Chapter One !

Stolen Polaroids; Cameras and Shots

Chapter One.

It was the seventh sigh within the thirty minutes that Jaehyun has set into his dorm that made Johnny drop his pen on his laptop as it settled snug in between a couple of the keyboard keys. Earlier that day, about an hour after all of the classes have ended, Jaehyun had staggered and stumbled inside the dorm as if he had been doing illegal underage drinking and reminiscing about a life that he won’t ever and could never achieve and obtain. He had closed the door with such little force, Johnny thought that the door wouldn’t close and he would have to stand up and close it himself, but it did close softly, the clicking sound of the lock resonating throughout the large dorm room as its two occupants were occupied with doing their assignment and another was shuffling about lifelessly.

Johnny had eyed Jaehyun curiously as the other fumbled about, taking off his shoes, jacket and tie. He littered the clothing articles across the room, leaving pieces strewn across the tiled marbled floors before he flopped himself onto the couch in the living room, opposite of Johnny who was sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table with his laptop and multiple A4 papers on the table full of his Chemistry and Engineering notes. After Jaehyun stayed silent for a while, his face planted in one of the soft cushions Ten had bought them after complaining about how pointy and stiff every other pillow in their dorm was, including Johnny’s own thighs, Johnny nodded his head to himself and mumbled a silent, ‘Okay then.’ as he resumed to focusing on his assignment.

The term had literally just began earlier that day, at 7.30 A.M., but apparently, their Chemistry teacher Mrs. Kim had gotten their assignments ready since the first week of the previous term break and she was so much more than just simply eager to share the assignment with her class. Unfortunately, one of her classes was a class that had Johnny as her student. Even more unfortunate for Johnny, Mrs. Kim had decided that the assignments this time around would be an individual assignment, with 1/3 of its marks going into their Performance Test, Midterms and Finals. Johnny had involuntarily squawked and kicked the chair in front of him when the news was said, and now he was dealing with a good swollen toe.

Despite all that, he couldn’t exactly leave his friend to ponder over his life problem alone. Let alone if he even had a proper life problem that Johnny could actually lend a hand in seeing as most of his problems had to do with his parents not allowing him to eat certain MSG induced food products as they were constantly concerned about Jaehyun’s health which was never exactly good to begin with. Therefore, Johnny clasped his hands together, breathing in as he took in Jaehyun’s condition that still had his face pressed upon the soft cushion. Johnny wasn’t even sure if Jaehyun was breathing properly or not.

“Yes, I’m not okay.” Jaehyun mumbled loudly from his spot before Johnny could even shoot a question to him.

“Well, that was something pretty obvious. I was actually going to ask on the reason why you’re being a complete lifeless body right now.” Johnny replied back, stretching his legs under the coffee table.

Jaehyun peeked away from the pillow, looking down and seeing Johnny’s foot near him. He sees the bandage across half of the foot and he brings his hand down to fiddle with the edges of it before he answered. “It’s just that -- You know that I got that polaroid camera of Taeyong’s, right? Well --”

“Do not tell me that you accidentally broke it or lost it.” Johnny chipped in, eyes narrowing into threatening slits.

It was one thing for Jaehyun to have taken the Senior’s polaroid camera, but it was definitely one hell of another if he had broken it. Johnny didn’t mind much about the after effects as Jaehyun could probably afford to buy another polaroid camera as compensation, but what Johnny did mind was Ten would most definitely screech and shriek, and then he would sulk for the whole week and Johnny would have to deal with Jaemin’s snorts as he observed how Johnny would be practically begging for the sulky Thai’s attention.

“No! I didn’t! You know I would never hurt a precious baby!” Jaehyun scrambled to get on all fours, scowling at the other male as he should know best that Jaehyun wouldn’t ever even allow a single scratch on a camera; the fact that it being Lee Taeyong’s camera would mean it would be taken extra care of, too.

“Okay, so if it wasn’t you breaking the camera, then what is it?” Johnny asked, now intrigued and curious on what actually did happen, as he put his elbows on the coffee table and leaned forward, his evident interest glinting in his two, dark brown orbs.

