Playing Fair

Playing Fair


It was quite the predicament Yoojung was in honestly. How was she supposed the know that her bus hadn’t come to a stop yet. It’s not like she was the only one who stood. She was just the only one who fell into someone’s lap. The one person she claimed she couldn’t stand. That person was Park Jisu. Yoojung’s long time rival. No matter how hard Yoojung tried, Jisu would always one up her, without even trying. So the fact that she was currently sitting on her lap went against all of her principals. The fact students were snapping pictures as if this were breaking news didn’t help either. Not to mention Jisu’s hands seemed to be wrapped around er waist, like she enjoyed it. It was infuriating to say the least, so when the bus actually came to a stop Yoojung jumped at the chance to get free, literally.  


It was no surprise that the so called news had been spread by the next day. Yoojung ignored the giggles and excited whispers as she opened her locker, quickly shoving her bag inside. She turned away from her locker only to be attacked by an expectant looking Doyeon.


“Not you too.” Yoojung whined almost disappointed that even her closest friend would believe this incident.


“I knew it was too good to be true.” Doyeon said leaning against a locker. “So what happened do you need me to fight anyone?” Yoojung chuckled as she lowered her friends fists.


“I just stood when I thought bus turned out it hadn’t and then all of a sudden I’m in Jisu’s lap.” Yoonjung answered with a shrug.


“Maybe it’s a way of fate finally telling you two to be together.” Yoojung raised a hand threatening to smack the younger.. Doyeon laughed. “I was only kidding: speaking of Jisu do you think you’ll finally beat her out of first place for exams this year?”


Yoojung shrugged. “I don’t know anymore, we’re already halfway through the week and it’s going to be hard to be alone considering this morning’s incident.”


Doyeon’s eyes widened. “Hey you should use tha as an excuse to get her to tutor you.”


“Doyeon that would be working with the enemy and that goes against my principals.”


“But don’t you want to beat her?” Doyeon egged on.


“Yes.” Yoojung answered hesitantly. “Good, now go start distracting.” Doyeon said pushing her friend toward Jisu, who’d been busy talking with her friends.Yoojung coughed, making all eyes turn to her.


“Jisu can I talk to you.” Jisu nodded with a growing smirk, making Yoojung roll her eyes. “Alone please.” She bit her lip biting back a groan as the table began to erupt in whispers.Jisu stood making the table go quiet once again. She grabbed her bag before motioning for Yoojung to lead the way.




They sat silently in the student council meeting room. Until Yoojung decided to speak.


“I need you to tutor me.”


Jisu stared at her quizzically. “Why now?”

“Well as I’m sure you know midterms are this Friday and I need to be prepared.”


“How come you’re only asking now?” Jisu asked


“Because I only have two days left  to study and due to that incident yesterday I haven’t been able to have any peace and quiet.”


Jisu pushed her hand up to Yoojung’s face pushing a hair behind her ear. “And what incident would you be referring to?”


Yoojung smacked her hand away. “You know what I’m talking about so just help me.”


“Jisu leaned back in her chair as if she’d was in deep thought. “So what do I get in return?”


“What do you want?” Jisu stood as she glanced over at the clock. “Hm I’ll tell you when I think of something good until then just meet me here after school.”


Yoojung tried to cover her smile with a scoff as she watched her walk away. And for a moment she began to feel bad about what she was doing.




That was until it was after school of course. When Yoojung remembered exactly why she was doing this. How could someone who barely shows up do so well? Yoojung had no clue.


“Yoojung-ah are you listening to me?” Yoojung only waved her hand in response. ‘    Yeah, yeah something about x and y.”  


Jisu closed the textbook with a small smile. She grabbed Yoojung’s hand pulling her from her seat. “Yah what are you doing you promised to help me study?” Yoonjung asked tiredly


“We’ve been here for almost two hours trying your method of studying so now we’re going to try mine.”  Jisu said managing to pull a reluctant Yoojung out of the room.


So now they were sat against a blossom tree. “So your method involves green tea and nature?”


Jisu nodded. “It’s more peaceful than an empty school isn’t it?”


Yoojung nodded in agreement. “Yes but I’m not here for peace I’m here to study remember.”


“Yes but you need to be at peace in order to study successfully.”


“Yoojung rolled her eyes. “Fine let’s just get started.”




Things had gone great with the tutoring, well at least n the second day that is. Considering the first day the two’ had gotten sidetracked and somehow fallen asleep. When they woke it was ten o'clock at night.


The incident had made Yoojung skeptical of the next day though she still found herself by the same tree the next day. Only that time they’d actually studied, well mainly Yoojung but Jisu didn’t mind.  


Until the day of midterms came around. Jisu had been about to wish Yoojung good luck, only to be stopped as she caught on to her conversation. She’d been confessing to Doyeon about how she felt bad about tricking and distracting Jisu. Jisu could only smile at the confession.


“I guess I should feel a little hurt now.” Yoonjung jumped at the voice. She turned with a sheepish grin, while Doyeon quickly snuck away.


“I’m sorry I know it was wrong-” Jisu stuck her hand out to stop Yoojung’s rambling. “It’s fine since you managed to distract me, I’ll just have to do the same to you.” Jisu said backing Yoonjung against her locker. “H-how we test in two minutes you won’t be able to-.” She was once again cut off only this time by a pair of soft lips.


Jisu pulled away with that signature smirk, Yoonjung secretly likes. “Yah you can’t just do that!” Yoojung at Jisu who’d already began walking away.

Jisu turned, the smirk still intact. “I’m only playing fair.”

A/N part 1 maybe I may or may not make a part 2

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YoodaengStan #1
Chapter 2: wow! this fic is good! i wouldn't mind if continue this, author
Whetwhet #2
Chapter 1: part 2 !!
YoodaengStan #3
Chapter 1: lol part 2 please author! XD