Hyung, sleep with me

Hyung are you okay?


After sweating to death from practise, V just wants to lay down in his cold room and rest. However, the air in his and Rapmon's room is broken, leaving him laying in his own sweat. It's already 12:30 so Rapmon is alseep, not seeming to care about the heat. However V can't stand it. 

He decides to seek for air.

So heading down to Jimins room first, V doesn't bother knocking as he heads in. When he walks in Jimin and Jhope are both asleep. The room is colder than his, however not by much. 

"Jiminie." V whispers, seeing if the boy will wake up but he doesn't budge. V sighs, walking out of the room and targeting the next one. And it's the same. Jin and Suga are both dead asleep, room hotter than ever. Guess their air isn't working either.

 There's one more room.

So V heads down the hallway to the maknae's room. He slowly opens the creaky door, to reveal a dark room. 

V slowly walks in the small room, approaching the bed placed in the middle of the room. He spots the maknae, laying on his bed breathing quietly. His room is nice and cool, already relieving the hot V. 

V walks up to Jungkook's spacious bed and stares down at the peaceful boy. 

Jungkook is a pretty light sleeper, so when he hears a creak in the floor, he turns in his covers before slowly opening his eyes. His heart is pounding, wondering what the noise could be when he spots someone hovering over his bed, staring right at him. He's about to freak out, until he see's the beady brown eyes. 

"Tae?" His voice croaks, looking at the older member who's eyes are now wide open. 

"Ah...oh Jungkook.." V scratches his head, looking around the room to avoid the maknae's eyes. 

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asks, sitting up in his bed. 

"I..I couldn't sleep because the air in my room isn't working. I was looking for somewhere cold." V says, feeling guilty for waking Jungkook. 

Jungkook, still half under his covers, just looks at V, contemplating what to do. Without a word, he lifts his covers and beckons V to come. 

"A..are you sure?" V asks and Jungkook just nods, scooting over to make more room. 

V crawls into Jungkook's bed, sighing with relief when he feels the cold pillow on his head. 

"Your room is so cold." V says, pulling a blanket over him. 

"Mm I like it." Jungkook says, turning on his side to face V. His hair falls over his eyes and V stares at the boys black locks. His hair looks so soft right now. V kind of wishes he could just touch it. 

His mind however seems to think for itself and before V can stop his hand, it raises to Jungkook's head and brushes his hair from his eyes. 

Jungkook doesn't react. Instead he closes his eyes, enjoying the feeling of V playing with his hair. Minutes later, V retreats his hand, closing his own eyes. 


It's 5am when Jungkook wakes up, shivering. He might have turned the AC on a little too high and now he's freezing. He's about to get up and turn it off when he looks to his left side and notices V, cuddled in his blankets. V would be too hot if he turned off the AC. 

Instead, Jungkook slides closer to the older boy, who seems to be radiating heat even though the room is freezing. He lays close to the boy so that V's black is flush against Jungkook's chest. 

It doesn't stop Jungkook's shivering though, so he tries something else. 

Without waking up the his sleeping hyung, Jungkook wraps his cold arms around the boy's waist, nudging his head in the crook of V's warm neck. It's nice and comfortable and Jungkook pulls the blanket back over himself before closing his eyes. 


V wakes up feeling refreshed from sleep. He opens his eyes slightly to a sunny room. However the room does not look like his own, and he does not see a bunk bed but rather one large bed. And arms around his waist. And a maknae, cuddled against his body.

V turns his body, facing Jungkook. The maknae is sound alseep, his arms still wrapped around V's waist. V doesn't move Jungkook. Instead, he places his head on Jungkook's chest and closes his eyes. Just 5 more minutes.


That 5 minutes turns into 30 minutes and next thing V knows, Jimin is barging into Jungkook's room yelling for Jungkook to wake up. And he's definetly surprised when he see's that Jungkook is not alone. 

They both sit up quickly, untangling themselves from each other. Jungkook looks at V, who looks at Jimin.

"Tae?? Why are you in Jungkooks room? Why were you guys..."

V throws a pillow quickly, hitting Jimin directly in the face. He then slides himself out of Jungkook's comfortable bed and stretches with a sigh. 

"Thanks kookie. I had a good sleep." V says, smiling at the maknae before walking out of the room, passed a shocked Jimin. 

Jungkook just sits in bed, staring at the door where the older left. 

"Look will you tell me what just.."

Jungkook throws a pillow at Jimin, once again striking him in the face. 

"Aish that's it." Jimin yells, running over to Jungkook to beat him up. 

However he stops all of a sudden, an inch away from hitting the maknae with a pillow, when he hears Rapmons voice from down the hallway. 

" I forgot, we need to go." Jimin says, dropping Jungkook's pillow and running out of the room. Jungkook lies back down with a sigh. 

Today's schedule consists of going to a beach, for a photoshoot but also to have some down time. Even though they just had a comeback, they're allowed some free time. 

Jungkook gets ready as quick as he can, not used to being rushed. He never sleeps in. Not usually. However this morning he was so comfortable and slept amazing. Maybe it's because he was cuddled tightly against V's warm back... or perhaps it was just a good night. 


After an hour of driving, they're finally here. The beach. 

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who tops?
Kotone #2
Chapter 29: I thought namjoon would disapprove.....but why d end. I don't want it to end just yet(ToT)(T_T) plz think again authornim. U may change your mind n continue. ... I hope u do.....all d best
irsalinaidzm #3
Chapter 29: THE END?? Huh? What is the end? I don't know what's the end mean T^T I don't know and I don't wanna know so don't tell me :( *crying in the corner*
LilTae #4
Chapter 29: Also I've been reading since the first chapter and it was amazing from beginning to the end
LilTae #5
Chapter 29: Oh god, I enjoyed this story so so much ❤
After reading this chapter... How about writing namjin spin-off? I bet it would be interesting! ;w;
Thank you for writing this fic, Author-nim! Love you!
Chapter 29: This story was soo good I died every chapter! Thanks a lot for writing it!!❤❤❤❤
WuEdisonTao #7
Chapter 28: Yes more please ❤️
Chapter 28: Literally every chapter ❤❤
Chapter 28: SORRY MORE
irsalinaidzm #10
Chapter 27: \(//∇//)\\(//∇//)\\(//∇//)\