“I’m having a crisis on if I should give it back or keep it and use it to do what Jaemin suggested, y’know?” Jaehyun turned to properly sit on the couch, his back slumped against it as he spread his legs out wide in front of him, eyes mindlessly looking up at the ceiling that was decorated with small glow-in-the-dark stars and moons.

“You’re actually seriously thinking about keeping it?” Johnny questioned in surprise, brows furrowing.

Johnny had thought the idea of it actually happening would be quite nice when he read the messages in the group chat. It would be fun and there would be no actual harm since Johnny knew Taeyong and his group of friends. They were all people who don’t mind exploring something new, talking to other people and making friends with them. Johnny still remembers how Mark had played the guitar once with Donghyuck, Doyoung and Taeil singing along to a song in the cafeteria after classes have ended, and Ten and Jisung had put up a small performance that day. In short, though they weren’t in the same group of friends who were extremely close and tight, they were friends enough to be able to spend some time together and have actual fun instead of an awkward silence. Though Jaehyun would usually be sitting at the corners, listening to his music library on shuffle as he frantically did his homeworks and assignments seeing as he hated to leave things to postpone and did everything early on, so he would never quite exactly join in on the excitement.

“Yeah, actually. I mean, when does a chance like this come often? I can get closer to Taeyong like this!” Jaehyun exclaimed, now looking at Johnny with bright and sparkling eyes.

“I never knew you had a fancy to get closer to Taeyong.” Johnny said, his confusion and doubt dripping off of his words.

“I never did, but I mean, look at this photo,” Jaehyun replied as he leaned over the couch to grab on his bag that was left beside it. He looked through his bag, ransacked it even as he threw his Biology, History, Korean Literature, and Spanish books out of his bag and mindlessly across the floor. Finally, he found what he had been looking for, and brought it out carefully, delicately even as if it was a bird feather of the most exotic extinct bird of planet Earth. He turned the item around with his fingers pinching one side of it lightly, and Johnny eyes the impressive polaroid photo of Taeyong, with a flower crown and surrounded by stationery items and more flowers, looking more stunning than he had ever been. Even the light shining down on him looked as if it was artificial as it simply made the photo even more perfect, like it couldn’t be real and natural, but it was. “He looks ethereal, right? And I want to take more photos of him. I’m itching to! I want to show it to him, too, and I want to know what he thinks of my photos of him, if he likes them or not.”

Johnny pursed his lips into a thin line, his tongue poking out to moisten them as he kept his gaze upon the photo in Jaehyun’s hands. Though his eyes were on the photo, his mind was elsewhere as he nodded absentmindedly, his fingers gripping one another even tightly in his grasp. If Jaehyun actually did do what he wanted to do, which was to take photos of Taeyong and send it to him, what would happen? There was a possibility that Taeyong would know it was Jaehyun’s photo. Heck, anyone would know it was Jaehyun’s photo if they had seen Jaehyun’s section in the school’s annual photography exhibition that was held during every term carnival to raise funds and donations. Jaehyun had his own photographing style, he knew his photos, he knew his muse, he knew what and who he was. This lead to people knowing him, too, even if it’s merely through eyeing his photographs, gasping in awe and admiration towards the form of art. It was too risky of something to do for Jaehyun, because the possible results were endless. Taeyong could report Jaehyun for theft, Taeyong could accuse Jaehyun of being a stalker, and these are scenarios where only Taeyong was involved. If one of his friends, especially if it was Donghyuck, were to be involved, Jaehyun might as well be making a permanent residency for himself six feet underground soon.

The possible results were endless, and that was what tugged on Johnny’s mind. What if the result was good? Johnny could not picture a scenario where a sane person would actually like being photographed by an unknown, and the photographs being sent to them, too, but if English Literature back when he was in America had taught him anything, Johnny knew that sometimes, the unexpected was what usually happens.Also, Johnny may or may not be more than just a little bit excited and eager to see Jaehyun on his hunt to capture Taeyong’s photos. As an amateur photographer who took every picture seriously and with immense amount of care, Jaehyun was caught often doing the most ridiculous of stunts before. Once, he was hanging upside down on a tree branch to capture a scenic photograph of the Sun with its white light shining off of a prism mirror after one particular Physics class after school. He had a broken leg by the end of the day, but Jaehyun only grinned in satisfaction and happiness as he told the school’s nurse about him taking the photo while he was being bandaged. The school’s nurse was, of course, not pleased at all, but when has Mr. Leeteuk ever been pleased if Jaehyun was in his infirmary constantly for at least two times per week?

