Sorry ;)

Stars' Paradise or Prison

The Shinee boys and rest of the Super Junior boys, begins to stumble toward the house following the GPS directions that the girl gave to Jonghyun, while the girl leads the four Super Junior members through a short cut into the deep forest.

"Hyung, what are we exactly doing," wonder Sungmin.

"Fun," reply Yesung, and the girl smiles happily at him.

"You understand-" starts Ryeowook.

"Nope," Yesung answer again.

She nods in agreement, "Sorry, I only know words that are said to me a lot."

Heechul smirks, "What did he do to you," motioning his head at Yesung, "To let you learn the word sorry."

The girl look at him in surprise, "No, no he is fun to hang out with, and nice." She states the fact surely, and turn to the boulder, out place in the middle of the small forest clearing they walk into. Smiling to herself as she walking around the rock and the guys close behind she starts sing, "Sorry sorry sorry sorry nicka micka bicka bisha sunmin nicka bicka baby dandan dan dan da da da dan dadan da da da da da dan dandan." The boys look at each other and grin, she can sing but she is like a little child trying to keep up at the words. She stop when they reach the other side of the boulder, and scramble up and scan the direction they came from. "Oh boo," she pouts.

"Princess," a voice boom.

The girl sat down on the rock and sigh, "Fun," and begins to dryly hum a mix of rhythms.

"Oh, there you are," sigh one of the four boys walking out of the forest.

"I'm sure I heard Kangin's voice," someone said from the forest.

"Hyungs," ask a voice in confusion. "Whatever just follow me for now, someone is in big trouble."

"Hyung, there isn't much you can do about her," said a boy as the large group walk into the small clearing.

Kangin looks sternly at the girl. She sighs and leaps off the boulder, landing a arm length in front of him.

He begins to question her, "Where-"

"No, why are you out here," she snaps. "Including you four," looking at the boy. "Where is-"

"We walk from the garden to here," interrupts one of the boys. "Hyung walk through the fields and the others are keeping an eye out for the visiters." At the last part her face wrote 'shoot i forgot' and she rush off from the direction the the four boys came from. "Isn't it faster to go through the woods," ask no one in particular.

"No she need stuff to cook," one of the boys answer and begins walking into the woods. "She must be staving too."

"She probably hunt something down," mutter Kangin. "Come on," he shouts. "She still hasn't explain herself," and walk quickly through the woods. 'Wait,' he thought. "Heechul hyung, Yesung hyung, Sungmin, Ryeowook; why were you guys with her," he ask them. "And why are you all here too," he ask looking at his group mates and Shinee.

"Kangin!" a voice screams. At that he dash off, while the four boys turn back to the group rushing them forward after him. Out of the woods lies a grassy yard, leading to side doors of a country villa house. At the wooden door, a girl with long black hair stands tensely with a bow and arrow loosely in front of her and two guys standing, awaiting, one at each of her side with a staff in hand. Above the door was a white balcony and a ready figure could be seen in the shadows.

At the sight of the group, the girl at the door shouts at them, "Hurry."

A figure streak along side them, her dark brownish red hair fly behind her, yells back, "Switch."The dark hair girl nods, and run a few meters away from under the balcony covering. She positions herself ready to aim at the group running toward her. The girl along side says, "Trust me." She whips out one blade in each hand and charges forward to the other girl. At impact they spun away from each other, into the air the black hair girl rapidly shoots arrows into the air above the group, as the other zigzags through the grass in front of the group.

"Just go," someone shout, as some faces flash with uncertainty.

"Hyungs, just get inside now," a voice demand. 'Goodness,' thought Heechul passing into the door seeing one of the guy who said that was Kibum. 'If it wasn't Kibum, ugh, we weren't that slow.' The more massive thought of the group is, 'What the heck. What is happening. What are those chicks doing.'

"Just get inside." tells the brown hair girl.

"Ya," the black hair girl agree, keeping an eye on her as she leap back to the house. "Come inside, ya," she call back to the brown hair girl. At that she falls face first into the ground. "Ah," freaks out the girl, making her run back out in the open.

"Get inside," growl the brown hair girl as she quickly got up. "Take care of bunny, ok," she says warmly seeing her shake.

"Yea," she confirms, as she walk carefully back, watching the other girl carefully.

"Ya, don't worry bro got me soon, 'k?" The black hair girl nods in responds, and quickly walk backward toward the house, her arm hanging loosely, and the other girl rush into the forest, holding the blades safely at her side. Kangin runs over the girl and picks her up, and she begins to go in and out of subconsciousness.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry," she begins to mutter.

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please update authornim.....
cant understand
realmdreamer #3
i update but not edited sorry >.< it might be confusing when it shouldn't <br />
thanks for the comments and for reading! ^^
realmdreamer #4
iknow i know, just wait it will straiten out soon!<br />
thanks for commenting! hehe so happy!^^
I liked the story, kind of confusing me a bit, but I think I'll handle it.<br />
<br />
Keep going like that and update soon ^^<br />
<br />
realmdreamer #6
another chpter finally up ^^<br />
any comments?
realmdreamer #7
Whee! another chp, honestly i think the story will start getting very good soon. Do comment! >.< please B/ (does that look sad..)
realmdreamer #8
hi 2nd chp. up spent all day, not sure how, to do it.<br />
If you get down here to the comments; please do say what you think<br />
♥ ~realmdreamer
realmdreamer #9 first chp of my 1st fanfic is up. i'm so exicted =D but i cant get myself to post little comments on the story :S but once i start it might be crazy XD <br />
Thanks for anyone who reads my story! ~realmdreamer