ㅤㅤ⠀ ☾ DIMENSIONS↺ ☽ ㅤ% ⠀⠀— ㅤㅤ❛A MARVEL/DC AU APPLYFIC❜ ㅤㅤ— apply open!




Time setting!
okay, so let me give you a brief explanation for this mess and what to think about:
  this story is set in 2096, approximately 77 years after the 'death-bringer' incident and caused a mass confusion between alternate universes and caused them to be canon in the main world (so basically, your fandoms are real here. so go crazy with you application and make the ultimate crossover ever).
  and because of that both the dc and marvel universe co-exists in the main world (a.k.a the only surviving world) but heroes from the said universes only interacted wih each other on the 'death-bringer' incident.
  so, becuase it's been soo long after the incident. some heroes who helped saving the world passed away, some did not and continued to live a more simpler life.
  then suddenly the 'death-bringer' gets awakened by from her beauty sleep and she's mad.
   so, margaret price, the granddaughter of diana price and jacob fury, nick fury's great grandson created operation: dimensions and picked 12 worthy individuals to save the world from the 'death-bringer'.

hey! where's our meeting place?
this story is mainly set around new york (where the hq is located) but will shift into everywhere because apparetly the death-bringer loves to travel and destroy every krispy kreme stores she sees.
great, we're all bloody inspired.
i was inspired by sht tons of crossover fanfics and such. esp by this song of neck deep's called where do we go when we go because basically the music video is all about them going into another dimension (i just want to point out how fcking gorgeous dani is here ty)
anyways, here's the video:


anyways, just like what i said, in this story everything is canon. so basically your fandoms (doctor who, supernatural, sherlock, harry potter, etc) are real here. so like what i said earlier again. go crazy with your app. link to opposing tv shows/movies.books/games or basically throw everything in your app. but just make sure that it is explained clearly.

rawr!11! xD i'm a dinosawr xddd
(i'm sorry for that cringy title)
in this story, the main heroes we know (iron man, batman, superman, spiderman, winter soldier, wonder woman, etc.) are retired or dead. because in this story, if they didn't die due to old age, they died at the battle. so this story will only focus on your ocs, some supporting ocs i created ( margaret, jacob, agent rogers, doctor barlow ) and villains we will design later on ^^

anyways, these are some notes and guidelines in creating your oc that you can follow and tweak. but the ones in bold and italic characters are strongly reccomended or important notes.

  basic stuff about your oc

— face claims: any race are allowed, bc diversity! as long as it matches with your ocs ethnicity and age i'm okay with it. ( although some actors in the age of 30 plays teenage characters well. i'm okay with that also. just make sure it fits your oc well. )
— age: i only accept ocs in the age of 16 and above. your oc can be 17 or 28 or even 98+ (like my oc) just make sure there is some sort of reason behind it. being old is cool too!
hero? android? alien?: your character can be any of these. but i must admit finding a face claim for an android or alien is quite hard. you could just put it like "the queen ashley fragnipane with blue skin, pure black eyes and brown hair"


aka my fave part of 'em all. though i prefer more complicated and intense origin stories of how they started, your character's oc can be you know, simple and sweet. for this story i personally would love if everyon'es origin stories are very different but same with the others at the same time ( did i made sense or nah ). a diverse people with different perspective with the world could make great angst chapters!11! :--)
i would really like it if you further deepen and explain your character's origin story!! i love reading long origin stories that make me laugh and cry at the same time.

i personally don't have any limitations when it comes to superpowers but i hope you don't make your character's powers to be too powerful and mixed up ( fire and water? i mean yeah aang can do that but it needs training and mastery bc fire and water don't do well with each other ) and they can actually control it since birth? that def screams mary-sue/gary-stu to me. 
instead of doing that, you could base it to jean grey's powers. she is basically the most powerful mutant out there y'know. but can she control her powers? nope. her power that makes her powerful is actually her weakness instead.
and it's also okay for your character to don't have any superpowers at all, maybe they're skilled when it comes to gadgets/technology? or they're the most deadliest assassin of all time, it's cool for me. (diversity ppl)

love interests: love is not a choice. so your character can basically have girl/male love ints, or a certain oc here as well ( like my oc who is pretty much open to be as a love int lol m sorry for that shameless mating call, anyways if you want me to surpire you tell me to pair you up with someone on the anything else section in the app ), everything is open here and i am comfortable writing girl/girl or boy/boy scenes so yep :---)
relationships besides love interests: please note to only write people that are revelant to your character's story or in short words; important people. i find it quite cringy going into my old apps in my old accounts where i full on list my character's friend list. and also, feel free to create other canon characters as well ( like an agent working for margaret and jacob, etc )

— also, it would be great if your character has an important relationship with an oc as well. it gives depth to the characters aswell.

