He's so Hot

I Just Want You

I leave the classroom and change into my gym clothes:

I see Minhye and Robin stretching together.



I walk over to them waving and we talk about mark talking to us this morning and whatnot while stretching. "He's so hot and dreamy, " Minhye fantasizes. "Wow, you've really got the hots for him, huh?" asks Robin. "Who doesn't?" Minhye replies. The teacher comes in and we do our excercises. A student came up with the idea of us all playing kickball and that's what we did for the rest of gym.


~1 hour later~


"Alright everybody good job today; shower time," our coach praises. Thank God, I am so tired. I head to the showers with the other girls and we take about 15 minutes to finish getting cleaned up. I change back into my school clothes and wait for Robin and Minhye to finish. About 5 minutes later we head out for lunch with the rest of the gang.


~At our lunch table~


I purchase two bagels (one plain, one raisin bread both with strawberry cream cheese) and a milk tea.

I sit down at our table and chat with my friends.

"Okay Sooae, smile." "Okay wait Renjun, let me get ready." "Too late," and with that Renjun snaps the picture. I laugh inside because they're so cute. He looks into his camera.

"There, this one is going up on my Instagram," Renjun says smiling.

We all enjoy the rest of our meal and talk about what happened to me in class today.

*ring ring*

Welp time for Biology, I can't be late. After the sound of the bell, we say our goodbyes and head to our classes, respectively.


~3 hours later~


*ring ring*

Thank God school's over. I pack my English book in my bag and head out the door.

I meet up with Sooae and we go to the gym for our volleyball team's practice.


Author's Note: Short chapter I know but I hope you all enjoyed. Feel free to comment!! Bye^^ P.S.-If you can't view the pic that Renjun took at lunch the please read this story on your computer/laptop as I don't know how to fix the blank image on mobile devices...sorry><

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