classes? We were late already.” Kibum knew about Jaejoong hyung's situation too but I think he trusted Jaejoong hyung more. When Jaejoong hyung said that he was fine, then Kibum will just believe him.

So now, the three of us walked together to our classes. On the way, We saw Yoochun was talking to another girl. The first question that came to my mind is who is that ? Why she has to be so close to MY Yoochun? Then I realised that I just said MY Yoochun and I was in daze. What the hell is happening to me? Why did I said that? Did I...No! No way that I'm falling for him! I looked at the two not far from us, but something was not right here. Why does he looked angry? As we get closer, we heard some harsh words coming out from both of them. I saw Yoochun was trying hard from preventing himself from slapping the girl. He was gripping at his fist and it was already red.

Idiot! You are so mean, oppa! I've been loving you for the past 5 years and you said you did not notice? I did all the things I could just to make you mine but you never set your eyes on me. Now, you did all the things you do just to get that to fall for you? Who do you think I am that you can toy with my feelings?” The girl was tall and blonde. She has sharp eyes and she was baring her teeth when she was shouting at Yoochun. Wait! Did I heard she said something about love him? Why I felt so hurt inside?

Listen here, ! I knew about your feelings for me but you spread your legs easily for those who wants you. You think you can hide it from me by acting nice and innocent in front of me? Don't you know about my ability? You are so dirty compared to my Su, y face.” Oh! He just called her a ! Hurray!

What did you just call me?” The girl was snarling at Yoochun. Her fangs were out and she was ready to launch at Yoochun.

I saw her sharp fangs and immidiately I knew that she is a dangerous vampire. I guessed Jaejoong hyung and Kibum sensed it too. Our fighters instinct kicked in and soon we were posing ourselves in front of Yoochun, protecting him from the mad female vampire.

Hey, fang girl! Stop baring your fangs because that was not cool at all.” I did not like her at all so I called her fang girl.

You three s! This is non of your bussiness. Stay the hell out of this!” Without any further saying, she charged at them with her teeth and claws. What? She just called us, the Kim Brothers s! Hell, fang girl, you are going to pay!

The four of us were already in the combat mode but before she can reach us, a loud shreak came out from and she fell onto the floor rolling and yelling in pain.

Hyung, did you do this?” I leaned into Jaejoong hyung and whispered. I knew he has the ability to control minds and make his wish come true.

No, I did not do this.” Jaejoong hyung was looking at the fang girl in awe. Something or someone had made her like that.

Stay the ing away from them.” A low dark voice echoed in the hall way. I looked ahead and saw Yunho hyung and the other students were already swarm out from their classes into the hall way. Crap! This has becoming a show! I hate it when I get the attention from the others. Changmin had his right hand extended out and his eyes had turned into dark purple. I guessed he was the one who made the fang girl in agony.

Yunho hyung took a step forward and he flipped his right hand. The fang girl was send flying across the hall way, crashing into a window and fell down into the yard. I flinched from what I saw. Wow! That was super cool! Bravo Yunho hyung! Serve you right ! While I was celebrating in my head, I saw Yunho hyung coming towards us. His eyes were bright red and his face was hard as stone.

Are you alright?” I thought he was asking us question but his eyes were on Jaejoong hyung, as if he was the one who he need the answer from.

D...Deh. Thanks...for your help.” Jaejoong hyung answered softly. I can see a hint of pink on his cheeks. Eh? Was Jaejoong hyung feeling shy? Wae?

Good. Everybody, go to your classes now.” Yunho hyung turned towards the students and gave out the command. The students listened to him and started to clear the hall way. Wow! That was a true leader. I salute you, hyung. Changmin came forward and hugged Kibum. I think this two can't be seperated now. Yunho hyung looked at both Jaejoong hyung and I before he had his sight on Yoochun.

Chun ah, are you alright?” I heard Yunho hyung asked. His eyes had turned back to normal brown and so was Changmin's.

I'm fine, hyung. She just can't let it go.” Yoochun told Yunho hyung while shaking his head.

She won't bother you next time. I'll make sure of it.” Yunho hyung gave him his assurance and I was totally happy with it. So, that won't bother MY Yoochun next time. Sigh! Why MY Yoochun again? I'm defenitely sick right now!

Thanks, hyung. Let's get back to class.” Yoochun said but before that he turned to face me and gave me his sweetest smile. My heart goes THUD! And my face was hot.

You shouldn't act like that. What if she hurt you? I will die of broken heart if anything happen to you.” Yoochun lifted up his hand and at my cheek. He was smiling all this time and he blew me a departing kiss when he walked away.

I was left stunned and frozen on the spot. Did Yoochun just touch my cheek? Did he just blew me kisses? Oh My God! My heart jumped crazily in my chest. I think I'm gonna die of heart attack. I stood there like a stone stature before Kibum dragged me along with him and I followed him without much protest.



Yunho's POV


I was very angry! I just left him for a while and here he goes putting himself in danger. Why did he do that? I calmed myself down and then I remembered that he was trained to be a hunter and that of course he will help those in need like what he did just now to help Yoochun.

We were now in the school garden. We still have classes to attend but I don't think I can concentrate after what just happened. I looked at Joongie who was walking beside me. He was silent and pouting. I know that he did not want to be here but I sort of dragged him along with me so he don't have the choice. We reached at the stone chairs in the middle of the garden and I sat down. Joongie was standing and glaring at first but later he sat across me with his sulking face. He was looking at the scenery but never at me.

