Chapter 3: OH MA BOY~ oh crap... did he just see that!?

Is being pretty everything?


            Shin Hee was at the bleachers outside of school, she finally managed to get away from the whole commotion with Woohyun and L. She looked around and realized that she was the only one there.

            Shin Hee took off the mascot’s head and gasped then breathed in for air.
“Aigoo….. No air in this mask…. I’m already sweating in it.”


            She fanned herself with her hand and breathed out through her teeth. She then remembered L’s face, noticing it hadn’t changed at all. It was still the same face she fell in love with two years ago.

            “Kim Myungsoo… The boy’s beautiful face hadn’t changed one bit…” Shin Hee hummed as she looked up the at the blue sky.




“Hahahaha! Oh gosh! Look at this girl! Pathetic!” Jiyoon Queenka laughed out loud and threw another one of Shin Hee’s snacks that was stored into her locker.


Shin Hee looked down as the Queenkas were going through her locker, throwing her stuff at random directions in the hallway out of her locker.


“Oh my god! How many beef jerky do you have in here!? AHAHAHA!” Hyuna laughed aloud.


“OMO! What is this?!” Soohyun got something out that seemed like a book.
“Is that a diary!? No way!”Gayoon smirked and snatched it next to her.


“Yah! Don’t read it!” Shin Hee yelled, but not meaning to.


The scary Queenkas glared at her and Hyuna rose a brow,
“Bwoh? Are you talking back to us? HUH!?” Hyuna shouted and threw a hostess cake on the side of her face.


“What gives you the right to yell at us huh!? You’re a pitiful obese monster and we’re just trying to help you lose weight!” Gayoon exclaimed,


“And this is how you do it!? Going through my stuff!? Don’t I have enough of your constant bullying----“


Soohyun then punched her locker, making a loud noise through the hallways.
Shin Hee immediately closed and looked away, crying her eyes out.


“Are you implying we’re bullies huh?!”Hyuna asked and walked up to her,
“You…. Do you really want to experience real pain?” Hyuna threatened and looked like she was going to slap her,


Shin Hee closed her eyes and a sudden slap echoed through the halls.


However, it wasn’t her.
But someone else.


“L-L! Oppa!” Hyuna shouted and pulled her hand away off his face.


“What the hell are you guys doing?” L asked with a tone of frustration,


“Oppa! Shin Hee was the one that started it! She stole my lunch! It’s cause she’s a monster Oppa!”


“Yah! Shut up! Because of your constant snack throwing, you made a stain on my uniform!” L spoke.

He turned around to Shin Hee,
“Is this her locker? Why are you guys going through her stuff?” L asked.


Shin Hee’s eyes was gazing to L’s beautiful appearance, was her prayers answered? Did she finally get the prince she deserved all these years that was sent down from heaven?


“ Oppa… A-Are you defending her?!” Hyuna glared,


“Go.” L pointed to the Queenkas,
They all scoffed, were offended and walked off with their egos.



L turned his attention back towards Shin Hee and looked at the mess around the halls. Snacks everywhere, sweets, cookies, chips, candy, and junk.


“Aigooo…. Look at this mess….” L mumbled,


Hic Hic


Shin Hee began to cry out loud, she wanted to escape from the embarrassment and just hide somewhere and never be seen again.


“Yah, are you crying!? Yah Pabo!” L yelled and wiped the hostess frosting off her face.


Shin Hee then slowly stopped crying as L brushed off the food off her body,
“They did all this to you? Aish, do girls have nothing to do these days or something?”



Shin Hee looked up and adjusted her glasses once she saw L close up to her face as he brushed off the snacks off her blazer.
Shin Hee thought this guy was scary and intimidating after seeing him alone so much in class and always looking at people with his poker face. However, seeing him in a better distance and him acting like this towards her made her feel like she was actually a person.


“I-I’m fine…..” Shin Hee said as she choked on her tears.


He wiped her face with his handkerchief and removed all the crumbs and frosting off her face.  His face was inches away from hers and Shin Hee felt a sudden warm feeling in her chest.


