Hyung we did well!

Hyung are you okay?


Jimin and Jhope are happy with their pictures and they retreat from the studio to go change.

Rapmon annonces to the members that the manager had informed him that there will be a winner to the photoshoot. The winning pair will receive a free dinner tonight.

Now, Jin being the food lover gets really excited, hoping his team will win. When Jungkook and V enter the studio, he starts thinking of a plan to sabotage his children's shoot, only because he loves them.

The duo's photoshoot starts off a little awkward. Only because they start off standing a foot away from each other, posing separately.

However Jimin is behind the cameras and he gives his best friend a signal to scoot closer to the maknae.

So V inches a little bit closer to Jungkook and he puts a peace sign at his face as usual. They take a few more shots standing next to each other until the photographer seems un-inspired.

"Okay, it's time to change rooms now." He says, picking up his tripod abruptly. The rest of the camera crew is quick to pick up the cameras and follow te rushing photographer to another room.

It's not un-naturel for him to change the scenery. Jimin and Jhope went outside for their shoot so it's perfectly fine for them to be changing rooms too. However the room that V and Jungkook finds them self in is a big white room, with a bed set up in the middle and a brown night stand next to the bed.

"This is where you guys will be shooting. This was actually used as a movie set a while back but we now use it for pictures." The photographer says, beaming with excitement.

They quickly get changed again, Jungkook wearing a plain white T with black shorts. V is forced to wear blue overalls, clipped on only one side and a matching white shirt underneath.

Once they come back to the room to shoot, Jungkook and V just look at each other, unsure of what to do with themselves.

After a little bit of directing and help with positions, the duo finds themselves in a strange position.

V lies down with his head at the end of the bed, his left knee bent. The other leg is flat on the bed, supporting Jungkooks head who's lying down too.

It's not that bad of a position and they both get to lie down, however it's a little bit worrisome for V to have Jungkooks head not even an inch away from his crotch.

Not that it matters much, however Jungkook tries to place his head in the right position and nuzzles the back of his head up and down V's leg until it's comfortable. And then to make matters worse, Jungkook rests his hand on V's lower stomach.

V holds his breath through the time they spend in this position. His stomach is fluttering for some strange reason.

They both close their eyes, Jungkook's mouth open just slightly and V can hear his breathing.

V's hoping the camera can't pickup his red face or how tense he is, he just hopes to change positions soon.

"Good, very good, let's try a new position."

V sighs in relief.

Next, they sit cross legged, side by side on the bed. Jungkook faces the camera while V's face is turned, focused on Jungkook. They pose a bit just like that, switching directions of their bodies and heads a bit.

Suddenly though, as they're posing just like before, V decides to change his arm position a bit. Instead of keeping his arms down, he lifts one of his arms and places it gently into Jungkooks dark locks.

The boy turns to V for a second, surprised by the sudden touch. Their eyes linger for a few seconds, Jungkook feeling a little more shy than before. The maknae then turns back to the cameras.

V keeps his hand in Jungkooks hair and begins to slowly massage the maknae's head, tangling his finger in Jungkooks hair.

It feels nice and relaxing and Jungkook closes his eyes.

Without noticing, V starts to tug on Jungkooks hair a bit as he leans on his other arm. Jungkook bites his lip, trying not to let out a sound of appreciation.

They stay like that a little longer before the photographer excitedly let's them know that they've done.

The two boys open their eyes, V discarding his hand from Jungkooks soft hair. It's almost disappointing, but reliving at the same time.

Jungkook is the first to get up, thanking the camera crew and photographer before turning to the door to heading out to the changing rooms.

V follows a distance behind Jungkook, feeling confident that they took good pictures.


Jungkook knows V is behind him but he doesn't slow down. Instead, he starts to walk a little faster, eager to reach the changing rooms.

That photoshoot may have flustered the maknae a little more than he would like to admit-

First he was laying right on V's crotch, then V was tugging his hair slowly while his overalls were practically falling off his shoulders. Jungkook sighs, trying to snap the bad thoughts out of his head.

"Hey Kookie, you think we'll win?" V says all of a sudden, only a few steps behind Jungkook now.

"Mm..maybe, we did take really good pictures so.."

"I hope we do!"


If they did win, they'd have a free supper, all to themselves.

Or more like Jungkook would have V, all to himself.


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who tops?
Kotone #2
Chapter 29: I thought namjoon would disapprove.....but why d end. I don't want it to end just yet(ToT)(T_T) plz think again authornim. U may change your mind n continue. ... I hope u do.....all d best
irsalinaidzm #3
Chapter 29: THE END?? Huh? What is the end? I don't know what's the end mean T^T I don't know and I don't wanna know so don't tell me :( *crying in the corner*
LilTae #4
Chapter 29: Also I've been reading since the first chapter and it was amazing from beginning to the end
LilTae #5
Chapter 29: Oh god, I enjoyed this story so so much ❤
After reading this chapter... How about writing namjin spin-off? I bet it would be interesting! ;w;
Thank you for writing this fic, Author-nim! Love you!
Chapter 29: This story was soo good I died every chapter! Thanks a lot for writing it!!❤❤❤❤
WuEdisonTao #7
Chapter 28: Yes more please ❤️
Chapter 28: Literally every chapter ❤❤
Chapter 28: SORRY MORE
irsalinaidzm #10
Chapter 27: \(//∇//)\\(//∇//)\\(//∇//)\