The Beginning


  Jimin and I gave Young-eun one last tearful hug, “I’m gonna miss you so much.” I whimpered, not caring that I sounded like a baby and not like what an tenth grader should sound like. My best friend was leaving to Seoul, and it would only be me and Jimin left. It would never be the same. My parents were no longer in this world, and Jimin’s parents were almost never home, so it was always Young-eun’s parents that took care of us when we needed it. Now we would have to only depend on each other.

  Young-eun roughly wiped away her tears, "I'm gonna miss you guys more. At least you've got each other! I'm gonna be all alone up there."

  Jimin rubbed her shoulder with affection, "We'll facetime whenever we can, I promise."

  “Passengers to board flight 8104 to Seoul please board your plane. Enjoy your flight.” Said a superficial voice.


  Young-eun whimpered but got her bags, "Bye you guys, I'll call when I can."

  Jimin and I could only wipe away our tears and wave to our friend until she out was out sight.


  1 year later:

  "I'm in love!" Young-eun sighed dreamily into her phone.

  "Jimin and I looked at each other in skepticality, "Really now," Jimin said slowly.

  Young-eun nodded enthusiastically, "Yup! His name is Kim Jongin and I love him with all my heart. He also goes by Kai, isn't that just the iest thing?"

  I chuckled, Young-eun was always the dramatic in our trio, "Alright then, are you gonna confess?"

  She made a noise to strongly say no, "Of course not! How could someone like me confess to a god like him? I could never, what if he laughed in my face and rejected me?" Young-eun whispered in horror.

  I made a face, "What do you even like about him so much?"

  The love-crazed girl giggles, "Well, where do I begin? He's attractive, smart, funny, athletic, a dancer, did I mention he's attra-"

  Jimin intertupted her, "You never said he was nice, you know. Are you sure he's worth liking?"

  He's nice! Just, to a few people?" Young-eun weakly offered, "Fine, maybe he's not the nicest perseon in the world, but that's okay! I don't need him to be a sweetheart because his image is a total bad boy package! He's just so-"

  I rolled my eyes at her gushing, "I heard you the first time Young-eun. If you like him then like him as much as you want, don't think you need to live by what we tell you."

  Young-eun smiled happily, "Thanks for giving me your blessing Sumin, I wouldn't feel comfortable liking him if at least one of you guys weren't on my side. Good night!"

  Jimin pursed his lips and looked away, not saying his goodbyes. I snort at his childishness and bid Young-eun goodbye.

  "Why're you being so reluctant towards this Jongin person? He doesn't seem too bad,"I say.

  Jimin shrugged, "I don't know. He just seems like your average playboy that's going to break Young-eun's heart."

  I laughed and patted Jimin's head just to , "Don't you worry Jimin, I'm sure Young-eun knows better than to date someone like that."


  6 months later:

  "Oh my gosh you guys!" Young-eun squealed.

  I winced, I could never get used to her squeakiness, "What?"

  "I'm dating Kai!" She shrieked crazily, not caring about the fact that Jimin and I were not happy at all.

  "You're dating him?" Jimin sputtered, "I thought you said you would never go out with him?"

  Young-eun made a noise of annoyance, "I never said that, I said that he would never say yes! But he asked me out today and of course I said yes. I mean, who wouldn't?"

  I cleared my throat, "But, are you sure it's worth it? Do you even know him that well?" I wasn't sure if this was a good idea, even though I was happy for her.

  "That's what dating is for, you get to know your significant other while being able to call them yours!" Young-eun said happily. 

  Jimin tried to say something in protest, but I shoook my head to stop him. It was better to let her live her life, "I'm happy for you Young-eun." I said, giving Jimin a look to say something as well, "Me too." He finally grumbled. Well at least that's something.

  There was an exclaim of happiness again, "Thanks so much guys! I really feel like this relationship is going to go somewhere-Oh! Kai is calling me! Bye guys!" Young-eun hung up before we say another word.

