In your arms

Game over

I'm sorry Jin“, Namjoon said as he picked up the bat. „I made a decision“.


The next thing heard was glass shattering and a gunshot.

Jin, who closed his eyes a few seconds ago, scared of what will happen next, opened them.

The glass was shattered and Namjoon was standing a few centimeters away from him. They looked at each other and without a second thought Jin stood up, realizing that he was no longer chained.

He looked up at Namjoon who smiled at him. Namjoon opened his arms and Jin was more than happy to hug Namjoon. But as he did so he felt something watery on his hand and as he saw the blood on it he was shocked. He pushed Namjoon away from his body and that was when he saw the wound on his shoulder.

Guess he didn't really want me to break the glass“, he smiled.

No. You can't do this to me. Idiot! We've gotta get you out of here, now!“.

The others ran towards us and we carried Namjoon back to the place they came from.


P.o.V. Jb

The others just left to look for Jin and Youngjae and I were alone now.

I'm thankful but a bit scared. It's not like I don't know Youngjae and this is not the first time it's just the two of us. We are roommates after all. It's also not like I don't like him, it's actually the opposite and that is what scares me. Whenever I'm alone with him, I don't have anything to distract myself with, so I wouldn't overthing or blush or do something stupid. I just can't handle him. He is just so beautiful and-

Jaebum?“, Youngjaes voice brought me back to reality.

Are you okay? You stared at me for like 5 minutes and you didn't answere when I called for you“.

Y-yeah... I-I am.. fine“. ! I stuterred.

Then why are you stuttering?“. I felt my face heat up. I couldn't aswere.

Are you really alright? Your face is as red as a tomato“, he asked and laid the back of his hand on my cheek. His actions only made me blush even more.

Get it together Jaebum! I told myself as I looked at him.

He has such a pretty face and these beautiful eyes. And his lips, they seem so kissable. The way he slightly blushes when he smiles is so cute, like his . He has such a nice . Round and squishy and- okay STOP! Jaebum, you are trying not to look like an idiot, not to get a by thinking of his body. I mentally facepalmed.

Yeah I'm fine, don't worry“, I said, smiling at him. He removed his hand from my cheek and the warm feeling faded.

I would love to just hug him right now.

Hug who?“, Youngjae asked.

. Did I say that out loud?“.

Yes you did. So who do you want to hug?“, Youngjae asked as his eyes shined bright with.... hope? Maybe I was just imagening things.

You...“, I said and waited for a reaction. He smiled.

Then do it“, he said and opened his arms. I walked towards him and we embraced each other. I pulled him a bit closer by his waist and he laid his arms around my neck, hiding his face in the crook of my neck. I could feel his breath on my neck and how his chest moved as he breathed. I could feel his heartbeat and my own. His was calmer than mine but still fast. I rested my head on his and breathed in the smell of his hair. I sighned and pulled him even closer. He just wrapped his legs around my waist and I moved my hands down to his to support him so he won't fall. Now my face was at the crook of his neck and his head was resting on mine. I, again, breathed in his smell and snuggled my face in the crook of his neck (was that even english? XD). We stayed like this until we heard steps getting closer.

I put Youngjae down and he hid himself behind me because we didn't know who was moving to our direction.

Jb! Youngjae! Namjoon is hurt!“, Kookie, who was the first one we saw, screamed just as he turned around the corner.

He's been shot!“



Soooo.... that's it. Sorry that it took me so long and that the chapters are so short but I already explained everything so I hope you understand. I also hope you liked the chapter even if it was short. Thank you for reading. Bye~~ ^^

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Chapter 12: Well you do what makes you happy, but I think if you stick to it it can be fun to keep writing ^^
Hermyoni #3
Chapter 10: This is intereting. I hope Namjoon is OK.
Chapter 9: Good story and can't wait for the next update
Chapter 3: Chained up, chained up
DoorLamp #6
Chapter 8: It's okay,
Hope things turns better way to you c:
KcrezaArien #7
Chapter 3: Ohhhh Im excited for the next update