Chapter 1


The relentless ticking of the clock echoed through the room as an auburn haired man lay on an oak desk, head in hands. The silence swallowing him was almost deafening as the second hand kept moving around the clockface. A dull hum of voices could be heard outside the room, gradually growing louder as it seemed to be coming for the room. 

It was then that the silence was disturbed by three solid knocks against the cold wooden door. A groan erupted from the slumped man when the door opened revealing two men in suits carrying stacks of papers. "Mr Park, Oh Co-operations have sent the papers for the collaboration through and they look foreward to working with you." The shorter man of the two spoke with a soft yet confident tone. The auburn haired man finally sat up and gazed at the two intruders with large eyes, hooded with sleep. "Just put them on the desk... I'll deal with them later." A grumbled reply came as the eyes gazed over to the computer screen. 

The taller of the two man looked at his companion before looking back at his boss. "Sir, It's past 5 o'clock... Most of the employee's have headed home for the night." The man gave the lanky figure a once over, "And by the looks of it, you should as well."

Blank eyes travelled up the suited mens' bodies and then locked with their eyes. His stare switching between the two pairs. "You don't have authority over me, you should know this by now." He said, fed-up.

The shorter mans' face twisted before he shot back at the auburn man. "Chanyeol! You're wasting away in here! Go home to your wife, we can handle things here for one night." He snapped.

Chanyeol let out a sigh as his body flopped backwards into the padded chair. "I can't go back there..." He whispered out, almost inaudibly. His two co-workers gave him worried once overs before they let out sighs of their own. It was the taller ones' time to talk to the man. "Chanyeol, please, just for one night. Make Tiffany happy again." Speaking in a soft voice the man gave Chanyeol a pitiful look. The said man stood up abrutly and sent a tired stare in their direct."It's not like you two would understand anyway." He bitterly spat before making his way out of the room, grabbing his blazer as he went.  


The sky crackled as streaks of light flew from the heavens and struck the ground somewhere in the distance. As the rain pattered against the roof's of cars, Chanyeol sat there, his tense body moulding with the cushioned car seat. Fingers tapped against the carwheel as the late night traffic had come to a halt. 

Thoughts and old dreams spiralled in the man's mind as the flashlights of cars blended with the light show going on in the sky. This was why he hated driving. This was why he never trusted himself alone in silence. Images of a young boy smiling cheekily at him as they ran flashed through his mind sending a lone tear rolling down his cheek. Haistly wiping the tear, Chanyeol pressed on the gas as the traffic started to move again. 

Due to the start-stop traffic, Chanyeol made it home in the late evening, his child already settling into bed. As he entered through the front door he was met with the face of his wife, Tiffany. A bitter smile passed over his face as he remembered promises of forever made with someone else. Shaking these thoughts out of his head as quickly as they came, he embraced his wife before making his way upstairs. "I just need to finish off some work... Go to sleep ahead of me i'll meet you there after i get this done and say goodnight to Kris.

" He mumbled, already halfway up the stairs. 

Upon reaching the door to his office, his hand held the cold metal as he looked towards a bare room. His old room. Sorrow flashed before his eyes yet, as always, they returned back to their blank state.

The door creaked open as the dark abyss infront of the auburn man welcomed him home. Letting out a sigh for the hundreth time that day, he flicked on the lights. A dark, wooden desk lay there in the middle of the pristine, white room, sticking out like a sore thumb.  The cream carpet surrendered under Chanyeols' feet as he made his way towards the desk, of which he hadn't sat at for months.

The desk felt foreign to him as he settle down in the cold chair. Stretching his hands above his head he opened the drawer under the desk and started to take out the paper, of which he assumed belonged to old buisness files and collaborations. The drawer was now empty. Except for a black, worn-out diary which slept against the wood with a dust blanket keeping it warm. Hesitantly, Chanyeol reached out for the diary and carassed a hand along it. "I miss you..." He whispered out, almost silently as his hands slid across the side of the pages.

The book opened, spine cracking due to the lack of use, and a small photo fell out onto the floor, looking up at Chanyeol mockingly. Letting out a bitter laugh, he bent over to pick up the photo. A young boy with a puppy face and pointed ears was looking at the camera with an interested expression. Meanwhile, behind the boy was another child, male, with large ears and eyes, smiling as he hugged the pixie boy from behind. Tears fell as Chanyeol quickly placed the photo back into the diary before putting the diary back into the drawer, scared to carry on looking through memories that should now lay forgotten.




This was a fairly small chapter as i was just trying to introduce Park Chanyeol as a character, the next chapters will be longer!

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