“I think that’s it, I’ll tell the class monitor about this. Just grab your belongings and leave the snacks.” L informed,



“G-Gamawo….” Shin Hee managed to say.


“Here, keep this.” L said and handed him his handkerchief.
Shin Hee’s face beamed, but as soon as she looked up, he already disappeared from her face.


“Whoa…. That guy….. Who is he?”
Shin Hee said to herself,




End of flashback




            Shin Hee held the handkerchief she still kept from L and her chest felt strange, she couldn’t tell if it was either her heart was beating because of Myungsoo or it was throbbing badly because of him too.

            Kim Myungsoo, was the only guy at the time that treated her like she was a person who offered help, even though she was hated by everyone in school.



Shin Hee lost track of time until the bell suddenly rung and echoed through her ear. Her head stood up and she quickly checked the time using her phone,


“*GASP* Oh god! I’m so gonna be late for first period!” Shin Hee panicked,


Shin Hee snatched her handbag and the pig’s mask, tryng to run as fast as she could to her classroom,




L was just sitting alone during class, Infinite was at the other end, but L didn’t really like to talk during class, he’d usually just stick in his earplugs and sleep during this class. The teacher however, didn’t really care because L was the top ranked student in class and even if he were to listen or not in class, he’d always have the perfect score.

As the soon as class started, the teacher entered with loads of text books and loudly placed them on her desk,


“Alright class! Please take a book and don’t lose these! Sign in your name to confirm you have these books!” The teacher informed,


All of a sudden, a loud rush entered the classroom and the stack of books came tumbling down, the entire class turned there attention to the front board and saw a girl on the floor, with her face planted on the floor, looking like she just tripped and bumped into the stack of books.


The class busted into laughter and the girl’s face turned to a crimson red,


“Oh my! Dear, are you alright?” The teacher asked,


“Ah neh! Sorry about that! Was I late to class?” She chuckled as she picked up a few of the books that scattered around the desk.


“Yes, but I think your entrance was a bit too loud on the first day don’t you think?”


“Hahaha,sorry about that… I’m Lee Shin Min!”
The girl smiled and finished placing all the books onto the desk,

“Oh! You’re the new sudent! Please, welcome!”
The teacher and the student both shook hands,

“I’ll get the class to quiet down, please stay here.”




“Students! Back to your seats! Class started!” The teacher yelled as all the kids ran back to their seat. Myungsoo’s head was still down and his music was up to high, he wasn’t paying attention at all what was going on. The rest of the class was silent and attention was to the teacher,



“Class! We’ll be having a new student from America!
Please welcome yourself.”



Even though Shin Hee was nervous a little, she looked at the class with a straight face, ‘Your Lee Shin Min, Lee Shin Min!’ She remembered,


“I’m Lee Shin Min! I came from the U.S. I hope I’ll be able to get along with everyone!” She smiled and bowed,


She wasn’t the most super model looking, however, her nice and sunny attitude made everyone love her. Everyone clapped and smiles were plastered to their face.


“I have a question!” One girl raised her hand,


“Yes Taeyeon?” The teacher asked,


“Why is she holding the mascot’s head?”


Woohyun and L’s ears perked up when she said that, the two boys turned their heads to the front desk and looked directly at Shin Hee.


“U-Uh… th-This thing? It’s just---I’m trying out for mascot!”
Shin Hee lied,


“Bwoh? They let you keep the head?”


“U-Uh Ne~!” Shin Hee nodded,


The class giggled and gave friendly smiles to Shin Hee,
All except L.



“Hey who’s that girl again?” Woohyun asked Sungyeol,


“Lee Shin Min, I think…”


“Lee Shin Min…” Woohyun smiled as he stared at Shin Hee who was adorably pouting and rubbing the back of her neck.



L put his head down, but he was secretly hearing their conversation,
Why did that name sound so familiar to him?
He knew he never met this girl in his life,
but the name rung a bell, he didn’t know why it mattered so much.



“Shin Hee, your desk is next to Kim Myungsoo’s!”
The teacher smiled as she was jotting down the seating chart.



