Chapter 10

Missing Princess // A YOONGI FANFIC


It's has been a month since Iseul left back to Baekje, the place has never felt this empty before I really miss her, more than I thought I would "Yoongi you know-" i heard Jihoon next to me speak he paused for a bit "you can go to Baekje...and ask the king" I looked at him curiously and said "ask him what?"

He sighed and said "you really are dense go ask the king if you can marry Iseul" I looked at him and said "Why didn't i think about that earlier" I jumped up only hearing Jihoon chuckle behind me i told Jimin to arrange with the king that i would be coming to Baekje but not to mention it to Iseul, i would be leaving tomorrow, after breakfast i can't wait i hope he will agree 

After all arrangements were made yesterday, i was even more excited for today, we had already finished breakfast and i was preparing to leave to Baekje, to say i was the only one hoping that her father will agree would be a lie, everyone in the palace are hoping he will we all miss her

when i arrived at Baekje palace i was greeted by Hoseok and a little boy whom i take is Jungkook "Hello Yoongi nice to see you again" said Hoseok with a bright smile i nodded returning the smile and said "nice to see you as well Hoseok also..." i said turning to Jungkook "i believe you are Jungkook correct?" the little boy nodded giving me a bunny smile 

"i am and you are King Yoongi...Nice to meet you your majesty have you come to make Iseul noona smile again?" what does he mean with smile again?i looked at Hoseok for a hint "well since we left Silla well Iseul has been depressed if she leaves her room we are lucky she hardly eats as well" i looked at him with a look basically saying 'I hope you are joking' he looked at me seriously and said "i'm not joking Yoongi" 

"well then...i might be able to fix that if your father agree's to my request" he looked at me confused and said "agree to what?" i smiled at him and said "show me to your father and you will find out" he nodded and told me to follow him Jungkook kept walking beside me smiling up at me every now and then this kid is cute 

we arrived at the throne room where the king is with his adviser i was nervous i mean i am going to ask him to give his only daughter to me...will he even agree to this?...we entered the room i saw the King talking to his Adviser he noticed we entered and smiled when he saw us "ah welcome King Yoongi it is nice to have you visit Baekje again" i smiled and said "it is a honer to be able to return here your majesty" 

still smiling he said "i heard you have something to talk to me about so how about we get some tea and discuss it" i nodded in response i was now even more nervous than before, when the tea arrived we all took a seat i looked at the King and slowly said "your majesty...i have something to ask of you" 

"feel free to ask Yoongi, also relax a bit you seem nervous" 'oh if only you knew your majesty' i to myself i took a deep breath and said "your majesty i wanted to ask if, i may have your daughters hand in marriage in the time she spent at Silla i have fallen deeply in love with her and days seem longer and harder without her by my side" i bowed down basically pleading him to please let me marry Iseul 

i heard a chuckled followed by him saying "oh get up will you, of course you can marry Iseul, that is if she still loves" i smiled at him brightly and said "thank you very much your majesty i truly appreciate you agreeing to it, but also your majesty how will we know if she still loves me?" i questioned him he smiled and turned to his adviser "Namjoon go call Iseul for me tell her there is no objecting coming here it is a important matter" his adviser nodded and went to go get Iseul 

"okay you will hide in that room she won't know you are here, i am going to tell her she is getting married to the man of my choice, if she reacts in the way i expect she will, you will be able to marry her" i nodded and went to the room he told me to wait in he also explained that if she says she won't marry the guy her father chooses, he will say the guy is already here there is no going back on it, i would step out asking why she won't marry me...i really hope our plan works 

i heard the door to the throne room open and her greeting her father "hello father, you wanted to see me" followed by the king saying "Hello Iseul, yes i did indeed want to see you i have news for you" "what is it father?" i heard her say "well Iseul you will be getting married to the man of my choice" 

what came next shocked me in a angry voice she said "Married? father i will Marry, yes but i will choose who, i won't just marry any stranger you want me to" i smiled happily with her words "well Iseul sorry but you can't go back on this agreement he is already here and he is waiting for you" i stepped out of the room, i was now standing behind her i smiled and said "well what a beautiful bride i have" she whipped around and was shocked when she saw me

the king made his way over to us and said "Iseul meet your husband to be, King Yoongi of Silla but you already know that" the King finished off with a bright smile she had tears treating to fall she touched my cheek and said "it's you it really is you, it is not a dream is it i won't wake up and you are gone, will i?" 

i cupped her face with both my hands and said "Iseul this isn't a dream this is really i want you to marry i arrived this morning and came to ask your father he agreed but only if you still love me Iseul, do you still love me?" she nodded her head excitedly and smiled tears now streaming down her face i whipped them away with my thumbs and smiled at her 

the King then said "well then we have a wedding to prepare for...and a joining of two kingdoms" we both turned to him and nodded in agreement, after that Hoseok and Jungkook entered the room Hoseok was all smiled and Jungkook looked at Iseul and saw her cry he sighed and said "i thought she would finally stop crying when she saw him, why is she still crying" we all laughed at him he seemed quite frustrated Iseul went over to him and said "i am crying happy tears Jungkook, because i get to marry him" he gasped and started clapping his hands followed by his bunny smile  

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Am I in love with this story? YES
I'm going to reread it again soon :3
Chapter 1: Hello! Your work seems pretty interesting, I like the concept. Please do not take offense to what I'm about to say as I intend only to use these words as constructive criticism, but I think it would be good if you had either a beta reader or an editor to help insert in punctuation. Makes it a little easier to read. Nonetheless, I'll leave a bookmark on this story until then. :-) Fighting!