“Johnny?” Jaehyun called out, snapping his fingers together near Johnny’s face.

Jaehyun had leaned forward, curiously eyeing the American as he did so. His eyes were furrowed and his lips were set to a small pout, his head tilted slightly to the side. Johnny wondered if Taeyong would ever get to see this face of Jaehyun’s when Jaehyun takes his photo.

“Have you ever seen Taeyong go to the photograph exhibitions during the carnivals? How long has he been a student here, by the way?” Johnny interrogated, blinking his eyes profusely to get the remnants of his thoughts away, so he could focus on his friend.

“I thought I was the one asking questions.” Jaehyun said, clearly offended by the lack of answer to his prime question.

“No one cares enough about you,” Johnny retorted, and Jaehyun’s mouth was left agape in accusation, as he glared daggers towards Johnny. “Anyway, answer my question.”

“Taeyong’s been in this school since his freshman year of Senior High. His Primary, Middle School and Junior High education was taken somewhere else in Seoul. Seoul does have a whole lot of different school options, anyhow,” Jaehyun answered, his reply having been quoted and unquoted from Jisung who had eavesdropped on a conversation regarding Taeyong in his class last term by a group of his classmates who were talking about this year’s Senior Batch who might grow up to become famous in the future. Jaehyun had agreed with that, because Taeyong really did have the face to become famous in the future with. “And, sadly, I’ve never seen him in the photographs exhibitions during the carnivals. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him during the carnivals even, period.” Jaehyun had bit the inside of his bottom lip as he said so, twiddling his fingers together as a small amount of disappointment crept inside of his chest like a small baby animal, begging to be seen and noticed. Jaehyun had smacked that feeling back inside, and kicked it away to the deepest corners of his heart.

“Don’t be sad,” Johnny voiced out, his voice soft and gentle as he tried to reassure Jaehyun. He wasn’t quite positive on why he was trying to reassure the younger, but it felt right to do so as Jaehyun nodded meekly in response. “That just means you have a safe path going on in front of you.”

Jaehyun’s brows furrow deep in question, his head pulled back to eye the other with confusion adorning every curve that outlined his facial features as he spoke his question, “Where are you coming from, again?”

“Chicago, America,” Johnny replied with much seriousness, as he looked into Jaehyun’s eyes with a stoic face on before Jaehyun broke out into a grin and a laugh, reaching forward to punch Johnny’s shoulder weakly. “What I mean is, if Taeyong has never been to the photography exhibitions, then that means he won’t know how your photographs look like. If he doesn’t know it’s you that’s taking his photographs, you might just be able to squeeze in a long period of time in your life that you get to take photos of him from afar.”

How bright Jaehyun’s face lit up with his wide smile, his dimples being showcased as if they were Picasso’s latest painting on a human being, his eyes almost sparkling and twinkling with only one emotion, happiness, made Johnny smile, too. Things could go wrong, in fact, they could go deadly wrong but if things actually did go right, and Jaehyun’s happiness would be even more apparent as the days go by, Johnny thinks it might be okay to salvage some of his life into helping Jaehyun in the future with finding Taeyong’s classes, Taeyong’s schedule, and Taeyong in general. After all, once Jaehyun has a muse, once Jaehyun has an interest, once Jaehyun has an object of admiration in which he could pour immense love and affection on even if it’s through photographs of the said object, Jaehyun would go through more than just little and simple lengths for them.

