Capsize // part 1

capsize; 2jae

|WOOT WOOT..a super angsty sequel to New York..IF YOU HAVE NOT READ IT ..maybe you should read it because this wouldn't make any There's going to be THREE parts to New York. This is the second part, New York is the first. The third part..will come out at any prepared..|

Im Jaebum looked down at the envelope that his assistant had given him. It just said his name on front. Just "Im Jaebum." But the confusing part was that he knew this was Youngjae's handwriting. So why would the younger write a letter? Jaebum opened the letter, and the first lines almost made him collapse.

Jaebummie, or is it just Jaebum now?

Anyways, this will be my first and last letter to you, if I don't survive.

What you did to me broke my heart into pieces, or what was left of it. It was gradually tearing apart over time.

That's why I had to choose.

Would it be life, or death?

I know I can't live without you, not after everything we have been through.

I'm considering death now.

Remember when we first met?

Coco had jumped onto you. It was so humiliating, and I was even more embarrased once you revealed that you were THE Im Jae Bum. The next days following that were some of the best days ever, because I got to know the real you. 

Not the model, Im Jaebum. But Im Jaebum.

I was so happy when you asked me out.


"I know we have only known each other for a couple days, but I just want to say that I really like you. Getting to know each other was one of the best things I have ever done in my life. You brighten my day, and your eyes are the most beautiful eyes that I have ever seen. You're an amazing person, and I want you to be mine. Choi Youngjae, will you be my boyfriend?"

Youngjae was shocked. Then he heard someone say "damnnn." The person dabbed and ran away.

"Yes, I'll be your boyfriend Bummie!" Youngjae almost yelled and gave Jaebum a hug.

Unexpectedly, Jaebum leaned in, and gave Youngjae a long-lasting kiss. He kissed him back.

More applause was heard from the crowd, some people screaming, "I SHIP ITTTT!!!"

The now couple smiled at each other, looking into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever.


Of course, I can never forget.

You must be thinking,"Youngjae, how do you remember all this?"

My answer is, "How would you forget a love so genuine?"

But was it really genuine?

I thought it was real. I really did.

At first, we were such a great couple. Rarely getting into fights, always cuddling at night. Even if you had a bust life as a model, you always seemed to find the time to be with me.

You're a very handsome man Jaebum. Anyone would be lucky to be with you.

I felt so lucky to be loved by someone like you. I was happy.

But, I guess you weren't

When you I moved into your apartment, it was a great moment in our relationship. I was finally living with the one that I loved with all my heart.

But did you really love me? (Yes, I have said that many times already.)

Was I just a toy to you?

I'm sorry for being "weird." I'm sorry. I know I'm not like most guys. I love wearing make up and wearing skirts. Heck, I would've even went as far as to go transgender for you. 

I was even going to propose.

I have the ring right now on my finger, because I know I'll never be able to give it to you. 

You wouldnt accept it.

But, it's been on my finger ever since that terrible day.

The day you broke up with me.

Saying that you loved someone else. 

It's hard Jaebum. 

But it was obvious that you were distancing yourself from me. 

Every single minute, every day.

I suppose you didn;t cry as much as I did.


Every night.

Did you throw everything that reminded you of us out?

As for me, I kept everything.

The matching sweaters we had, the necklace you gave me for our 3rd anniversary, everthing.

Anyways, back to the proposal. 

I was going to create a trail of memories, with pictures and souviners from our 4 years together.

I used to imagine what our lives together would be. We could've grown old together, or maybe we might've adopted a child.

I guess it wasn't meant to be, huh?

I guess I can say when you broke up with me, it wasn't much of a surprise.

Yes, I knew about your cheating ways.

Think about it..


Youngjae was there to bring Jaebum lunch, to surprise his love.

He wanted to support him during that photoshoot.

But, someone else was in his place.

There, on Jaebum's lap, was his makeup artist, and they were making out like there was no tomorrow


You see Jaebum, I walked onto you and that making out. But you didn't see me.

I ran out of the building, and kept running until I ended up in a dark place somewhere in this big city.

I was scared Jaebum.

I didn't know who to call for help.

I didn't know what I was going to do, until I thankfully saw Mark and Jinyoung walking out of a restaurant nearby.

They drove me home, and it seemed like nothing happened once you got home. You acted like your normal cold self.

That day I realized, you were never mind.

That this was the reason you always came home late, with faded lipstick stains and messy hair, but I was stupid enough to actually believe that it was part of the concept.

Now, back to the choice.

I have chosen not to live,Jaebum.

I know deep down that there's no way I can ever live without you.

If you even care, don't come looking for me. 

It would probably be too late for me.

I, Choi Youngjae, loves Im Jaebum with all of his heart.

In a couple hours, I will take my first and last jump into the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

I hope you're happy Jaebum.

Because I am sorry that I couldn't make you happy.

~Choi Youngjae

Jaebum tried to hold back his tears as he read the depressing letter. He hadn't realized it.

It was all his fault.

He noticed dried tear drops on the paper, but they still looked fresh.

That meant he had time to save Youngjae.

Jaebum quickly the news and saw a horrible sight.

The camera was focused on Youngjae climbing the bridge, trying to reach the top.

Jaebum quickly pushed through everyone and ran ran out of the studio, racing to his car.

He was determined to save his love, even if they weren't together anymore.

At that moment, he realized how much he really loved Youngjae.

Too bad it took him 4 years to actually realize it.

-To Be Continued-

|Don't worry, there will be a part two to this sequel. And there will be another story continuing the series. And I might make New Yrok into a series, instead of a oneshot, becaue I feel like it went too fast. Please tell me wht you think!|






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1313jae #1
Chapter 1: this is so sudden jaebum is such a jerk wtf....... but i hope jaebum can save youngjae and they will live happy together again