

She burst out of the apartment complex, blood splattered on her white shirt and jeans. The sound of sirens and the sense of murder filled the air as the girl ran down and through the alleys and backstreets of the city of Seoul.

Weaving between rubbish bins of a certain alley she came skidding to a halt at a dead end. Sirens and shouting attacked her ears and she knew she was caught, fleeing from the scene of a murder of one of her closest friends. Her hand ran through her hair, sighing slightly as she began to shake slightly. Lights of police cars reflected off of her tear stricken face.

"Put the knife down or we will shoot" A voice from a loudspeaker called. Handong looked down at her right hand seeing a blood covered knife. Her eyes widened at the sight of the weapon. She yelped and dropped the thing waiting for further instructions from the police she began too raise up her hands behind her head. Two men had approached her with handcuffs one restraining her while the other attached the cuffs. They dragged her towards the squad car and bent in. Her vision began to become blurry as tears began to pour out of her eyes.

Remembering the state that her friends corpse was in sent chills down her spine as she was sent to her new home in a police cell.

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