As Jaehyun parted his lips to speak, Johnny hears the small croak and choke as Jaehyun pauses his words in his throat when Johnny’s phone began ringing. Johnny held up a hand, pointing one finger up and mumbling a small, “Hold on a second.” as began to carelessly look through the coffee table for his phone. He lifted several heavy notes which were surrounding his laptop in a vain attempt to find his phone. He would leave it as is since Johnny has always been a lazy person in general, but he knew that ring tone. That ring tone in which the lyrics of Jason Mraz’s I’m yours was being sang out by a certain Thai male during Class Prep when the teacher on duty to secure them had excused himself to go to the toilet with the most amazing and enticing vocals Johnny had ever heard in his life, after Taeil but Taeil had won the singing competition hosted by their school in collaboration with plenty others for six years in a row since he was eleven and Ten was more renowned as a dancer, as an artist who played with emotions by wearing his heart on his sleeve and his body was the medium. Enough said, Ten’s vocals were Johnny’s favorite, even if he may be the tiniest bit of biased for the other male, but at least the biased feelings flowed both ways for the both of them.

“It’s there.” Jaehyun said as he pointed towards a small crack in the middle of Johnny’s Engineering dictionary.

Johnny held onto the book from the other side of the coffee table, swiftly sliding it up to himself as quickly as he could. The call had ended once already, but then continued as Ten might have called him once again since he was left unanswered the first time. Johnny would never not answer Ten, even if he was in the shower trying to reflect on his actions for the day or taking a dump as he tried to cry out tears of pain. Once Johnny had flipped through his book’s pages and found his phone, buzzing and playing Ten’s cover of ‘I’m Yours’, Johnny picked it up and answered the call without looking at the screen, putting his phone to his ear as he answered the caller.

“Hello?” Johnny asked into the receiver, and he pulled his phone away slightly from his ear as a loud screech resonated through the speakers. “I’m sorry, my phone went missing for a while hidden beneath my ton of notes.”

Johnny hears a small huff and an indignant whine on the other side before Ten finally speaks into the phone using proper language instead of noises that only a whale and elephant could probably fathom, analyze and understand.

Okay, fine. I forgive you for that but! Johnny! You and Jaehyun are both going to be ing late for Class Prep if you don’t get your out right now to shower and eat dinner before all the food’s gone and you’ll have to cook for yourself. I mean, Jaehyun could probably cook in a decent amount of time, but I can’t even begin to try to imagine you trying to cook a one-set dinner meal properly.” Ten had blabbered on into the receiver, and as he did so, Johnny had pointed to the clock hanging on the wall behind them.

Jaehyun had seen that they would be really damned late for Class Prep as he eyed the clock above the 42-inch flat screen television of their room. He nodded his head and stood up from the couch, scrambling into his room, most probably to gather clean clothes and a plastic bag to dump in his laundry inside before they left the bag inside their dorm. Johnny sees him getting out of his room, shutting the door hastily as it collided to a close with a loud ‘bang’. Johnny had flinched, but saw that Jaehyun gave him a nod to continue speaking with Ten as he entered Johnny’s room next. Johnny mouthed a short, ‘Thanks!’ and Jaehyun sent him an ‘Okay.’ sign.

“We’ll be down really soon, save a spot for us.” Johnny said once Ten had finished his long blabber, and he then heard a soft groan of frustration.

To hell with saving a spot for your .” Ten hissed out in reply before Johnny hears the constant beep which means the call had ended.

Johnny tears his phone away from his ear as Jaehyun strides into the living room with two sets of clothes hanging off of his arms and a plastic bag that was full of toiletries and a single empty, bunched up plastic bag inside it for their dirty clothes in a while on the wrist of his other arm. He looked at Johnny who motioned his head to the door and Jaehyun nodded as he walked to the door, leaving Johnny behind him to stand up and place his phone back inside of his jean’s pocket. Johnny went to stand beside Jaehyun by the dorm’s entrance, who was putting on his sneakers after he had placed the clothes and plastic bag nearby.

“Did Ten cut you off again?” Jaehyun asked, picking his own things up as he stood up to his full height, a sly grin decorating his face.

“We’re going to the Eating Hall first.” Johnny simply said, and Jaehyun’s grin grew bigger in understanding.

Sometimes, Johnny thinks that Jaehyun is a soft child who he wants to take care of for his whole entire life. He felt like he was a father figure to the younger at times, especially during moments he had small dilemmas and crisis’ exploding like nuclear bombs in his mind that he would find a problem to sometimes properly form into coherent sentences to share with others. Though, most of the times, like now, Johnny only wanted to chuck a shoe down his throat but not so violently, because he did not want to commit murder and be put in jail for murdering someone who was not even worth being murdered.