  I pressed my lips together, already regretting saying that I supported her relationship. Nonetheless, I felt happy for her. Young-eun's never gone into a relationship this excited, and as her best friend I should be postive. And yet Jimin still looks on the fence, "I still don't like that Jongin guy." He muttered.

  "And why's that?"

  Jimin coldly looked away, "He just isn't good news."

  I sighed as I stretched, "Well, what can you do?" It's hard be the pacifier of tow. But that's what you get for being in a group of three all of your life. it was always Jimin, Young-eun and I, laughing and crying our way through life. That's why we had to stick together through thick and thin no matter what, "Who knows Jimin> Maybe it'll be our sweet Young-eun that changes bod to good?" I joked.

  "Or maybe he's gonna change Young-eun from good to bad."

  "What was that?" I asked, refusing to believe that's something Jimin would say.

  He cleared his throat, "Nothing. Look, I gotta go, bye." Again, I'm hung up on. I feel annoyance in the pit of my stomach but choose to let it go. Jimin was starting to be a little distant these days, but I guess he's just being a bit of teen angst. Whatever, he'll get out of it.




But he doesn't. I don't know why exactly, but he just doesn't look at me the same anymore. Whenever I try to talk to him about it he just denies it and changes the subject. It's hurtful, but maybe I'm just being sensitive. I don't know. It's not much later that Jimin and I don't talk in gerneral.


1 year later:

  Young-eun sobbed into the phone, "Oh my gosh you guys."

  My eyebrows furrowed on their own, "What's up Young-eun?"

  The poor girl started to bawl, "Kai broke up with me!"

  I couldn't help but gasp but Jimin only rolled his eyes. The only times I actually interacted with Jimin was when we were facetiming with Young-eun. And even all he does is grunt and say from snarky reply.

  "He said that he couldn't care less about me and to off!"

  "What'd I tell you?" Jimin snapped, "That guys was up to no good."

  I glare at Jimin before comforting Young-eun. Now was not the time to fight. As Young-eun wailed on, I couldn't help but feel anger boiling inside me. How dare someone as low as hurt my friend and use her? That bastard!

  "I just, I wish this weren't true! I don't even know what I did wrong-"

  "You listen her Hang Young-eun," I growled, "You didn't do anything wrong. Don't you dare say you're the reason why that is the way he is. him!"

  Young-eun sniffled, "But-"

  "Sumin is right," Jimin cut off, "I don't know much, but I know that you off all people shouldn't be treated this way."

  The wet cheeked girl's bottom lip quivered, "You guys are too good to me. I don't know what I did to deserve you guys," And again the waterworks began.

  Jimin rolled his eyes and sighed, but I could see the slimmer of worry that swam in his eyes. I could tell then that no matter how cold Jimin seems, he cares. And after that, Jimin and I were okay again. We would joke and talk like normal. But I was still so, so angry. How dare Kim Jonging so that to my best friend of all people? I would never be able to forigve him.


Months later:

  "Did you get in?" Young-eun asked me excitedly.

  I gulped, "I, I don't know. I havn't opened the letter yet." My letter from Ace University finally arrived, and I've honestly never been so scared. This was my chance to be someone; to go somewhere. But I would be alone, and that alone made me want to throw it all away.

  Jimin snatched the letter from my hands, "If you're not gonna open it then it then I will." Inside, I was thankful that Jimin had taken the damn thing away from me, who knows how much longer I would've stalled.

  I saw Jimin's nervous fidgiting with the letter as it sat in his hands and smiled to myself. I guess the almighty Jimin could get nervous sometimes too. He took a deep breath and slowly ripped opened the letter:

  "Dear Ms. Kang," Jimin uttered, his lips, "We are proud to state that you have a full scholarship to Ace University!" Jimin hollered and pulled me into a warm embrace. I blinked, not getting the full understanding of the situation until I heard Young-euns scream. I gasped, "Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh!" I breathed, feeling happiness spread into my entire being, "This-This is so surreal! Oh my goodness, a full scholar-I'm gonna have to start packing-Where's my suitcase again? I'm-"

  Jimin wiped away the tears that unknowingly left my eyes, "Oh shut up!" He laughed, "Just be quiet." And so I was (Except for the occasional screech that left my mouth.) I kept hugging Jimin tight, wishing that my parents were here to celebrate with me. Jimin and I later went out to eat, and he kept having to remind me to stop smiling. But we both knew that this would mean another farewell.

