Series of Unfortunate Events

The Butterfly Effect
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Nayeon, despite feeling still sleepy, slowly opened her eyes and felt obliged to wake up. She knew the sun has risen as its rays made their way to the window and its peachy, nearly white curtains.

Ahh, good I woke up before my alarm clock.

"I thought you said you weren't joining me ditch our Maths today." a half-asleep Momo says tiredly.


"It's like, almost 9 already." she uttered after taking a peep on her phone to check the time.

What?! Nayeon rubbed her eyes and immediately looked for her phone.

Dang it! I plugged the wrong charger!

"Are you kidding me?!" she complained to herself upon seeing her phone, dead.

"I know I'm a joker but no, I'm not kidding, Im." Momo responds as she tossed and turned finding her way back to her dreamland.

"I wasn't even talking to you, Hirai." Nayeon uttered as she goes down from the upper deck.

"but hey, did you hear my..." she saw her beloved alarm clock on the ground, crushed. Well, not really but it's broken.

"...alarm clock ring..." her voice died down and approached it.

"Wow, definitely not the life of MY party." as she picked the pieces up.

"Hmm" was all Momo's reply and just a blink or two, she was fast asleep. Again.

She went for the sleeping girl's phone with no choice and checked the time.


8:49 am

She rushed to the bathroom picking up a towel on the way.

9:01 am

Well, that was quick. She stormed out the bathroom all freshened up with the towel covering half of her body.

9:07 am

She picked random clothes yet turned out to be a decent getup. Denim shorts, white v-neck shirt under a plaid with blue, black and grey color combination, whte ankle socks with bunny prints on it and a classic black vans.

Hmm, not bad. She thought as she stood in front of a full-length mirror and ties her still wet and uncombed hair.

9:09 am

She dashed to the kitchen and took an apple from the fruit basket.

*wipes with her sleeve*


9:10 am

*picks up her bag*

*leaves their unit*

9:11 am

'Out of order'

First, two of my alarms failed to wake me up early and now this elevator...tsk! What's so great about this day?

Their unit was on the 5th floor.

*took the stairs*

9:12:52 am

Finally out of the building.

She took a few steps and waited for the pedestrian traffic sign to turn green.

9:13:07 am

She crossed the street and finished her apple. She shoots the core to the bin on the way. It failed to go in. She ignored and continued her big steps.

9:13:09 am

She immediately returned and picked the apple leftover on the ground. She put it properly in the bin labelled 'biodegradable'. She could not resist Mother Nature's calling.

9:16 am

She was

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Chapter 2: Pls update Authornim!~ :")
OTPfan1432 #2
Chapter 2: Update plz
Heyboiii #3
Chapter 2: Hey dude where are you now?
Heyboiii #4
Chapter 2: Ty for da update n pls update soon
Heyboiii #5
Chapter 2: Updateee