Taeyong placed his hand on the knob of the door leading into the shower’s, pressing it down as the door’s hinges give way to allow the door to open for Taeyong. He pushed the door open, enclosing it as he enters the shower’s. The shower stalls still had the scent of soap in it, overwhelming Taeyong in a good way as he did indeed adore the scent of soap, be it the classical fruity scents like strawberry, vanilla or lemon or the more rare scents like cocoa that only the ones who loved to experiment with new things and get hooked on severe advertising would buy; for instance, his Freestyle Dance class senior, Oh Sehun.

Shaking his head to remove his thoughts of his senior, Taeyong took long strides to reach the bench in the middle of the room. Taeyong would always shower when his friends would be in the Eating Hall, munching food and most likely spilling its contents on the table as they spoke and chattered on about their days while eating. He simply liked it that way, not to avoid his friends, but because the shower would be empty. The usual schedule of every student was to shower firsthand before going back to their dorms, dumping their dirty clothes in their rooms, before going ahead to the Eating Hall for dinner. This was because each floor of their Dormitory Building had two shower rooms on opposite ends, facing one another behind glass panels which divided the floor and the empty space in the middle that allowed students to be able to look down the corridors and to scream and shout at their friends on lower floors of the Dormitory Building. The Eating Hall was a good five-minute walk from the Dormitory Building, and connecting the Eating Hall with an overhead bridge just a couple of steps in front of the entrance of the hall was the Class Prep Building. As the layout of the school was such as so, most would prefer to only go in one way, instead of going back and forth the school’s compound. Taeyong, however, would like it more to be somewhere where he wouldn’t have to face too many people, especially if it was in the shower.

It was a well-known fact among his friends that Taeyong was quite the hygienic person. Some of them used to make jokes about Taeyong’s obsessive nature towards washing his hands in the past, but those jokes gradually decreased to nothing over time. Being in the shower’s, surrounding by tens or even hundreds of students who were all sweaty, dirty, releasing immense body odor, would most definitely be a complete nightmare for Taeyong. Therefore, his friends don’t mind him skipping out on showering and eating with them, and Taeyong understood that they wouldn’t be following him to the shower’s or to eat in the Eating Hall either as the routine was a hassle. They did, though, once in a while if some of them weren’t too tired from the day, but it was the first day of school, and everyone wanted to take it easy and lazy before Hell really broke loose nearing the Performance Test season.

Hearing the sound of the door opening from behind him, Taeyong turned his head a 90 degree angle to see who it was, and when he saw who, his lips tugged into a smile as he then swiveled around fully, nodding his head in acknowledgment towards the younger, but still taller and that indeed somehow made Taeyong feel incredibly small and fidgety the first time he heard about the other from his friends. The other boy stopped in his tracks by the door, his hands still on the knob as he looked at Taeyong, his eyes scanning Taeyong from up and down, until Taeyong can feel him slowly eyeing every single body part of his. It was as if Taeyong was a sculpture in a far away museum, and the boy was absorbing, remembering, burning every part of Taeyong into his mind. Taeyong was quite used to people giving him attention, as his friends would never cease to say how Taeyong was handsome even though they see him and all of his multiple sides on a daily basis. Along with that, strangers do turn their heads to glance at Taeyong. Some girls would peek through their straws and drinks in cafes to eye Taeyong, whispering to one another with wide eyes as they appreciated his outward appearance.

However, the boy in front of him wasn’t simply giving him attention. He was not ogling over Taeyong like all of the previous people who did. He was giving Taeyong all of his attention, as if Taeyong was the only thing in his universe; as if Taeyong was his universe. It was as if he was etching every single bit and detail about Taeyong into his mind, every fiber, every breath, every flaw and every perfection. Taeyong allowed the boy to eye him for a while more, as, again, he was quite used to being given attention and he knew that people would usually stop staring at him after some time, but when the boy continued to eye Taeyong with such intensity, Taeyong cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak to him.

