Electrodes - 21

Scrub Suits and Pillow Talks
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A/N: Hey chingus! Here's our update for today, I uploaded it early since it's a weekend. 

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"Babe... Do we really have to attend that charity event tomorrow night? I feel like not going..." Soojung mumbled at my chest, my arms wrapped in her body. We just woke up from our nap inside the call room.

"Hmmm.... It will be a shame if you don't... You're the special guest." She whined at me hearing what I said.

The hospital will have a charity event tomorrow for the benefit of the new Oncology wing they are building. An auction will be held to collect money from sponsors. One bright Board of Director suggested to bring out 10 of the most beautiful employees of the hospital and some volunteers to include in the auction too.

"That's the annoying thing about it! Why would they make me a special guest?! I work on the hospital too! And what's worse, they even included me on that stupid bidding!" She huffed in annoyance. She doesn't like being out on the center of everything. She's the type of person who's contented of being in the sidelines.

Plus the fact that my girl is on her Fidget Princess mode when she's nervous.

The 'friendly' bidding that will happen is like low key pimping. The highest bidder who gets the girl will have an all expense paid dinner for two at the top of N Tower, the pricey restaurant up there that Soojung and I frequents.

I rolled her body on top of me and cupped her face. I chuckled seeing her shameless pout and frown indicating that she's really not interested going on the event.

"My lady... Hast thou forgotten? Thy sistren flew to Boston with my frend." She giggled at my failed Old English accent. They suddenly decided to visit their oppas. We could have gone with them but because of this charity coming we opted to stay.

"Idiot..." She gave me a peck on my lips and recited a line in a perfect Old English accent I don't know where she got.

"Doubt thou the stars art fire;.

Doubt that the sun doth move;

Doubt truth to be a liar;

But never doubt I love."


She smiled at me and giggled at my thinking expression, digging my brain out on where I read that lines.


I don't know.

"Why do you look like you're having a mental breakdown?!"

"I'm thinking where I read that lines. You sure got fine pick up lines babe... " She pinched my nose giggling.

"Did you even read books besides our Medical books?!"

"Well... Not at all really. I was more into Mangas and Webtoons, then the Med books since it's needed."

"Not even Shakespeare?!" She asked me astonished of her find.

"Not even Harry Potter and his friends." I grinned at her. "In what section of the library did you pick that up babe?" She smacked my head playfully making me laugh.

What can I do? It bores me reading novels. And I'm more interested in medical stuffs and read about Anatomy that read something about Harry finding the horcrux something.

But I do learned how to play the violin, cello, and the piano.

"Hmmm... It's okay. I still love you and your ." Awww~...


"I love you too nerdy~..."

I laughed at her silliness and gave her a peck on her nose grinning.

"Make sure you have money tomorrow idiot... I'm not coming home with anyone but you, remember that!" Shucks.. my savings will be emptied in case some high rolling chaebol heir will bid high for my Fidget Princess here.

I rolled my eyes on her playfully making her giggle. "Fine... Can I pay by card?"

"Of course!"

"Jeongmal?!" I didn't know that..

"Just make sure it's a Black card."

" it! I'll just pay in cash! Including my car and my possessions! No one can capture you My lady but I..."

I rolled our bodies in the small bed changing our positions so I can be on top of her making her giggle. "What a cute knight in shining armor you are.. Maketh sure of it, thou shalt not fail; or else thou shalt be fed to the Fluffy Vader if thou shalt fail on thy quest!" She wriggled her eyebrows at me playfully, her eyes smiling. God... I wanna kiss you so bad.

"Ay, My lady!"

She cupped my face and pulled it near hers "Now, shut up and kiss me. Because I miss you so much."





Phew... I didn't know this is some fancy . I gave my car key to the valet of the hotel and was met by P1 at the lobby. He's been like my unofficial buddy eversince he drove my car when Soojung and I had a date at N Tower. P1 said Soojung gave him a task to be my security detail, of course secretly. The President doesn't know about it and he doesn't have to.

"Dr. Liu good evening.." he bowed at me smiling.

"Hey P1... Where's Dr. Jung?" We walked on the lobby and saw the sign going to the ballroom where the event will be held.

"She's already inside Dr. Liu with Vice Chairman Song and Ms. Choi."

"Jeongmal? I didn't know Vic is coming and Sulli too!"

"They were invited to the event and agreed to be auctioned too, well actually just Ms. Choi because Vice Chairman Song didn't want to do it."

"I see..." We walked inside the ballroom and was met by celebrities, some photographers covering the event, chaebol heirs lining up at the side drinking their champagne, and other personalities.

Wow... Is this really a charity event? The jewelries they are wearing are worth the price of building that Oncology wing the hospital is planning! Why don't they just donate it all so it's over, we'll eat and run after.

"This is full of..." I don't know what word to use to describe what I'm seeing. Fancy. It's so fancy rich. Overflowing Champagne fountain, waiters offering caviar, cheese and wine to guests.

