The Friendship

The Break Up
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Down the streets of the cold Seoul city, a feminine voice could be heard around. Her voice was so loud, that the people that passed by gave a weird looked at her. The girl was so busy with the phone, that she didn't notice all this attention she was getting.

"Oh..." that's all she could said after realizing what was going on.

"Yah Jihoon! Jihoon!" She gave a small scream. "I'll call you later, yeah, yeah... okay. Gotta go, bye" As she turned her off phone, she nervously looked at her surroundings, to which to her surprised she wasn't in the spotlight anymore. Two grown men had gotten into a fight and this made the public turned their attention to them.

"Uh..." she let out a long sigh. Without much thinking about the fight, she directly went to her favorite coffee shop.

As she entered, she carefully took off her gloves and rubbed her numb hands together to warm them up.

"Ugh, it's freezing cold." She said to herself not noticing her friend, Haejin. "I know right?" She calmly said. "Oh!" Sumin hadn't been paying attention and jumped at the sudden voice right next to her.

"Yah! You need to warn me or something before scaring the crap out of me!" She gave Haejin the scary eyes, but she just laughed it off as it wasn't working.

"So you want your pumpkin spice latte or what?" Haejin asked already knowing the answer, but still ask to be polite. Even though they already knew each other for more than 2 years, they still respected each other privacy but that didn't stop them of sharing almost everything together.

Sumin just smiled and nodded. "Okay then, I'll be back in a few." Haejin walked over to the kitchen and started making the latte.

Sumin had met Haejin here in the 'Cafe Amour'. It was a hot summer at that time and Sumin was already sweating from all the heat, so she tried to look for a place to rest. The first thing that caught her attention was this coffee shop. She entered and a friendly teenage girl around her age greeted her. 

"Hello, welcome to the Cafe Amour." The girl smiled brightly at Sumin. This had been her job for past three weeks as she had just started working in the coffee shop. At that time both of them were 15

Sumin just smiled back and took a seat at one of the empty tables next to the window as all the other tables were full of couples. Of course, it was a coffee shop made for couples, but that didn't mean that you had to have a loved one to come.

A young male waitress came a few seconds after. "Hello, what would you like to order?" The young boy asked.

"Umm....I honestly don't know.." she nervously said while looking through the menu. "Should I have a medium pumpkin spice latte?" She carefully asked. The boy chuckle at the female. "Are you asking me?"

"Oh-" That's all she had to say before boy left and came back a few minutes later with her latte. As she drank her latte, she noticed that the napkin that the male had secretly dropped on the table had something written on it.

+82-XXX-XXX call me anytime

- Taeil 

It was a phone number. It was his phone number. She picked it up and wondered why in the world would he leave his number in a napkin for her to see.

"Ugh, I can't believe this." The girl from before came to Sumin's table and took the napkin. "He's doing that again?" She asked herself in disbelief. "He's doing what?" Sumin had not idea what was happening. The poor girl look confused.

She was never the 'type of girl that got picked at a dance' or 'the one that made every boy drooled'. She was just an average timid 15 year old girl.

Haejin rolled her eyes, "You really don't know?" The girl in disbelief asked once again. Few seconds later she realized what was going on. Both girls' eyes came in contact and as they did, they let out a si

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Starcruise #1
Chapter 2: This story is interesting!!cant wait for your next update...
Chapter 1: Ohh, excited for the next chapter, hope you will update soon :)