“Hello, Jaehyun.” Taeyong said, releasing a wide, toothy smile as he clapped his hands together, firmly holding his hands.

“Huh?” Jaehyun spoke, before taking a sharp inhale of breath as he must have realized what he had just did, eyes widening, and Taeyong thought he was going to apologize, but instead, the other said something completely different. “You know my name?”

Taeyong lets out a soft laugh, amused by the unexpected response. He could understand why the question was directed, though, as Jaehyun must have never spent time with Taeyong before as he would usually be busy doing his own homeworks in the corner whenever they did bump into each other. Jaehyun’s friends had said that the habit of Jaehyun doing his work during school hours came from a severe punishment which embarrassed Jaehyun to no end during Middle School, making him the studious and hardworking student he is today, but they did say it was only within school hours.

“Yeah, I do. Your friends sometimes hang out with my friends whenever we’re at the cafeteria during lunch, but you never joined us before.” Taeyong explained, rubbing his nape sheepishly as he did so as he saw a look of recognition cross Jaehyun’s face.

“Oh. Oh. Oh damn. Oh my God, I am so sorry for staring just now. Crap, I should have said sorry first instead of saying, ‘You know my name?’.” Jaehyun replied quickly, flustered as a soft tinge of peachy pink blushed his cheeks.

Taeyong nodded in response, shaking his head towards Jaehyun as he turned around once more towards the bench, letting his bag of clean clothes and plastic bags fall down onto the bench. As he took out his clothes and needed toiletries, he spoke out towards the boy behind him as he heard some shuffling and walking.

“What are you doing here? I’m always here when people are eating, and I never see you here.” Taeyong said, smoothing out the crinkles on his clothes as he sees Jaehyun setting two bags on the bench nearby him.

“Well,” Jaehyun began, falling silent for a bit as he bit his lips, and Taeyong eyes him from underneath his hair to look at the boy who was nervously eyeing the bags, fiddling with its handles. “I was talking with my friend about something - well, something important, yeah. Something important, that’s it.” Jaehyun uttered, more as if he was talking to himself rather than Taeyong.

Taeyong raised a brow, wonder and interest tugging on the corners of his heart. Although he did feel so, and he was tempted to question on what was important that he was in the shower’s, Taeyong didn’t voice it out. He simply hummed and nodded before forming proper sentences.

“You’re here because you’re late, then?” Taeyong asked, grabbing his towel out and setting it beside his clean clothes.

“Yeah. I’m just here to put down my bags, though. I have to -” Jaehyun sputtered and stumbled on his words as he looked at Taeyong, red neon lights flashing in his mind with the signs, ‘Get The Hell Out Of There!’.

Taeyong had tugged on the hem of his shirt, stripping it off of his body swiftly and languidly, ruffling his hair once the shirt was off. He folded the shirt into a neat square before he heard Jaehyun having tangled his words together. He looked up at Jaehyun from where he was bending, humming in question.

“You have to what?” Taeyong asked, confusion written as clear as day on his face.

Jaehyun blinked once, twice, and then thrice before he nodded with pursed lips and widened eyes, choking out a croaky laugh as he did so. He pointed towards the door, slowly shuffling out of the shower room inch by inch from Taeyong whose eyes never left Jaehyun’s figure.

“I have to go, Ten will freak, Johnny would kill me, Jaemin’s questions would be endless as heck and Jisung will think I did something that I did not do which I should never do and well, I’ve gotta go now, I guess. I do. Okay, bye!” Jaehyun spoke quickly, rushing out of the room as he raced away from the door, forgetting to close it before coming back again in a hurry, closing it, flashing Taeyong a dimpled smile and running off.

Taeyong was left there, eyeing the door, stunned and bewildered as he nodded his head to himself. He was shocked, to say the least, by the odd behavior of the other, but well, Taeyong knew that it wasn’t his place to say anything regarding anyone. Although, he did have nothing bad to say about Jaehyun. Jaehyun seemed amusing when he was speaking with his friends about other people that they knew, mutuals who would make great close friends, and he was indeed, amusing in a way.


