Electrodes - 30

Scrub Suits and Pillow Talks
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A/N: Hey chingus! Here's our update for tonight. Someone's losing his screw little by little.😶

Thank you to all our subscribers and to those who upvoted the story thank you so much! 

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Peace yow! ✌



"Well if that's what you both want, then we will arrange it." Dad happily announced to us while having dinner at Cheong Wa Dae. 


A day after our conversation, we immediately informed Mr. Choi Dad's Chief of Staff to schedule me and Amber for a meeting with the President. Dad replied that we should just go straight at the residence and join them for dinner together with Jess and Yuri. 


"Thanks Dad, Mom.." Mom squeezed my hand affectionately, happy to hear our news. 


"Dr. Liu.." 


"Yes D-dad?" Yuri unnie laughed quietly at Amber's shy face. She's still not used to calling the President as Dad. One time, out of nervousness, she called him President Dad. 


"Maybe you should tell your parents to join us here in Korea for the New Year. So me and Mom can meet them and talk about the wedding." 


Amber looked at me with a surprised look on her face and turned her gaze to Dad, smiling. "I'll tell them about it Dad... I'll call them later. Mom will be thrilled." 


"Good! Then it's settled! After the talk with your parents, we will arrange everything. I will asked Mr. Choi to arrange my schedule and release a statement for my personal vacation." Dad turned to Jess and placed his hand over my unnie's hand. "Inform your brothers that they have to be there in L.A. for Soojung-ah." 


"This is unfair!!" Unnie whined at Dad making me laugh. I meronged at her playfully while clinging my arm at Amber. "You're not in my wedding Dad, now you'll be in Soojung's! Waaaahhh!!!" 


"Jess stop that! You know that Dad and Mom wasn't there because we kept it a secret. Don’t worry we’ll just re-enact it in L.A. after Ddudungie's wedding.” Yuri unnie patted unnie’s back consoling her. 


Its not my fault Dad wasn’t there hehehe…


“Sooyeon, I could have flown in a heart beat with your mother if in the first place you told us. But you didn’t! That’s your punishment for keeping it from us.” Unnie pouted shamelessly at Dad who was controlling his laugh and just smirked at Unnie. 


Dad and Yun-ho Oppa finally talked over video call the other day after months of not seeing each other. Oppa was crying to Dad saying sorry for disappearing like that. He was asking for forgiveness because he brought shame to the family and almost jeopardize Dad’s presidency. Dad told him that it’s okay and he begged Oppa to come home with Jae. 

There’s one secret we haven’t told them. 
We didn’t tell them about the procedure we went through. Amber and I decided to make it as a surprise because we don’t want them to be disappointed if ever the embryos test negative when planted to me. We’re gonna tell it to them once we confirm that I’m pregnant. 

The talk went on from my wedding to my future in-laws which Amber called on the spot and placed in speaker phone because Dad asked her to call them now. He’s excited about the wedding and he looks so happy about it. 

It was funny when Amber told Uncle Liu that my father wants to talk to him. He thought Amber was just pranking him so they switched the call into FaceTime. Right there, Uncle Liu finally believed her. Dad and Uncle Liu exchanged greetings smiling at each other. 

I told Uncle Liu that Amber and I decided to conduct the ceremony earlier than what we talked about. And I asked him if we could do it in front of the beach house, on the sands. He said yes immediately and told me he will tell it to Auntie Liu. 

“Mr. Liu, I would like to invite your family to spend the New Year here in Seoul. It’s also a perfect way to meet you and your wife, and to discuss the wedding of this two kids.” 

“Hahaha! Thank you Mr. President… we will be there before the New Year. I will tell my wife and daughter about it. We will see all you there!” 

“Thanks Dad! Just update me of your arrival so I can pick you all up at the airport.” 

“I will Ber! See you! Soojung-ah, we miss you!” 

I beamed at Amber when she squeezed my hand. Happiness written all over her face. “We miss you too Uncle, especially Amber. Be safe and we’ll pick all of you at the airport.”

The call went on with Dad telling Uncle Liu that he will wait for him so they can drink together in the New Year. I heard Jackie from the background shouting my name. She thought it was just me and Amber that was talking to Uncle. When she looked at the screen, she saw our laughing faces making her turn around and ran around the house screaming 'Holy !'

