Chapter Two

The 'Evil' Stepsister
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The fight was the most talked about topic at school. We got suspended for 2 days. Hana and Sehun tried talking to me at home, but I ignored them. I was still hurt and angry.

            My dad yelled at me but I didn’t take in a single word he said. My mind was still filled with the memory of Sehun and Hana kissing.

            “Jisoo, did you even hear a single word I said?” My dad yelled.

            “Yeah, okay.” I replied.

            “I did not raise you to be like this! I am so disappointed.” Why did he never ask me why I fought in the first place? Maybe he wouldn’t feel so disappointed.

            “Sorry.” I said in a tired voice. “Sorry that I’m such a disappointment.” I was tired of everything. I rolled my eyes.

            “Young lady, I did not teach you to roll your eyes at me! Where did you learn to disrespect? Cause I know damn well that you didn’t learn that from me!” My father continued to shout.

            “Why aren’t you asking me why I did it in the first place?!” I shouted back.

In came Hana and her mother. I looked at Hana and she looked scared. I think she was probably scared that I’ll talk about her bullying. Sighing, I decided to not talk about it.

            “Then why did you do it? Huh? Tell me!” My father yelled back.

            “Nothing. It doesn’t matter.” I tried walking away.

            “You do not get to leave when I’m still talking to you! Jisoo, what’s wrong with you? Why can’t you stay out of trouble like your sister, Hana?!” My dad asked.

            Yeah. Why can’t I be like Hana? Then maybe Sehun would love me back.


            I called my mom. “Hello? Jisoo, is everything okay?”

            I told my mom about my fight with my dad. “Can I live with you mom?” I asked desperately. This would be great. I could finally be far away from Sehun, and then maybe my feelings could go away.

            “Aw, Hun. You don’t mean that. It’s almost your senior year at school! Aren’t you going to miss your friends?” My mom asked me.

            “You don’t want me to live with you?” I asked quietly.

            “Oh no! Honey, it’s not like that. I was just curious because your senior year should be spent with friends. And, I was going to tell you that I will be spending my summer in Korea. I’m coming by next week. Would you like to stay with me during the summer?” She asked.

            This would probably be best. “Yeah, I’d like to do that. Just don’t tell dad about this. I’ll tell him.” I begged.

            “Honey, you know I have to tell him.” My mom replied.

            “Well can you tell him the day I’m going to leave?” I begged again.

            Sighing, my mother agreed.


            Luckily for me, school was ending soon. It was the last day of junior year. I still haven’t talked to Hana or Sehun and I’ve been ignoring them purposely. I was walking to class peacefully until Kai stopped me and pulled me to the side. “Jisoo, what did I say about fighting?” Kai gave me a worried look.

            “Kai, I couldn’t help it.” I looked away.

            “Jisoo, look at me.” He grabbed my shoulders carefully and made me face him. His eyes bore into mine. I started tearing up. “Oh god, you found out.” He rubbed the side of his temples as he kicked the wall. He mumbled, “I warned him to tell you first!”

            “Kai… you knew?” I was shocked. “Everyone knew before me?” I said slowly.

            “Jisoo, it’s not like that, trust me.” Kai tried preventing me from walking away, but I pushed him away.

            “I can’t trust anyone!” I yelled and walked away.


            I was so angry that no one decided to tell me about Sehun and Hana’s relationship. It was the end of class and I was walking towards the school gate to leave until I saw Kai and Sehun arguing. I hid behind a pillar and tried to listen to what they were saying.


            “Why didn’t you tell Jisoo?” Kai yelled.

            “I-We were going to. I promise.” Sehun ran a hand through his hair.

            “Do you not care about her feelings at all? You know damn well about how she feels!” Kai pushed Sehun.

            “Hana is the one I have feelings for, Kai! You know that!” Sehun pushed him back.

            “You don’t know what Jisoo has been through! She’s always protecting Hana for you guys! And you not telling her was equivalent to a huge slap to her face!” Kai pushed Sehun hard this time, and Sehun fell to the floor.

            Sehun looked confused. “What do you mean Kai?” He got up and dusted the dirt off of his pants.

            “. I wasn’t supposed to say anything, but you pissed me off.” Kai mumbled to himself loudly.

            Sehun grabbed Kai by the collar and asked him “What. Do. You. Mean? Tell me.” Kai pushed him off.

            Sighing, Kai replied. “Even when I tell her not to, she still fights with those who bully Hana. Every single time.” Kai sighed. “It’s been like this for a long time. She’s been hiding it though. She’s been asking me to help her with her wounds.”

            Sehun sighed and sat down on the floor. “Damn it, man. Why didn’t she tell me?”

            “Because she doesn’t want to worry you either.” Kai sat down next to him. “You know how she feels for you, Sehun.”

            Sehun gave a sigh. I didn’t want to hear anymore. I walked away before I could hear Sehun say “I’ll talk to her tomorrow.”

            At home, I started packing up for the summer. I haven’t spoken to my dad ever since our fight, but I knew I had to face him before I left. Luckily I packed most of my things the night before, so I was able to leave faster. I would have to meet my mom at the coffee shop nearby. I grabbed my suitcase, left my room, and walked towards the front door.

            Unfortunately for me, the front door is near the living room, where my dad was at the moment.

            “Jisoo.” My dad called for me in a sad voice. “You’re leaving to see your mom? You’re leaving me?” He gave me a sad look that matched his voice.

            I was sad to leave him, but I was still angry. He kept comparing me to Hana. Did he really not like my personality that much?

            “Yes.” I looked away from him and headed towards the door.

            “When will you be back? Next week?” he asked. I guess my mom didn’t tell him yet.

            “No.” I kept my answers short.

            Worried, he got up from his seat. I didn’t want him to stop me. If he got any closer to me, I knew I would stop myself from leaving. “What do you mean?”

            I put out my hand to stop him. “I’ll be back, take care dad. Love you.” I opened up the door and ran out with my suitcase. It was really hard leaving my dad like that. But I needed to. I needed space from that house. Specifically from Hana and Sehun.

            I kept running when I heard my dad open the front doo

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Chapter 3: Omggg th ending is sweet but I feel that kai should've been th one that ends up with jisoo considering how he's always there for her while sehun is just confused but in glad he has his own happy ending too :')
i feel bad for jisoo even after im done reading this i feel like sehun should be suffered too like how jisoo felt. btw this is great masterpiece!
mitaki2 #3
This was very sweet ! I’m glad they got their ending
This is cute as hell aaaaaaaaaaaaaa but I really feel like Kai or any one of the Infinite members suit Jisoo more aaaaaaaaaa
Chapter 3: Woahhhhh!! Neomuuuu johaaaa~ We wish this story to be extended in a cyof chap~ This story feels soooo real.
Chapter 3: aaawwwwwww thats soo sweet.....
Chapter 3: Awww this is so cute jisoo finally become the Cinderella.
Chapter 3: this was a cute story. i enjoyed it.
Chapter 3: This story makes me tear up:")