Both of us did not say a word. I like to look at his sulking face and his pouty lips makes me wanted to kiss him, pouring my heart and love to him. However, I still managed to control my lust and I know I shouldn't rush if I don't want to loose him.

Why did you bring me here, Yunho ah? We still have class to attend.” Joongie finally looked at me and asked. He still have his pout on.

Stop pouting or I'll kiss you.” I said and did not forget to give him my smirk.

Y...yah!” Joongie looked shock at first but then he yelled at me before he looked away and he was blushing. I was enjoying the beautiful creature in front of me, the angel that successfully stole my heart long time ago.

Joongie ah, next time, please don't endanger yourself anymore? You nearly gave me heart attack when I saw you standing in front of Yoochun waiting to get the blow from Stephenie just now. I don't want to see you hurt again. It hurt my heart so much whenever you are in pain.” I took his small hand and held it in mine. His hand fitted just right in my palm and I love the way it fitted.

Yun...Yunho ah, how nickname?” Joongie was struggling to ask me the question. I blinked my eyes. Is he beginning to remember?

Joongie...” I moved closer to him and wanted to answer him but then I saw one familiar face coming out from the building not far from where we stood.

Joongie, I have some important thing to do. We will talk again next time.” I chased after the boy and leave Jaejoong alone in the garden.



The day past by without anymore incident. However, there are four people who were having difficulty in their sleep later that night.

Jaejoong as usual was having his nightmares. This time he was certained that Lord Siwon is his father. What make him curious was there was another boy slightly older than him, playing and going to school with him every day. He remembered calling the boy, Yunnie. Yunnie likes to play with him and he loves it very much too. They have the same rings on their ring fingers and Yunnie always called him Joongie. When he woke up, he can remember chunks from his dream and Jaejoong remembered that Yunho did called him Joongie too.

Aish...I really need to find out soon.” Jaejoong laid down on his bed and soon he had drifted into a dreamland again.

Meanwhile, in the castle, Yunho was having sleepless night as well. He was thinking about the incident happened earlier in the garden. Jaejoong asked him about how he knew his nickname and Yunho was nearly tell him the truth. However, he was held back as he saw a familiar face passing by. He was curious to why that the boy came to Shenzen and so he left Jaejoong to chase over the boy.


Yunho's Fashback


I was chasing and following a boy from afar. What is he doing here? That boy shouldn't be here in Shenzen in the first place. When he was nearing to the gate, I called him.


The boy frozed. I can see that his body was shaking but I just ignored him. I wanted to know the real reason why he was here.

Prince...Yunho.” I walked around and I was now facing him. He bowed to me and he was facing the floor, dare not to look at me in the eyes.

Why are you here? Speak now!” I was in range. He shouldn't be here. Him being here will not only endanger all the students in Shenzen but the whole Crystal Country.

I' prince. I was given orders by Prince Jiwoon to be here.” Donghae bowed lower. His head was now touching his chest.

Look up and speak clearly.” It was hard to hear what he is telling me with his head bowed so low and I was having difficulty understanding him with his mumbled.

Why Jiwoon samchun ordered you here? Don't you know that with your present here, people will get in danger?” I looked at the bowed man in front of him. I knew my words were hurting him but that's the truth.

Again, I'm sorry, Prince Yunho.” He was still looking down making me irritated and I shouted at him.

I said look at me! You are talking to me now!” With that, Donghae quickly looked up but he was avoiding my eyes.

Prince...Yunho...please don't be angry. I know I shouldn't be here but I really have no choice, not even Prince Jiwoon. He really wanted to make sure that boy was safe.” Donghae was now crying. He was trying to make his tears stopped by brushing his tears away from his redden eyes.

Boy? What boy?” I was shock. When did Jiwoon samchun had the chance to know any boy from this school?

I'm sorry, Prince Yunho. I can't tell you this. My duty is to protect that boy. However, I'll promise to be careful and not to be seen next time.” Donghae bowed again and he moved away towards the gate.

Wait! Did my appa know about this?” I asked.

Yes, my prince.”

Fine. You may go now and be careful.”

Thank you, my prince.” With that said, he dissapeared out the gate. Even though I was so curious about his mission, but I was willing to let go this time. I need to ask appa about this. I will make sure that his appearance and the boy that he needs to protect will not endangered my Jaejoongie.


A/N      Oh...can you sense some Yoosu here? About the question marks for Yoochun and Junsu, you will get to

            know in their biography later. Another hint here, the boy Yunho met is not the same boy appear in

            Chapter 14. So, there are two unknown princes now. Keep on guessing neh.

             Kamsahamida for all your supports and don't forget to leave comments neh. 

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Going to update next chapter later.


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valeun #1
Chapter 50: are you not gonna finish this story???
Chapter 50: Omg....such cliffhanger...jae not feeling dizzy anymore? Im kinda confuse, i love the plot but its too many characters involve so i quite dont remember other scenes but then i enjoy reading for yunjae...i am confuse too about jaejoong's nightmares...i wonder what will happen next :-D
Chapter 47: “! He did not eat his dinner!” Yunho was defeated.

Holy jung LOL
Chapter 42: Ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh y long yunjae <3
Chapter 39: Omo....i bet that liquid is aphrodisia...
Chapter 32: Wwehhhheee yunjae
Chapter 28: Aaawww yunjae is y finally yunjae :-D
Chapter 27: Aaawwwwww..............
Chapter 26: Aaahhhah changmin and bum were like rabbits LOL
Chapter 22: Omg...wwwooo that was y