“That’s my eldest daughter Mr. President, I’m sorry she forgot to take her medicine. She’s part monkey.” 

Jackie shouted from the background “Dad did you just badmouthed me to the President of Korea?! I can’t believe you!” 

“Don’t worry about that Mr. Liu, my eldest daughter is a little imbalance too.” I cackle in laughter seeing Jess's face let out an ‘are-you-ing-kidding-me!' expression. Yuri was spazzing beside her earning an elbow on her stomach. 


“Hahaha! We’ll see you sir! Have a good day!” 

“You too Mr. Liu have a good day! See you in Seoul!” 



“Soojung-ah! Are you going to have a private ceremony here in Seoul after the one in L.A.?” Sulli asked me, stopping my hand with a spoon of cereals hanging in the air. I was going to eat it, it’s on its way to my mouth but this cereal blocker stopped me just because of her question. 

The four of us – me, Luna, Sulli, and Vic – decided to meet up in the cereal café. It was 4 days before Christmas, the atmosphere was already chilly outside. Luna and I had the same rest day that’s why we decided to contact Sulli and meet us. Then we went to Vic’s office and dragged her outside to take a break. 

“I told Amber we should since all of you won’t go to L.A. .. She agreed about it, so we’ll have a private dinner party for selected friends.” 

“Selected friends so that includes us?” I rolled my eyes in Sulli’s direction. I smirked at her playfully flicking her forehead. Its not everyday I can flick a top actress' forehead and get away with it. 

“No, just Luna and Vic.” 

“WHAT?!” her voice was so loud some of the diners looked at our direction. Good thing she decided to wear a cap and face mask  earlier or else it’s going to be embarrassing. 

“Umm!” I flicked her forehead again making her whine. “Of course all of you are invited! Why wouldn’t I invite you?! Just don’t bring any of your boyfriends.” 

Luna snickered at Sulli pointing her spoon at our friend “I saw a clip of your movie Ssul, that was daring.” 

“What clip?” Vic asked while stirring her coffee. She brought the cup to her lips to take a sip when Luna blurted out the scene she’s referring. 

“Her topless scene in the movie and scene.” I choke on my cereal and Vic on her coffee. 


“Soojung-ah! Ottoke! Qian!”

“Vic! Breathe!” 

“Soojung-ah are you okay?! Omo there’s milk coming from your nose..” What the !?

I wiped the milk on my chin and nose stabilizing myself. Luna was helping Vic wipe the coffee stains in her blazer when she suddenly spurted the coffee a while ago. 

Did Luna said Topless and Scene?!

Sulli?! In a Topless and Scene in a movie?

Sulli the sweet and giggly girl before…

We really are adults now.

“Yah! What kind of reaction is that!?” She shook me while I control my laughter. 

“You!” I looked around checking if someone is watching us. I saw a guy in a baseball cap at the farthest corner of the café but I can’t see his face. Some of the customers are busy minding their food. “You really did that?! Oh my God! You showed your ?!” I hissed at her in a low voice while poking her . 

“Yah! Stop that you ert!” 

“I think mine's a bit bigger than yours…” I continued to poke it, much to her annoy

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Hello! I recently found out that Scrubs is being posted in Wattpad. Care to raise your hand if you are the one who posted it? A proper credit will be fine.


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2078 streak #1
Chapter 10: I think that perfume would suit Krystal too! Very good scent
immadi #2
my fav!
Chapter 37: among all ur fics this is my favs and idk why .. specially this chap
juuzouxiii #4
Chapter 1: after watching the drama dr. romantic 2, i suddenly miss these two adorable doctors so back here to read again and again
Adesta123 #5
Chapter 40: I love the idea of this episode ???? youre such a debakkkk author ❤?
bluesky2275 #6
Chapter 47: Re-read again while waiting for you to update your fiction.
Chapter 19: re-read this again, i miss Sulli
mmrmei #8
Hi! I'm a fan of your stories and I'm trying to read "PVC' but it seems is hidden or at least, it says it's unreachable link. Dd you erased it?
2078 streak #10
Chapter 20: Goddammit Fluffy you ruined the fun