list of aus!

looking for kkt rp partners!

list of aus!!! (thanks to tumblr. credits in brackets!) these are just some i'm interested to do. you can pick one in here or we can discuss what plot you want to do in kkt!

  • “we were forced to hide in this very cramped space (from friends/authority figures/people trying to kill us) and this is a very awkward position to be stuck in with someone you’re avoiding because they’re too attractive for you to deal with” au [clairelutra]
  • “i get that it’s hotter than satans out here but if you remove any more clothing i won’t be responsible for my actions-wait. why are you smirking at me?” au [clairelutra]
  • “normally we duke it out to vent our frustrations but this time someone initiated a kiss in the middle of the fight and suddenly we’re ing against the nearest flat surface” au [clairelutra]
  • “i thought you were literally the most innocent thing to ever exist but then you awkwardly ask me to teach you how to bang like a pro and holy hell what the but now i’m really, really ” au [clairelutra]
  • you’ve been sleeping at mine because your house is being renovated and we aren’t even dating, yet every time you wake up to the baby crying and sigh, “i’ll go” i feel like we might as well be married au [riphaerry]
  • we are the only two parents who agreed to attend the school trip (bonus: “so i guess we share this hotel room?”) au [riphaerry]
  • i asked you to babysit one time and now my child keeps asking when you will spend time with them again au [riphaerry]
  • ‘your apartment is next to/above mine and i can hear you and your partner dancing.singing/the bed moving/you two laughing and talking and i can’t sleep so i about it to you 24/7 and one day it stops and one day turns to months and i haven’t seen you smile in forever please let me in, i’ve been knocking for ten minutes’ au. ' [ladiieschoice]
  • Person A and B find each other on Tinder, meet up, and have . Like a month later Person A’s sibling decides to introduce their new significant other, Person B, to their family. [otpprompts]
  • I met you at this gay conversion camp my parents forced me to go to and you are making the degaying process really ing difficult for me au [themultifandomnerd]
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is it still open ?

here is my kk flowerbutt0318
iaaaaamjeyjey #2
Still open?
Chapter 1: Hi i'm interested!
my kkt is baejinseob
Talich123 #4
Sure, would be nice
Kkt : TaliYehet
Hi. Im open for anything- kik id: kookiejamss
Hi. Im open for anything- kik id: kookiejamss
i'd love to be rp partners with you ♡ my kkt id is jimtastic
hmu if you're still looking? my kik id is triptych. with the dot. :^)
bixpxwer #9
hi there! i'd love to be rp partners— hit me up at @rockvbye (kik) <3