Jaehyun had almost tripped down the last steps of the stairs, his legs flailing against each other and entangling in a wild knot of limbs. He would have hit face first and broken a nose, would have left a blood stain on the marbled floor of the dormitory’s first floor if it wasn’t for Johnny getting a hold of him before he did indeed fall on the ground. He gripped onto the others forearm, looking up towards him while panting and trying to breathe properly. Johnny rubbed his back as he nodded, mumbling for Jaehyun to breathe and to take it slow. Jaehyun nodded furiously, closing his eyes shut as he gasped for air, standing up haphazardly. He pushed his palms onto the wall, before slumping his back against it. Once his breathing was stable, he looked at Johnny again, but with much more calmness than his previous haggard-self.

“I’m taking photos of Taeyong.” He concluded, and Johnny’s eyebrows flew up in question.

Johnny had let his mouth loose, wanting to ask the thousands of questions running through his mind regarding his friend’s sudden change of mind. Johnny knew that Jaehyun would come to the conclusion sooner or later, but not as he almost fell down the stairs, breathing like he was choked in water for several hours. Jaehyun knew Johnny wanted explanations, but he simply waved his hands as a gesture for the other to not ask any questions, and that he would not answer.

Jaehyun wouldn’t even know how to answer. It was one thing to have come upon Taeyong in the shower’s as he took in all of Taeyong into the back of his mind, like Taeyong was the one who had put up the stars in Jaehyun’s world and eyes, like Taeyong was the star in itself. It was definitely another to see Taeyong’s exposed and milky skin, his toned body and his perfectly exercised torso. No, Jaehyun was not feeling hot or bothered, or disturbed at all. Instead, Jaehyun thought of Taeyong as one thing, and one thing only.

Lee Taeyong was inexplicably beautiful. Jaehyun wanted to capture his beauty on films of photos and do his beauty justice. Every inch of him, clothed or exposed. He was beautiful and Jaehyun was enchanted. Jaehyun also wanted to give those photos to Taeyong, and show to him how beautiful he just was. Jaehyun didn’t know why, but he wanted to. He wanted to catch Lee Taeyong and every parts of him, every curve and every edge, every crook and cranny, every soft gaze and hard, every furrow of his brow and crease on his face. Jaehyun wanted it to be taken by him through photographs.

“Well, when are we going to tell the rest, though? I don’t think Ten is going to like this, so the Eating Hall and during Class Prep would be a huge ‘No’. I don’t want to hear his screams in a public place.” Johnny said, whining and groaning, hanging his head back at simply the memory of Ten’s screech just a few moments ago when they were on the phone with each other.

“Of course not. We’ll invite them over after Class Prep. Lights go out at midnight, right? We’ll hang out in our room and tell them.” Jaehyun said, earning a nod and an ‘Okay’ sign from Johnny who was satisfied with the idea, so long as they weren’t in the public eye where Ten could make a complete embarrassment over them during the first day of the second term.

// 저자의 메모!

Hello! I'm so incredibly sorry for the long wait for this chapter. I originally intended to post up one chapter per week, but my laptop had a problem and I couldn't do anything with it for a long time, therefore yeah, you're only getting a chapter now. :c I'm so sorry! I hope you liked this chapter, though! The story is just beginning, and I do have a whole lot of ideas for this story for future chapters. Thank you for reading, I love you and have a nice day today! Also, this was incredibly unbeta-ed or edited. I'm so sorry. ;;

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Chapter 3: I hope you will update this someday author-nim ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 2: jaeyong. took. my. heart. away. omg.
mackJ1416 #3
Chapter 3: take your time
Chapter 3: you don't have to worry for anything take your time and enjoy your trip <3
Chapter 2: gosh, who wouldn't ogle at taeyong,
jaehyun having a moral crisis and johnny helping him, i loved that XDD
don't worry, you take your time, i'm happy as long as i get to read it doesn't matter how much i have to wait for it <3
nataliexe #6
Chapter 2: waaa i'm so excited ~~
Chapter 1: i loved the prologue
i can totally imagine taeyong looking absolutely gorgeous with a flower crown, especially now with his pink hair
I loled with the status lol
I'm so looking forward for this
Welcome to the fandom, I'm glad you're in the jaeyong lane <3