She then dropped the head of the mascot and it echoed loudly through the room,
‘M-Myungsoo!?’ She thought to herself,


She turned her head slowly and saw Myungsoo’s guitar case and his head faced down.


‘He’s asleep! Maybe he won’t recognize me!’ Shin Hee smiled to herself.
She quickly grabbed the mascot’s head and scurried over to her desk, but without trying to make any noise.


L didn’t seem to look up until she placed the mascot’s head on her desk and it fell off loudly and rolled over to Myungsoo’s desk, bumping to his leg.



‘Omo! Otokeh!?’ Shin Min thought to herself.


L looked down and saw the face of the pig next to his foot and picked up the mascot’s head.


He handed her the head, making Shin Hee blush,
“U-Uh cough cough Thanks…” She said, trying to make her voice deep.


‘Smooth Shin Hee! VERY SMOOTH!!!!’
She yelled in her head.



She sat on her desk and tried to look away from Myungsoo’s cold glares.
‘What did I do!? He knows me from the locker thing! What do I do!?’


“Okay class! Please pick up your text books and sign in!”
Shin Hee was the first to get up and walk over,


L was secretly looking at her from the back and squinted his eyes.
“I’m sure I know this girl… Who is she though?”









After the lunch bell rang, Shin Hee walked around the campus to find the gym so she could return the pig’s head back. She had enough carrying it around and people looking at her, giving funny looks.


L was walking around by himself, until Woohyun emerged in front of him and gave him a random punch in the chest.


“Hey bud! Where you going?” Woohyun asked,


“Away from you…” L mumbled and walked on ahead,


“Yah! Don’t be so cold baby!” Woohyun pouted and followed L around.



Soon L stopped once he saw Shin Hee in front of the gym room,
looking inside to see if anyone was there. Woohyun caught L stopping and staring at something,


“Who you looking at L?” Woohyun asked and turned to see Shin Hee,


“Hey, isn’t that Shin Min from our class? The new girl right?”
Woohyun pointed out.


They saw her walk into the gym and the secretly walked over in front of the gym to see what she was up to.


Shin Hee walked inside and saw that they were coincidentally having a Mascot try outs.


“Ugh~ Next!” Hyuna said as she was flipping through her clip board.
And the last contestant left for the try out,


Shin Hee’s eyes widened once she saw the Queenkas as the judge,
Her heart stopped beating and she felt the goose bumps rise against her body,


“Oh god…. Where’s the coach…”
Shin Hee whispered and saw the coach on the bleacher, looking at the mascot try outs. She sneaked to get to the coach till Hyuna immediately saw her.


“Yah! You!” Hyuna said,


Shin Hee froze, looked around, and saw that she was the only one there.

“Wh-Who me?”



“Yeah you? Try outs is here! Come up! Your next!” Hyuna ordered,


‘What the heck!? I am not trying for mascot!?
What did I do to deserve this God!? I just wanted to
be a normal school girl!!!!’



“I-I’m not try---“


Sohyun then shot a glare at Shin Hee which made her froze,
Sohyun was the scariest one of all to mess with. Shin Hee had no choice…




She walked over to the front of the judges and all of them had their eyes onto Shin Hee,


“We’re going to play a random song okay? We want to see your freestyle and see how you can bring a crowd to cheer.” Jihyun stated,


Shin Hee, not knowing what the heck was going on, and doing this against her own free will, nodded and just went along with it.


“Well what are you waiting for? Put on the mask!” Gayoon ordered.



“O-Okay!” Shin Hee nodded and quickly placed the mascot’s mask onto her head,


They then played the CD track, Woohyun and L were outside of the gym, seeing what was going on, and the queenkas and coach had their eyes laid onto Shin Hee.


Shin Hee swallowed her saliva,
‘Okay Shin Hee, calm down! It’s just a small dance! Nothing to be worried! Plus, they probably won’t choose you! You weren’t prepared for this!’



The track then played the last song she’d wanna hear….
Ma Boy by Sistar.


‘Eh!? I don’t know how to dance though!’


The Queenkas were already looking at her, waiting for the cheer to begin soon. While Woohyun and L, were curiously looking at the performance that was about to happen at other end.


