Chapter 1: Fear

In The Closet...

Fear. Fear is everywhere. Fear is in your head. Fear can take your happiness. Fear can give you loneliness. Fear has closed Charlotte in...

It was time to go to sleep when Charlotte sat on her bed for a moment of rest. The day had been so long and she needed to take a seat for a little. The room was silent as usual, apart from the hardly audible ticks from the closet. Charlotte never knew what it was since she had a fear of closet's; it was called auchlophobia. She never goes anywhere near the closet, and it's unfortunately right in front of her bed. Her parents live in the middle of a country side, no people or shops for miles around. Charlotte called it stranded. If anything happened to her or any of her family, there was no one there to help. It was like Rapunzel, stranded in a tower, not one person around to help her escape. her world was a fairytale, but not a nice one. A horrible and terrifying one just because of the closet she thinks is haunted. Charlotte has no idea why the closet makes sounds, but chooses to ignore it all. She didn't want her fear to escalate. While she was sitting down, the ticks in the closet became louder. Tick. Tick. Tick. Charlotte shifted in her seat, getting a bit paniked. Suddnly, the room was plunged into silence. It was like a dicease spreading all around the room, the screams of silence getting louder in her ears. The closet door creaked open a crack, a grey hand curling round the side. Without knowing, Charlotte started to scream and scream. The shrill sound alerted her parents to come and see what was happening. They burst into Charlotte's room, seeing her eyes on the closet door. Nothing was there. Not even a crack of the door had opened to reveal anything. 

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