
Sleep, Me and You

The tinted windows van stopped in front of a building that only have a few lit windows located at random levels, showing a little liveliness in the wee hours. The door was slid opened and a girl, clad in brown trench coat, hair let loose over her shoulder stepped out of it.

“Thank you for the hard work! See you tomorrow. Bye girls!”

A few soft goodbyes sounded in the van and she slid the door closed. She turned around and stuffed her bare hands into her trench coat pockets, warming her hands up in the cold winter night. She keyed in the password and the glass door slid open quietly for her. She stepped in and turned around; knowing her manager was still there, waiting for her to go in safely before driving off to send the rest of her members back. She waved her hand to them with a smile and headed in the apartment.

She pressed the lift and the metal doors welcome her with a soft rolling sound. Eunbi stepped in and pressed her floor number, a smile on her face.

She’s happy, excited that she’s finally going to meet the person she had not seen for almost a week. The tiredness that had accumulated in her body seemed to disappear at the thought of the long missed face. The lift dinged and Eunbi stepped out quickly as she couldn’t contain the excitement in her body any longer. She keyed in her house password and the door made a melodious sound as it unlocked. Eunbi grinned and hurriedly pushed the door opened, the threshold lit up immediately. She took off her shoes and placed it in the shoes closet before walking in, the light dismissed as the presence was no longer detected.

Her house was dark, quiet and strangely cold. For a moment, Eunbi’s smile faded for she thought that she is going to be disappointed and that the one that she missed was not home. She treaded down the hallway softly and the corner of her lips lifted softly. Her room door was closed.

And that only means one thing.

There’s another presence in the house.

Eunbi turned the doorknob opened slowly and was immediately welcomed by a warm heated room. The smile on her face widened and she closed the door gently before walking over to the bed, taking off her coat and placed it on the chair.

She was greeted by a sleeping figure on the bed, red wine hair on the pillow and white t – shirt revealed under the comforter. Eunbi tiptoed over to the figure and bent down slowly, planting a kiss on the forehead. The figure groaned and stirred before turning to face another side and continued sleeping. Eunbi giggled gently and skipped over to their shared closet to pick her pajamas for a bath.

She couldn’t deny that she felt so much lighter and alert when she saw the familiar sleeping face. It felt as though she was back to her childhood days where she finally saw her father back home after a business trip, the happiness that was so overwhelming and the sweetness and longingly that no matter how big her heart is couldn’t contain was overflowing.

Though the days where they could not meet was torturing, Eunbi loves how she would feel everytime they would meet in the end. It’s a feeling that she couldn’t get enough of.

Eunbi blew her hair dried, greatly relieved that they had decided to soundproof their house as they do not wish to disturb each other from their sleep, knowing how irregular their schedules would be due to their work. She placed the dryer back to its holder and stepped out of the bathroom, her body shampoo smell lingered behind her. Placing her towel into the laundry basket, she went to the dressing table and started to apply her moisturizer. The cons of being an famous girl group singer, the amount of effort she has to put behind the scene to ensure she show the best condition of her everyday despite the heavy and tiring schedule. She spared a glance at the sleeping figure and smiled slightly.

Being attached with someone and an idol, she hardly had any time to spend with her lover at all. She’s still as busy as she was single. Irregular working time, traveling around the world for concerts and promotions, it was still hectic.

But nevertheless, she was happy, content and of course, her lover did not cheat on her at all.

The possibility that is quite high with her schedule right?

And her lover is more than capable of attracting admirers. Just with a snap of finger, a bunch of girls and guys would be all around. Eunbi scrunched her nose at the thought and pouted. She stood up and walked to their bed, where the figure is still sleeping deeply, and climbed onto it. Eunbi went under the cover and lay right next to her lover, enjoying the warm emitted from the body next to her.


Eunbi called out softly and stared quietly at Sojung, waiting for a response.

There was a frown on the angular face, but nothing more.

“Sojung… I miss you.”

Eunbi whispered gently as she traced Sojung’s jaw line with her finger. Sojung made a low groan and opened an eye slowly.


Eunbi greeted with a bright smile when she saw her lover woke up. Sojung merely hummed back and closed her eyes.

The lack of response made Eunbi pouted. It’s not that she’s bad, mean or unreasonable. She only want Sojung to speak to her, it doesn’t matter if it’s just a ‘hi’. She just wanted to hear Sojung’s voice.


“What, Eunbi?”

Sojung huffed back in annoyance, clearly irritated that her sleep was disrupted.

“I – I’m sorry…”

Eunbi apologized with hurt. She didn’t mean to disturb Sojung’s sleep but it seemed that the latter did not miss her as much as she did.

It hurts badly.

Eunbi bit her lower lips and scooted away from Sojung, turning her back against her and stared off at a distant in the dark, feeling hurt and disappointed. Hot scalding tears were already b in her eyes, ready to slide down her cheeks.

It didn’t happen though because a pair of strong arms encircled her body securely before dragging her inwards. Eunbi felt something warm and wet on her ears and she closed her eyes lightly at the sensation.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound so angry. I’m just too tired.”

Eunbi turned around in the embrace and rested her hands on Sojung’s chest softly before looking up at the sleepy expression of Sojung.

“Rough night?”

Sojung squeezed her eyes tight before opening it once again to clear the sleepiness away.

“Nights, not night, baby.”

Eunbi frowned at the tired voice and reached her hand to touch Sojung’s cheek.

