Chapter 3

In Love With A Murderer


    Jimin opened his eyes and blinked. His head hurt from being knocked out and falling. Suddenly, everything came rushing back. He had been on the phone with Yoongi, sharing his fear, when the hall light . Two men, both bigger than him, had rushed out of the hall, firing their guns. Before he could really react, the first one had grabbed his phone and tossed it, then yanked him off the couch. The other man came from behind and wrapped giant hands around Jimin’s neck, causing him to scream in fear and pain. Finally, the first man pressed his pistol to Jimin’s shoulder and pulled the trigger. Jimin screamed again and then passed out.


    And now he’s waking here, tied to a chair in the dark. Just his eyes had finished adjusting to the dark, someone flipped on the lights, blinding him. Jimin unconsciously whimpered. In front of him was another chair, this one containing a young man with a shock of bright orange hair. He smirked cruelly at Jimin. “Well, well. The princess is finally awake. Time to have some fun. Huh, Kookie?” A grunt from close behind Jimin was the only answer. Orange Guy frowned, clearly unimpressed with the lack of words. “Kookie, how many times do I have to tell you? Respond with words. My god, you can be such an imbecile sometimes.”


    “You act like you’re any better” was muttered behind Jimin. Orange Guy ignored the comment and ambled to Jimin, crouching in front of him.


    “Princess… Do you know why you’re here?” Jimin silently shook his head. “Do you know know who we are?” Another head shake. “We call ourselves WNM. We make everyone’s worst nightmares…” A thin blade produced from out of nowhere was traced across Jimin’s neck as Orange Guy leaned close. “Come true…”


    Jimin swallowed thickly. “We got lucky. We get to kill two birds with one stone, don’t we, hyung?” The voice spoke from behind again, followed by fingers creepily through Jimin’s hair. “So soft… Like a puppy. It’s almost a shame we have to kill you.” Jimin jerked his head away and tried to peer over his shoulder. Unfortunately, his neck was not as flexible as the rest of him.


    Orange Guy frowned again and straightened up again. “Kookie, quit being creepy and show yourself. You’re not Dracula.” Footsteps passed Jimin and the mystery speaker named Kookie appeared. He was tall, with fluffy reddish hair swept across his forehead. His body was built, but his face still had some baby fat. He seemed much too young to be an adult, much less a murderer. Jimin’s eyes settled on the objects in his hands and widened somewhat comically. There was a big knife and something he had never seen in his life but looked very sharp. “Now, Princess. What shall we play with first? This is for you, so we’ll do as you choose.”


    Jimin’s eyes jumped from the instruments of torture, to the creepy grins on his captors’ faces, then back to the torture. When he opened his mouth, it wasn’t to choose a torture. “What do you mean, “kill two birds with one stone”? There’s only me here.”


    Orange Guy smiled a sickeningly insane smile. “Well, Princess, you’re involved with Min Yoongi, the great hitman. He loves you, oh so much. Would do anything for you, honestly. His worst nightmare is anything happening to you, or you dying, the like. If you die, he dies. Maybe not literally, but his whole world will end. So. If we kill you, it’s killing two birds with one stone.” Jimin’s heart sank.



    “Which toy do you want, Princess?”


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Chapter 4: Oh god this is too is already end but it cant be ended like this..
Aish ....
Chapter 4: qaq
Skye_JM #4
Best4Ever #5
Hello readers!
This is the author speaking.
I am thinking of adding a bonus chapter.
Tell me in the comments if I should!