
I'm Here

Baekhyun had woken up groggy with dried saliva running horizontal on his cheek. He shuffled in his bed while trying not wake Chanyeol up, who was snoring away, and sat up. His eyes swollen and sensitive to the bright light shining into the bedroom while his hair resembled a bird's nest. He smacked his lips a few times that made the morning taste intensify in his mouth. 

His over-sized shirt, well Chanyeol's shirt, was crumpled and hanged off his shoulders, revealing flawless milky skin. Baekhyun looked to his right and saw his husband still in dreamland. He chuckled, got off the bed, and headed to the bathroom. 

After reaching his destination, he brushed his teeth, washed his face, and fixed his hair. He quietly exited the bathroom and and looked to bed. Chanyeol was still sleeping and snoring...loudly. 

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and went out of the room. He entered his large kitchen and started to prepare some breakfast. He decided a good old American breakfast was perfect for a Saturday morning. 

Baekhyun whipped up some soft scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, and some sausages. He was in the middle of making some fluffy pancakes when he felt warm hands around his waist. He jumped a little, turned around, and smacked the arm of a person. The hands immediately retreated from Baekhyun's lithe waist.

"Ow!", a deep voice emitted, "What was that for, Baek?"

"You scared me, you dimwit!" Baekhyun yelled at Chanyeol. The taller chuckled and gave the smaller a soft peck on the lips. 

"I'm sorry, Baek." The smaller gave an airy laugh and turned back to the pancakes sizzling in the pan. 

Chanyeol wrapped his arms around the smaller's waist and buried his nose in the back of Baekhyun's brown hair. He smelled like vanilla which comforted him. They continued to hold the position until Baekhyun tapped Chanyeol's arm and said,

"Time to eat!"

Baekhyun had made his plate with two sausages, two bacon slices, and one pancake with a thin slice of butter and a light drizzle of maple syrup. Chanyeol stuffed his plate with five sausages, three bacon slices, and two large pancakes that was drowned in syrup. 

They moved to the living room, sat on the couch, and the TV that hosted an interview with a group named GOT7. Baekhyun shrieked and yelled,




Chanyeol rolled his eyes and began to eat. They both ate silently and very intrigued by the interview. By the time they were done eating, they cuddled up and watched a documentary about orcas. It was very...eye-opening.


Noon had sprung and the couple still lazed on the couch.






"I love you with all my life, Chanyeol."

Chanyeol grinned so big that his cheeks ached. He snuggled closer to Baekhyun, buried his face in his hair, and whispered,


"I love you with all my life, too, Baek."


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Chapter 1: That's it! So cute!
xxxyenxxx #2
Chapter 1: so cute and fluffy!! ♡.♡