". Full of Dr. Liu.." P1 said ending my sentence. It's a glitzy event, and if Soojung isn't included in that stupid auction I wouldn't be here. The two of us will be in Han river park eating Kimbap and grilled Soondae while laughing at some story that Samchon will tell.

Men are in their finest Armani tuxedos, their hair done to perfection. I think some of them are even wearing makeup on their faces and lip tint to make them look irresistible. Eeew. Luckily my lips are rosy enough to not wear lip gloss or tints.

The women, my God. Their dresses are jaw dropping because it seems like its all branded. The luxury I'm seeing right now, from their dresses to their accessories. The finesse and sophistication I see is something I just read in Lifestyle sections of the newspaper.

I saw Soojung and quickly walked up to her. Victoria and Sulli is beside her and I can see that the two are also not enjoying the event. Victoria is wearing an elegant lady suit making her look more like a true boss. Sulli is dressed in a see through gown with dots making her look lovely.



Ah... My lady. She's wearing a white jacket and black shirt and tight fitting pants, plus her black pumps. She said it's Chanel, the fashion house sent it to her.


In all this glitz and glamour of tuxedos and gowns and dresses...

She's wearing what she is. And she's rocking it.

"You look lovely tonight My lady..." I whispered at her ear startling her. She turned around saw me smiling at her.

"Amber! Thank God you're here!" She exclaimed at me wrapping her arm on mine. I can feel the tension on her hands when I held it discreetly.

"Are you okay? Nervous?" She showed me her spinner that I gave to her. She is nervous.

"Hi Vic, hi Sulli! You two look gorgeous tonight!"

"Thanks Amber!"

"Thanks Doc! I just hope that whoever wins on the bidding here when it's my turn, he's not some kind of a ert or a dirty old man. Honestly, I'm gonna buy myself if the bidding later is not working for me." She pouted at us and leaned her head on Vic's shoulder.

Vic patted her head consoling her "Don't worry Sul, I'll bid for you later. I got an extra 100,000 Won here."


"Yah! I'm not worth like that! I'm worth millions!"

"Well that's why just bid for yourself later! I won't spend my millions on you! I already gave you a curve TV for Pete's sake!" We laughed at what Victoria said shaking our heads. "And I donated a Ming Dynasty porcelain vase for auction tonight so that's enough for our company."



"How about you Soojung-ah?" Soojung looked at me asking me to answer her friend. I nodded at her smiling with assurance.

"I'm just here to bid for her. After this, we'll go home."

"Did I just hear that you're bidding later Dr. Liu?" It was the jerk joining in on our conversation uninvited. My jaw clenched hearing his voice.

Tell me, can I punch him now?

"Dr. Kang... You're here." Well he look smart on his suit and his fancy Omega watch. I'm just thankful I let Soojung choose my wardrobe earlier so I wouldn't embarass myself.

He snorted and swung his champagne glass like he owns the room "Of course! This is a company event, it's my idea to have the auction later. I bet you're after some precious items?" He eyed Soojung when he said the last words. I really want to punch him now.

I smiled at him and nodded. "Yes, I'm after something precious. And no one should own that but me." Soojung's hold in me tighten, her eyes smiling at me like she has been saved from a dragon.

The jerk nodded arrogantly, smirking. "Well, may the best man wins." He laughed then feign his being apologetic. "Oh pardon me, let me rephrase that. May the best doctor wins." He nodded at Soojung and left us going to his group.

Vic snorted and took a sip of her champagne "He's a jerk. I want to make him lose this bidding."

The event started and Soojung's presence as the daughter of the President was acknowledged. The first item to auction was Vic's Ming vase which was sold for 100 million Won. Collectors item watches, art pieces, never before seen jewelries, even an autographed basketball by Michael Jordan was auctioned.

After the auction of the items, the charity auction for the women started. The ladies all went out from the back and was made to sit on the chairs prepared on stage. Sulli and Soojung are at the end so it means Soojung will be the last one to auction after Sulli.

Victoria gave me a small paddle with a number on it. "This is yours Amber. Use that later for Soojung."
"Thanks Vic!"

We watch as one by one the ladies are being sold off like precious meat in t

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2074 streak #1
Chapter 10: I think that perfume would suit Krystal too! Very good scent
immadi #2
my fav!
Chapter 37: among all ur fics this is my favs and idk why .. specially this chap
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Chapter 1: after watching the drama dr. romantic 2, i suddenly miss these two adorable doctors so back here to read again and again
Adesta123 #5
Chapter 40: I love the idea of this episode ???? youre such a debakkkk author ❤?
bluesky2275 #6
Chapter 47: Re-read again while waiting for you to update your fiction.
Chapter 19: re-read this again, i miss Sulli
mmrmei #8
Hi! I'm a fan of your stories and I'm trying to read "PVC' but it seems is hidden or at least, it says it's unreachable link. Dd you erased it?
2074 streak #10
Chapter 20: Goddammit Fluffy you ruined the fun