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They said loving someone from afar is one of the most difficult things to do, but for, Luhan it's more difficult when that special someone happens to be one of your closest friend who runs to you whenever he has problems about love. It doesn't take a genius for their group of friends to know how much Luhan feels for Oh Sehun even though he tries so hard to hide it. Luhan first met Sehun and their other friends four years ago, back when he was still in his second year of college and Sehun was still a freshman student. It was during a party of their common friend Kim Jongdae, who was Luhan’s org mate and Sehun’s cousin.


Luhan was at the second-floor veranda drinking his beer with Chanyeol when he notices an attractive guy talking with his classmate, Sooyoung. No matter how much Luhan had tried to stop looking at the certain guy, his eyes couldn't stop following him wherever he goes. As he observed him, Luhan noticed how he loved to mingle especially with the girls and since then, Luhan knew he will never get a chance with this guy.


“That’s Jongdae’s cousin, Sehun," Chanyeol told him.


“I’m not asking for his name.” He harrumphed.


“Yeah sure, but you have been staring at him for awhile now...”


“Oh please, Yeol I was just observing him.” Luhan reasoned out, making his best friend Park Chanyeol laugh.


"Whatever you say, Lulu." he teased.


That night after the party was over, Luhan, Chanyeol and their group of friends lounged together at Jongdae’s receiving area.


"Hey guys, before I forget this is my cousin, Oh Sehun” Jongdae introduced. “He’s studying AB communication.”


“Oooh, same department.” Chanyeol whispered to Luhan making the shorter blush.


“Goddammit, Chanyeol. Stop it” Luhan hissed.


Jongdae introduced his friends to Sehun one by one, “And this is Luhan, he’s in the same department as you, and he’s taking up journalism along with Chanyeol.” Sehun reached for Luhan’s hands to shake. “Nice to meet you hyung, it’s nice to know we are in the same department.” Luhan smiled as he took his hand. He tried to hold back the blush that was creeping up his cheeks as he noticed how Sehun’s big hands that fitted perfectly to his.


“Luhan hyung! Luhan Hyung!” Luhan turned around to see who was calling his name, only to find Sehun running towards him.


“Hey! It’s me, Sehun, Jongdae’s cousin. Do you still remember me?” every detail of your handsome face Luhan thought.


“Of course, Sehun. What’s the matter?” Luhan asked.


“Hyung, are you busy? I just need to ask you something about this one subject?” Luhan checked his watch and saw that it was still twelve-fifteen in the afternoon. He still had three hours before his next class.


Luhan nodded and asked him if they could work about that at the cafeteria since he was already hungry. Sehun agreed, and so the both of them went to the school cafeteria to have lunch together. Ever since that day, whenever Sehun needed to ask something or when he had vacant time, he’d always go to Luhan. Sometimes they would spend the whole afternoon together when Luhan’s afternoon class get cancelled. Later on, Luhan found out that Sehun was an irregular student, and that they’d have one class together every Mondays and Fridays.


“Hyung, are you friends with Kang Nari?” Sehun asked all of a sudden. Luhan thought about who Nari was  for a while til he remembered the petite, lady-like classmate of him; the one who Sehun talked to yesterday.


“Not really, but we greet each other whenever we meet, why ask?”


“Nothing, I just thought you were friends...and that I could ask you for her number.” Sehun explained.


“Oh..” then, Luhan continued writing on his paper, ignoring the heavy feeling he suddenly felt in his fragile heart.  


The next day, Luhan, Sehun and their other friends met up at a coffee shop near their campus. Everyone was so busy working on their individual homework while Sehun couldn't put down his phone.


“Look’s like someone’s busy with other things, hey Sehun!” Jongdae asked, the younger smiled and said he was texting Kang Nari.


“Huh, I thought you didn't have her number," Luhan said


“I saw her earlier decided to man up and ask for her number. She’s really pretty and I want to get to know her more” Sehun explained and kept on texting Nari.


Luhan suddenly stood up and excused himself to the bathroom. When Sehun asked if he was fine Luhan said he was having a mild panic attack and quickly left their table. In reality, however, he was far from experiencing a panic attack. He was fine, it’s just that, it kills him to know how much Sehun had exerted that much effort to get closer to her. And in that moment, Luhan wished he was Nari, so he can make him smile as well.


"Hey, you okay?" Chanyeol asked, following he follows Luhan after he’d left their table. Luhan shook his head. “I’m far from being fine, Yeol!” he cried. “I hate him! And his handsome face, ugh!” Luhan ranted.


Chanyeol came closer and pulled his best friend to a hug, it's the least he can do. "We can always ask someone to punch his handsome face." He , earning a slap on the arm from Luhan “Don’t you ever do that, I love Sehun so much, I don’t want to see him in pain. ”


Luhan didn’t know when did he started having feelings for Sehun, maybe it was because of how thoughtful he was, or how he cared for him, or maybe because of the small things Sehun did for him that made his heart flutter. As crazy as it sounded, but in a short period of time Luhan had fallen for Sehun so deeply, and before everything gets worse, he wanted to put an end to these feelings and avoid him.


The following day, Luhan planned to begin avoiding Sehun

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Chapter 1: You can’t just end it like that omg you might as well just totally break my heart instead of half breaking and half giving me hope omggg ;;-;;
Chapter 1: This needs an epilogue whether it's a happy ending or not. Just the fact that Sehun is being a coward needs more backstory + It seems as if Luhan has closure now that he knows since he's at ease with things.

Actually no, I would love to read a whole chaptered story about this because the more I think about it, the more I'm intrigued.
Hunhan520 #3
Chapter 1: *applause