The night is dark, but you're shining

Fireflies ‹HunHan›

Everytime Sehun got to sleep, in his dreams fireflies would appear in the window. They'd fly without stoping and shining in his room every night, putting aside the darkness that haunted him. 

But he never truly saw them. 

Since LuHan left, he started to have insomnia. Passed all the nights awake, looking to the dark ceiling of him, laying alone in a bed that once felt welcomed and heated with the boy on his side. 

His life was a routine. He woke up every morning, go to the work, had lunch, worked a little bit more. Returned home, stole something from the fridge. Locked the door and layd down again. 

Then, during the cold nights, he remembered all of the memories they shared together. That apartment itself was one of them, from the day the couple finally got the money to live together, promising that what they had would be eternal. 

Remembered the day he met him. It was a sunny afternoon when Sehun agreed to find his friends on the cinema, and Yixing has brought Luhan. He was so beautiful that day. The light brown hair hidden by the dark hat, the expensive and fashionable clothes that looked like they were made specially for him, and the smile... Oh, Sehun would never forget that smile when they introduced to each other. The way his cute lips ― so kissable ―  laughed was like art to his eyes. 

Sehun would never know if it was at that moment he felt in love. He never would believe in love at the first sight. 

And now there he was, rustling all of those moments just like the way he would watch a movie without a happy ending in a wednesday's night. 


But also was those nights that he tried so hard to throw all of this to the sky, just like all of the clothes in the room's floor that he had zero desire to clean.

In those, rather than memories, sheeps came. 

Yes, he even resort to the old method of couting sheeps to fall asleep. He wanted to close his eyes and relax. Relax like he hadn't succeed in the past two months, since his boyfriend left to a trip without saying goodbye. 

Sehun hated farewells. Hated how he had to say goodbye to someone that once he promised his life, his eternity.

But, even so, he regretted not looking into LuHan's eyes one last time before the end. Regretted not saying he loved him, and would always do. Regretted not looking for him to hug that fragile and small body and fell his warm just a little more. Those damn pointers in his wristwatch that hadn't stopped spinning in that moment. If they had, even it was just for a miserable second, maybe Sehun would have created courage to enter the airport and run to the only person he loved in his entire life.

Now he had to deal with all of this without any words. Without the Luhan's soft smell in the air, without the smiles and kisses in the morning, without his contact in his phone, sending messages everytime he traveled to work. Once again, Luhan went in a trip.

But, for the first time, he would never come back.

And Sehun didn't saw the fireflies.

Every night he dreamed with them, flooding his bedroom with strong lights, just like those his boyfriend expelled everytime he smiled. Sleeping was horrible, but the fireflies warmed his dreams, giving him hope of a happy morning. 

It was until the day, when he closed his eyes, Sehun didn't dreamed with the fireflies.

Them, he changed his routine.


In the morning, he didn't went to work. Besides that, opted to walk in the city. Remade all the routes he did during his dates, seeing exactly the scenes in the correct places. The couple sitting in the park's bench fighting over an ice cream. In the coffee shop one telling the other's order cause they already had memorized each other's preferences. And how not to see them in a clothes shop discussing between a comfortable pants and an expensive coat?

When returned home, during the night, Sehun didn't locked the front door. Besides, leaved it a little opened. 

Didn't tried to sleep that night. Didn't count sheeps. Didn't roasted memories. 

He sat in the bed with crossed legs and looked to the window. Waiting. 

A clock ticked in the wall, and he started couting every second with the object. He knew it was bad for himself to feed false hopes, but he couldn't avoid being there, looking to the street beyond his window waiting to see the fireflies.


It was almost two hours later that he saw a glance of a shy light. Sehun got up from the bed, one feet in front of the other about to go listen the message they had to him. Them he freezed in the same spot.

He heard something inside the house.

And now he was divided. Watched the light show in his window or would risk everything to go after the sound, knowing it could be just something from his head and, in that night, he would officially lost both the fireflies and his dear Luhan?

It was his last chance.

Without thinking twice, he collected the foot that insisted in the window and leaved the room.

There was someone at the door. In the dark, he couldn't see who was him, but, with the baggages in his back and hands, tried to close the door without making any noise. The stranger looked back, and his eyes was shocked when they met the apartment owner's. 

In that moment Sehun understood.

The fireflies was not important. They were only messengers, protectors leaved behind just to take care of him when he was alone.

If Sehun had looked to the window that night, there would have nothing to be seen, cause the only light he had in his life was LuHan. Was the boy whose smile illuminated that dark room, and whose eyes shone with indications of tears. 

"Sehunnie", whispered the soft voice and Sehun felt inside a dream. Maybe the fireflies were real, and that moment was the night he finally relaxed and slept. 

In a blink of an eye all the bags felt on the floor while he ran to throw himself in a hug. In the tighter hug they ever shared. 

"Sehunnie, forgive me. Forgive me for lefting, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything".

Leaving the trance ― and still not believing his hope not being in vain ―, Sehun smiled. 

He surrounded his long arms around the smaller, burying his face in his neck, leaving the tears stain the clothes. 

Sehun felt in home.

The night was dark, but LuHan was shining so bright. 

Luhan, your light, your eternal fireflie.

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naimiestrella #1
Chapter 1: Awwww