taken things
my character:
 — her name is cordelia persephone lestrange ( wow such emo so goffick ) she is 98+ years old and she is immortal ( fun fact about her: her familyeven they were nephilimmade deals with a certain man to make them not age forever and remain youthful ) but she can still get killed. she used to, because when she was 18 she was scared of dying that she made a deal with the certain man again and years after that she knew she screwed up. she was also an long time ally of s.h.i.e.l.d before it was scraped by jacob in 2020.
     — and yes the man is the devil himself
— i based her powers with jean grey but with a little twist, she has heightened senses and strength like her mother and shadow/dark matter (it's kind of the same really) manipulation ( only basic things like casting off light and little blobs of shadow balls and mimicking basic powers that are not too powerful ) but everything changes when a force, lamely named lilith—takes over her body. basically when lilith is on control, her power is more powerful; she can mimic any power but the difference is the appearance of it ( ex: the opposing dude can control lightning, and when lilith mimics their power, the lightning is black and violet not white and light yellow/blue in color ), and many more things. but lilith is an evil little btch so cordelia supresses lilith because lilith is too evil in nature and might cause destruction and because she cannot fully control lilith yet. (it's been 98 years and she can't control it at all)
          — although i don't prefer if you use her shadow/dark matter manipulating power, feel free to use some uses of power as hers, and some concepts like she has a force/alter ego residing in her body, heightened skills or her power acting as a shield and power mimicry.
         — turns out her father is asmodeus, ( if you read the mortal instruments you may find this name familiar ) and he is the one who put lilith in cordelia's body.
— cordelia's face claim is alessandra daddario ( her brother's fc is matthew daddario but feel free to use him as your fc! )
— feel free to link your character's life to her! :------------) she desperately needs a friend figure here mhm

Other characters: (and headcannons)
— margaret price's faceclaim is angelina jolie
— margaret is 37 years old and is one of the founders of operation: dimension and main world special force unit ( MSfU )
— she is very strict and is one of their mentors.
— she specialises in hacking and programming
— has a fair share of relationships with girls and boys
— actual mommy goddamn
— no really, she is a single mother 
— she had a child when she was 26 years old
— mother figure
— jacob, please tidy up your space.
— dinner for today is lasanga.
— great cook
— love interest is jacob fury bcs why not? c=

— jacob fury, goddamn this man. his fc is will smith
— unlike margaret, he is funny and cool and witty and smart and fun a.k.a everyone's role model
— one of the founders of operation: dimensions and main world special force unit and is 38 years old
— expert marksman everyone!!111!
— he is such a role model that even villains look up to him
— ladies' man
— dances so well goddamn
— what does a wizard say when he's at the gas staion? ... 
— expecto petroleum!! -laughs till he dies-
— he can't cook sadly
— likes to make lame pun jokes
— love interest is margaret price :---)
— man child

— agent natalia rogers, her fc is emma watson
— literal reincarnation of hermione granger
— lowkey potterhead
— freaked out on her first mission which was to go undercover at hogwarts
— behind her nerdiness is a deadly assassin
— very smart
— i heard she is a top-notcher? i think she is made of 100% brain tbh
— open to be your character's love int! she is just 22 guys
— likes girls ( she is homoual )
— boys are yuck
— girl power
— can't cook as well

— doctor jonathan barlow, his fc is jared padalecki and he is just 251!!!1!
— girls drool at him everytime
— ladies' man
— lowkey attracted to natalia. =c
— also smart ( everyone is smart )
— has a strong stomach
— okay so this is the insides of the victim-- wtf is that?! 
— chill, agent rogers. like what i said this is--  i think i'm gonna vomit--
— no sir fury! don't puke on the victim's--!!!
— very much a cutie
— everyone likes him
— always treats everyone food


Q: can we apply twice?
a: of course! but i'll only pick one of your characters, so you guys betta make doubles to b safe :-D
q: can we make a lgbtq+ character?
a: of course, definetly! every race, sxuality and etc. is welcomed here. i love diverse characters.
q: can we have canon relatives?
a: of course, either you are steve roger's descendant, the great grandson of wanda maximoff or bruce wayne is your relative, or maybe your mother married clark kent or you could be the youngest winchester. everything is allowed here!
q: what is the significance of dc and marvel here?
a: like what i said, this is a dc and marvel universe crossover, some dc or marvel characters might appear here. there will be ten applicants that is from the dc universe (recruited by margaret) and 10 from the marvel universe (recruited by jacob) and bring them to the main world.
q: what do you mean bring them to the main world?
a: the dc and marvel universe co exist in the main world, but as alternate universes with tiny loops that they can go into the main world. so yep.

do you have any questions? pm me or write a comment!


please use shift+enter instead of enter when making a new paragraph! the layout is kinda sensitive soooo
i decided to scrap the plotline thingy :-)

CODE ( marvel / dc )    tURN-in     eXAMPLE 
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[DIMENSIONS↺] sorry for the long absence, guys! it's been a long week of preparing for school which is tomorrow TT so i might be very desperate of a co-author!


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Chapter 1: Soooo your character is the sister of Magnus, whose brother's physical everything reminds him of his mortal husband? bwahahaha

Wait, but Thor and Loki and asgardians etc. would still be alive right? since they were pretty young in the marvel universe now and they say that they are 1500+ years old....
Chapter 1: applied! please do let me know about anything. and major good luck with everything!!
superhero! yes! a long awaken something super evil villain. awesome.
ahhaha interested into seeing how this turns out!!
Chapter 1: Hi is there any deadline? I can't work on my apps until the end of June and I already have the character in my minddd
Chapter 1: when I saw destroy krispy kreme stores, I immediately thought of Rita from the Power Rangers movie LOL
Chapter 1: Is it okay if you take on the alias of your relative? Take Barbara Gordon for example. If she has a daughter, who is a part of the bat family, can she take on Bat Girl since her mother can't walk anymore and she continued as Oracle with the Birds of Prey?
koganes #7
@ feed update:

me up sis