
[one shot] versus


Daeyeol visited Sungyeol at Infinite's dorm. Myungsoo was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, looking at the Yeol Brothers. It was good to see them spending time together. They looked bright and cheerful. He never got bored seeing these two guys.
While making coffee, Daeyeol cried out when his brother poured half a bowl of sugar into his cup. Sungyeol laughed at him but ended up drinking that syrup coffee himself. Myungsoo could see Daeyeol smile at Sungyeol, and also smiled with him.
Daeyeol loved his brother. Myungsoo could feel it and was not surprised. Anyone would easily love that guy.
"I gotcha."
Sunggyu appeared from nowhere. The leader chuckled while looking at him. "Ah! These kids are tooooooooo cute. It's really hard to choose just one. Right?"
Myungsoo just stayed silent for a while, then he shouted to Woohyun who was in the main vocal's bedroom. "Woohyunhyung, Gyuhyung just says that he likes Daeyeol."
Sunggyu gasped and ran to his room immediately. Myungsoo heard his oldest brother trying to calm his boyfriend down.
"You said someone likes my brother?"
Sungyeol suddenly appeared behind him with Daeyeol standing beside his brother. Myungsoo turned around to smiled at them.
"Maybe me?" He answered.
"Don't you dare!" Sungyeol pouted and hugged Daeyeol close to him. "He is mine. My only  lovely cutie brother."
Myungsoo shook his head. "I mean..."
"Maybe it's me, who falls for you."
Sungyeol's face turned red.
"Don't you dare." Daeyeol said and hugged back Sungyeol. "He is mine too."
Myungsoo blinked. "Oh, really?"
The younger nodded. "Yeah, over my dead body."
Myungsoo smirked and then he asked Daeyeol. "So, are you ready to die?"
Sungyeol shouted. "Yah! Stop that! You two!" He suddenly brought Daeyeol to say goodbye to other members and sent his brother back home before Myungsoo killed him. The taller guys yelled.  "Are you crazy? That's my brother!"
"I know." He shrugged and smiled "Just kidding. I love him too."
"I don't believe you, you jerk! You looked at my Daeyeol like you were going to tear him into pieces!"
Myungsoo laughed out loud. "I didn't! You're always over acting! I'm just really kidding you guys! But, well..."
"But what?"
"I'm seriously falling for you."
Sungyeol's face turned red again. "I'll tell Daeyeol!" He shouted and picked up the phone  from his pocket to call his brother. Myungsoo snatched it and spoke in blank.
"I'm going to ask your brother to be mine in a second, just want to tell you. Well, go home safely dude. Bye"
Then Myungsoo switched off the phone and gave it back to his friend who could not speak even one word.
"Would you be mine?" asked Myungsoo. But Sungyeol still kept quiet.
"I guess you mean OK, right?" He grinned. "If you don't speak anything, I'll think that you love me too, Lee Sungyeol."
'I'm sure he must shout madly at me.' Myungsoo thought.
But sungyeol just stood in silence and bit his lower lip shyly.
Myungsoo was surprised. 'Does that mean he accepts to be mine?'
He beamed cheerfully, stepped closer and wrap his hands around Sungyeol's waist. The way Sungyeol awkwardly held him back made Myungsoo smiled.
"Well, Where's Daeyeol now? I just want to cross over his dead body." He said and laughed.
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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 1: Cuteeeee
Chapter 1: This is freaking adorable!!! I love it!
Aigggoooooo.... ~ so cute <3
Can't stop squealing !
wonwoojpeg #4
Awww!! :)
nararahanibi #5
nararahanibi #6
so cute! i love the last line! i'll definitely use it sometime, it works so well! =))
chocoblack #9
oowwww... so cuuuutteeee... Makes me want more MyungYeol ^___^