  We laid on the rooftop of my house later that night, breathing in the refreshing air and the few stars that lighted up the darkness above, "I'm gonna miss you." Jimin whispered, taking my hand in his while not taking his eyes from above.

  I smiled sadly, "Me too." It was melancholy, how we would realy be seperated for real. Young-eun's family had moved to Daejeon again, Jimin would stay in Busan, and I would be in Seoul, where Ace University was. We would be each other in heart, but when would we see each other in body?

  As if Jimin heard my thoughts he said, "I have an aunt in Seoul, I could ask to stay there sometimes. And Young-eun could stay with me too, it's not like she's never done that before."

  I forced a smile and nodded, "You're right. It's just, I'm scared, you know?" Jimin turned his head and looked at me solemnly, "You have nothing to be scared about because you have me."

  I turned my head to him and grinned genuinely, "Yeah?" Jimin murmured the same with more confidence and somehow, I ended up having my first kiss. It was sad, yet hopeful, Loving, yet not in the way I expected. Jimin pulled away and searched my eyes, successful in finding the answers he wanted, "I like you." He breathed nervously, "I like you a lot."

  I swallowed, "I-I-"

  "Sorry," Jimin ran his fingers through his hair, "I just-" This time, I cute him off. I pressed my lips to his, having him react as if his lips and mine were opposite sides of a magnet.

  "I like you too." I bit my lip, not sure on how he would react to my next words, "But I leave soon, and I don't know if we should cross territory that we can't conquer."

  Jimin squeezed my hand, "Let's try though," He urged, "I can make this work." I looked into Jimin's eyes. They held so much determination that I couldn't help but say yes. For the rest of the time we had together, Jimin and I were lovers without a second care as to the consequences. We hung out like lovers, called each other like lovers, and looked at each like lovers. And when I had to go, we bid goodbye like lovers too. Me because I was scared about whawt would happen after I leave, and him, "I'm scared that I might never be able to hold you like this again." I pulled away, but he just held me closer, "Please," He whispered, "Just let me hold you like this one last time."

  My nose tingled at his words. One last time. Why were those words so sad?

  I pulled away again and held his forlorn face in my hands, "You will always be able to hold me like that, Jimin. You will always have a part of me in you, because I love you."

  He brushed away stray hairs away from my face with a shaky breath, "Promise to call me when you land?"

  I savored his touch, "Promise."

  "Passengers for flight 47597 to Seoul please line up to board your plane, thank you."

  Jimin brokenly closed his eyes at the unwanted phrase, "Baby, you have to let me go now." He clenched his jaw but let go nonetheless. He took a desperate look at my features before sending me off with red eyes. I sat in my plane seat with a heaviness in my heart. 

  "I love you." He had mouthed when I turned back to look at him one last time.

  "And I, you." I mouthed back, gently smiling before turning around to hide the tars falling down my face. I had seen the tears falling down from Jimin’s beautiful eyes, and they hurt me. Before I had to turn on airplane mode in my phone, I got one last text from Young-eun that sunk my heart to  my stomach.

Kim Jongin is going to Ace University, too. Will you break his heart for me?






First chapter!!!!!! 2337 words........ Hope you like it;) 

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tesiahan89 #1
Chapter 1: HIS IS WAY TOO GOOD TO READ!!!!!!
tesiahan89 #2
Chapter 1: It's Han not hang but o well. ITS AMAZING!!!!I
isn't t supposed to be daegu though?
Kexod1013 #3
Chapter 1: OMG WHY YOU LIKE WHY?!?! If you make this romance with Jimin I FEEL SO BAD FOR HIM LIKE I DIE!! But how you ended the chapter ㅠㅠ Omg I cant. Let me go cry in the corner.
Kexod1013 #4