“What happened?”

“I want to know too. Missing you for a week was bad enough for me; I really don’t know how I managed to pull through so many accidents in Seoul.”

“That bad?”

“Yes, there has to be a reason why I am dispatched to Korea to build on a new Paramedic team right? The emergency unit can’t even handle all these accidents; much less save all those victims whose life was hanging on a thread on the way to the hospital.”

Sojung grumbled tiredly as she placed her lips against Eunbi’s nose and kissed it lightly.

“But I thanked Korea for not having a Paramedic team though, or I wouldn’t see you in Korea at all.”

Sojung chuckled lightly and pulled Eunbi up over her body, allowing the younger girl to lie on top of her.

“I should be grateful too or I would only be seeing you through Skype or facetime. But maybe it’s better, because our timing would probably match.”

Eunbi pouted and hit Sojung lightly on her chest.

“How would it fit? You basically work all –day in New York, there’s barely a rest for you and when you have it, all you do is sleep. I guess by then you would miss your bed more than me.”

Sojung laughed, loudly this time and cupped Eunbi’s face lightly before pulling her down for a kiss.

“You’re too cute, you know that? Jealous over a bed?”

“I’m jealous of anything that is closer to you and spent more time with you than me, you know that.”

Eunbi retorted back and Sojung grinned.

“I know that, but a bed, darling? Are you serious?”

Eunbi smiled widely at that question and nodded her head.

“So you’re jealous right now because I’m sleeping with it right now?”

Eunbi pursed her lips tightly and looked to her right, pondering over the question.

“Nope. I’m not today.”




“What why?”

Eunbi slid her leg between Sojung and adjusted her position on top of Sojung, making Sojung growled lightly at the friction between their bodies.

“Don’t do that, Eunbi.”

“Do what?”

A pair of big innocent eyes stared back at her. Sojung let out a sigh and shook her head.

“Shifting on top of me, I thought I told you that before.”

“You don’t like it?”

It was mischievousness that reflected in Eunbi’s eyes when she caught on what Sojung meant. She naughtily swayed her body on top of Sojung with a teasing grin and Sojung swallowed back a moan at the friction.

“You’re going to pay for it.”

Sojung growled out before flipping their position, trapping Eunbi underneath.

“Nah, you’re too tired to do anything.”

Eunbi brushed off the threat with a chuckle and pushed Sojung off her body lightly before pulling the comforter higher.

“You’re just lucky that I’ve not slept for continuously four days.”

Sojung muttered and plopped back down on the bed with a sigh and closed her eyes.


“Yes? Please don’t tell me you’re jealous over the bed right now.”

Sojung slightly and she felt Eunbi shifting at her side.

“I’m not since I’m sleeping beside you today.”

“That’s great to know.”

Sojung flipped to her side and opened her eyes to look at Eunbi, who was staring back at her with a pair of shining eyes.

“I love you.”

Sojung smiled and slid an arm under Eunbi’s neck while another on her waist. She pulled Eunbi closer to her body and allowed Eunbi to snuggle in her embrace.

“I love you too.”


“Yes, baby?”

“I miss sleeping in your arms every night.”

Sojung smiled above Eunbi’s head and pulled away. She lifted Eunbi’s head up with her fingers on her chin and kissed her fully on her lips.

“I miss you in my arms too.”

“I’m sorry to wake you up though. I just want to hear your voice.”

Eunbi confessed shyly and Sojung couldn’t help but grin at the endearing sight.

“It’s alright, anything for you, Eunbi. Even if I’ve not slept for a month and you wake me up just to kill a bug, I’d do it for you.”

Eunbi chuckled and kissed Sojung on her lips sweetly.

“Thank you.”

Eunbi whispered and lay back into Sojung’s embrace, a hand rested against Sojung’s chest while another on her waist, their legs tangled under the comforter.

It has always been her sleeping position with Sojung and it never will change. She loved it a lot because to her, sleeping in this position is the longest time she could have skin ship with Sojung, feeling her warmth embracing her, enjoying the scent of Sojung and sleeping securely in the strong arms that were trained during her Paramedic Training Days back in New York.

Nothing beats having Sojung beside her for the night. It doesn’t matter if it’s only for a few hours before either of them wakes up for work, all that matter was that they were together, physically and mentally for that few hours and that was enough for both of them.

So why would Eunbi be jealous over the bed when she’s beside Sojung?

The bed, Sojung and she were the best combination in her mind and not only does Sojung love sleeping; Eunbi realized that she loved it a lot too.

Because, that’s the only time where she could be with Sojung for the longest period of time.

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Chapter 1: Oh the sweetness between these two is just too much sometimes. I love these wonha moments.
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #2
Chapter 1: Sweet!!!!! (≧∇≦)/(≧∇≦)/O(≧∇≦)OO(≧∇≦)O
Chapter 1: I have my heart eyes now .
This is so cuteeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 1: I have my heart eyes now .
This is so cuteeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 1: I have my heart eyes now .
This is so cuteeeeeeeeeee
farfang #6
Chapter 1: Awwwww so sweet~
spangbang12 #7
Chapter 1: <33
masutai #8
Chapter 1: i love this very much, so cute <3 <3 <3 i love all your stories, actually <3 keep on writing for wonha and gfriend ^3^
Chapter 1: this is so beautiful and just so soft
my heart is so softeu i love this so much
hello i love your stories please stay healthy and safe

k bye