
Game over

P.o.V. Namjoon

We started driving and I decided to text Jin.


NJ: Hey. How is it going with the others? Did they already set something on fire?


I was a bit nervous. It's not like we don't talk or don't have some skinship moments but he is... different. I just feel shy around him. I can't properly talk to him but at the same time I feel the confidence to just kiss him... or more.

My train of thoughts was interrupted by my buzzing phone.


J: Hi. No they didn't... but I'm afraid they will. At least they're all still alive...


I silently laughed and texted him back.


NJ: True


„Hey. Who are you texting?“, Jb asked.

„Jin“, I answered.

„Ok you can't fool me. You're smiling like an idiot and looking at your phone like it's the love of your life. Who are you texting?“.

„Jin“, I said, this time a bit louder and showed him my phone. He looked a bit confused but then smiled.

„Can you ask him if we could change the cars? I want to be with BamBam. I can't leave him alone like this“.



NJ: JB asked if you wanted to change cars.


J: No. I'm okay with being here. Also it's your turn to look after baby Kookie and his boyfriend... even though they aren't official yet.


I told Jb Jins answere and read the text again. I giggled but than remembered that Kookie and V are going to be a challenge and I sighned, knowing that they will be like cat and mouse. Tae trying to get even closer and Kookie getting shy and trying to escape the situation.


NJ: No... I don't want to. You are his mother after all so you should help him with his realationship problems not me... I only help him with questions that are about the sport in bed.


J: Okay first of all, no. I am not the girl in this realationship and secondly, you are not going to tell him any of your weird thoughts... you are going to ruin my little innocent baby.


NJ: Well if he is innocent then I'm the innocence in person.


J: No you are not. You are a weirdo and a ert.


I thought about replying with 'Yes. And I'm your weirdo/ert ;)' but I didn't.


NJ: Hey! I'm not the one who got ed five times and wants to get his sons in a realationship with each other.


J: How many times do I have to tell you? I AM NOT THE GIRL IN THIS REALATIONSHIP!


NJ: Yes you are and you're on your period... or maybe pregnant again.


He started typing but I felt somehow sleepy even though I just woke up 15 minutes ago and I was nervous because I was texting Jin but I couldn't help it. I fell asleep. The last thing I remembered is that the driver took my phone.


J: Okay this is enough. Why the hell am I even texting you? And why do I call Kookie my baby? And why the hell are we talking about us being in a realationship with each other? When did I get like this..?


NJ: Well I think it's funny and you are super adorable like this but if you don't want to text me okay.


I woke up in a room. My eyes had to get used to the low light and as I could see properly I screamed.


„Kookie! V! Youngjae! Are you okay?!“.

I stood up, well I tryed to but I failed. I couldn't move my hands from my back and my legs were weak and chained to the ground. The others were in a similar situation.


Where are the others? Where's Jin? Are they okay? What is happening?


P.o.V. ?

I heard someone scream and I knew the room it came from. I took a gun and went to the said room. There Namjoon was awake, probably trying to figure out what was happening.


„So you're awake. Nice to know“.


„Where are the others? Tell me. Now!“


„I wouldn't be so loud mouthed if I was you“


„Well to bad that you're not me“


„You will see the others sooner or later. But it depends on the choice he makes if you are going to see the others all alive“


„Who is 'he'?“


„Kim Seokjin. He will get two options. It's a little game that I'm playing and the 14 of you are my little figures. And it depends on the choices you all make and the answers you give to my questions rather you'll make it out alive or not. Oh and if you play against my rules than it's game over for you too“


„You're insane!“


„Maybe but now I will have to leave you. Seokjin has to make a choice. Maybe it will be game over for him now or maybe for someone else~“


„No! Don't do that! Hey! Listen to me! You're insane! Stop...“, his voice got more silent every time I made a step.


Fascenating. The way people always beg. But I'm a bit dissapointed. I thought he was up for a little game but seems like I was wrong. But he will have to play. He doesn't have a choice.


I smiled and walked to the room Seokjin was in.


I opened the door slowly.


I went straight to the point.


„Kim Seokjin. You only have two options. Choose“

„I don't understand what's happening. What do you mean by 'choose'?“


„You will have two options. You have to choose one of the following options and that will be the first level. Each level means risking your and the others lives. If you reach level 100 you will be free. But I can't promise that all of you will reach level 100“


„Are you stupid? As if I'm gonna risk anything! What kind of ty joke is this?“


„It's not a joke. You're beginning to piss me off. You better watch your mouth or else your beloved Namjoon will have to pay the price.“


„I dare you to touch him. Just get to close to him and you are dead!“


„Haha... you are so funny. You are chained. How do you want to even get up?“


P.o.V. Jin

„I dare you to touch him. Just get to close to him and you are dead!“


„Haha... you are so funny. You are chained. How do you want to even get up?“


Right. How am I supposed to do anything? I don't have a choice. I have to go with it.

„You said I had to choose to complete level one. So where are the choices?“


„Ohhh. I like that. You seem to enjoy the game already. You have to choose between two answeres. We start with an easy question: You can't hear but you can see, you can't move but you have seen many places. What are you? A glass or a statue?“


„What kind of a question is that?!“


„Answere or else Namjoon will pay!“


„I... ehmm.... it's...“


Okay think. A statue can't move but it also can't be moved by someone else. A statue has ears, glass doesn't. But what kind of glass get's moved so many times that it has seen much?


„So, what is your answere?“


„Glass. Because glasses are made of glass. Glasses can 'see' but they don't have anything that could make you think they could be able to hear“


„Correct. You freed the others. Lets see if they can break the glass that protects the statue“, he said and turned around. He walked towards the door and the room got completely dark.


„Bye statue“, was the last thing he said before he left.


I heard something that sounded like stone was moving. The room lit up again and I saw that I was now in a cage made out of glass. But I couldn't escape. I was still chained to the ground.


Namjoon. Please. Save me. And the first tear found its way down my cheek, followed by many others.



Sooo... I decided I'll write the beginning out of Namjoons view and the view of the person that brought them here. As the person said, it's going to be a game. It won't be that fun to play though. It's a game where one wrong move or word can mean game over. And there will be no restart button.

~not edited~

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Chapter 12: Well you do what makes you happy, but I think if you stick to it it can be fun to keep writing ^^
Hermyoni #3
Chapter 10: This is intereting. I hope Namjoon is OK.
Chapter 9: Good story and can't wait for the next update
Chapter 3: Chained up, chained up
DoorLamp #6
Chapter 8: It's okay,
Hope things turns better way to you c:
KcrezaArien #7
Chapter 3: Ohhhh Im excited for the next update