(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)

Don't Mourn The Sun

Minseok hummed.


Kyungsoo raised his head from the desk and peered at him. Minseok eyes were closed, as if he were sleeping. His pale, luminous skin shimmered subtly in the moonlight. Kyungsoo's breath hitched, causing the vampire to open his warm, cat like eyes. He stared gently, lovingly, making Kyungsoo's heart swell with adoration and sadness. He then glared down at the sheet of paper in front of him, out of sheer embarrassment from being caught. Giving out a sigh of desperation, he pushed away said paper. After several sad attempts of finishing his calculus homework, he simply gave up.  


“I could do it for you, you know.” Minseok stifled a laugh with a cough. 


Kyungsoo rolled his wide eyes. “What would be the point in that? I plan to graduate educated, Min.” 


Minseok stood from the boys bed and was swiftly by his side, icy hands holding warm ones. “You are very smart, Soo. Let me save you the headache.” 


“No way,” Kyungsoo huffed, “I’m doing this on my own. You can accept or leave.” He pulled away one of his hands from the embrace and gestured towards his window with a raised eyebrow. Minseok laughed and grabbed back Kyungsoo's warm palm, thumb massaging the back of his hand. Kyungsoo yanked away both his hands and crossed his arms. Minseoks twinkling eyes met his. 


“You don’t want me to stay and cuddle you, Soo?” 


Kyungsoo flushed and pushed away from his desk. He turned and glared at his vampire boyfriend, “Not if you're going to be annoying.”


Minseok held his hands, palms up, in surrender, “Sorry, babe.” He grinned when he saw Kyungsoo blush an even brighter red. He tugged his sleeve gently, “Come on, you look exhausted.”


“Sorry I’m human,” Kyungsoo mumbled as he stood and stretched lazily, “We can't all be perfect vamps now can we?” He stumbled to the bed and landed face down, with a groan. "Now let me sleep. I'll have to get up early in order to finish my homework." He yawned and quickly fell into a deep slumber.


Minseok gently arranged himself around the sleeping boy, and stared at him in adoration. Imagining his life without Kyungsoo was painful, but the only way he could spend eternity with the ove of his life would be through changing him.


“My Kyungsoo, just less fragile,” Minseok whispered while his lovers side. 


That morning, Kyungsoo woke up alone. No note was left in the absence of his boyfriend. Packing his backpack for school, he noticed the newly completed sheet of calculus homework. He shook his head and rolled his eyes.


His vampire could be quite annoying.

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