Shin Hee bit her lip and as soon as the song began, she broke out into dance.


Let's go

S.I.S.T.A.R, Sistar

Baby stop breaking my heart (Oh no)

You heard me? No more next time!

I hope you got that boy


Hey girls, it's going be alright

Hey boys, better make it right

Hey girls, we got ya back

Got ya back

Got got got got ya back


Malhaji anhado alsu itda haetjanha

Naemam eotteonji neon algo itgetji

Geuraeseo mitgo chamgo gidaryeotji

Honja duji angetdago haetjanha

Yaksok haesseotji songarak georeotji

Geureonde wae tto geojitmareul hae


Saranghanda neun mal geuri eoryeobni

Hanmadi marimyeon dweneungeol

Neo jakku byeonhaega, nado ijen jogeum jicyeo ga oh~

Sigani galsurok deo moreugesseo

Joha jilsurok naneun deo apeunde

(Why you tripping boy) Nal jom barabwa


Oh ma boy~ oh ma boy~ baby

Niga museun sarangeul ara, nae mam man apa

Oh ma boy~ oh ma boy~ baby

Niga eotteoke nae mameul ara

Don't let me down boy~


The dance was terrible, Shin Hee tried hard to dance y and seductive, trying to bring a crowd, but people were smiling because she looked stupid and idiotic, not because she was an amazing dancer. Which in her mind was what she thought.



The Queenkas were trying hard not to burst into laughter; the coach was also trying hard not to laugh also.


Woohyun didn’t have any shame of laughing hysterically, While L was keeping a straight poker face, but in the inside he wanted to laugh at her terrible audition.


The Queenkas suddenly paused the track,


“Th-That’s enough….” Hyuna snorted as she hid her face behind the clipboard.



Shin Hee looked as the Queenkas were talking amongst themselves.
‘I think I actually did good, I usually dance around to this song in the morning.” Shin Hee thought to herself,



“Okay, well we made our decision.”


‘Please tell me I didn’t make it….’


“We decided…. Congrats being the new school mascot!!!”
Gayoon shouted,



“E-EHHHHH!?!!?!??!?!?!” Shin Hee shouted out loud.



Hyuna looked at the left and saw Myungsoo and Woohyun peep at the door,


“AH! L AND WOOHYUN OPPA!!!!~~~” Hyuna stood up and waved.




Shin Hee’s heart began to race once she looked to the gym door and saw L look at her, ‘OH GOD….. HE DID NOT LOOK AT THE PERFORMANCE….. PLEASE TELL ME HE DIDN’T…’




“Hey Shin Min! Nice performance!” Woohyun shouted.



In a flash, Shin Hee placed the mascot pig on her head and ran off to the other exit of the gym.


“OMO! L SAW MY EMBARRASSING MA BOY DANCE????!!!! ASDFKLOVSTYTRSD!@#$%^%$#@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She shouted at the top of her lungs as she ran around the campus.

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nirvanaaaa #1
Chapter 7: i really like your story but i'm so sad that your last update was in 2012
it.s 3 years and it's really long time but i'm reaaally curious about it and excieted to read it
so i don't know why you stopped writing it but even if i'm the only fan of your story although i believe there's alot of readers felt sad that you stopped updating so can you pleaseeeee update again :D please don't let me down
nana_lve_fanfic #2
ahjumma, can't you think for your daughter instead of your jerky BF?! L , you're so blur and i like this chapter ^^
update soon please~
aww, shin min/hee! hehe. her moms boyfriend is the worst D:< L, please comfort her :(
aww L why you so stupid >.>
meeshelly #5
No :( being pretty is not everything! Stupid L :'(
hahahaa XD updateee againn :D
Haha this is like the Korean movie<br />
200 pound beauty
oppa-is-mine #8
asdfghjkl!! It's so embarrassing! XD myungsoo really thinks she's crazy! ahahaha!
meeshelly #9
Cute! Hahaha xD I cant believe she smacked into the tree and accidentally let Myungsoo see her underpants xP
wahh she so cute!<br />
it may be super embarrassing, but i still think she's cute