On the Lower Frequencies

Baby A
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Kyungwon is just about done packing to go home for the Lunar New Year when there is a knock. She throws another top into her bag, kicks it to one side and then shuffles over to the door, peers through the peephole.

“Oh hey,” she says to Jieqiong, “what’s up?”

“Is Minkyung in?”

Kyungwon shakes her head, “Ah, she went home this morning. You missed her by a few hours.”

The younger girl looks sufficiently crestfallen and vaguely kicked-puppy-like that Kyungwon feels the urge to delay her own return to Kongie and ask.

“Did you need her for something?”

Jieqiong shakes her head, chews on her lower lip, “I thought we were getting lunch but it’s ok. Don’t worry about it.”

Kyungwon really does want to see Kongie (and the rest of her family, she supposes) as soon as possible but she eats alone often enough to know that it’s not for everyone.

“Would I work?”


Kyungwon shrugs, “I’m hungry too. Do you want to grab lunch with me?”

Jieqiong eyes her warily.

Kyungwon sticks out her tongue, “We’re splitting this. I’m not going to pay for you. I’m not that nice.”

Jieqiong snorts and Kyungwon can see why Minkyung likes her already.

They sit at a small table at the back of a tiny Chinese food place. Kyungwon does not question what Jieqiong has ordered, just shovels dumplings almost too hot to eat into , enjoys the flavors that explode on her tongue.

“Hey,” Jieqiong says, “Kyungwon, right?”

Kyungwon nods, takes a sip of the tea, “uh huh.”

Jieqiong laughs as Kyungwon swallows, “You’re really enjoying the food.”

Kyungwon nods vigorously, “It’s good.”

Jieqiong smiles wryly, “We usually have some of these at home for the Lunar New Year. If you think these are good, wait till you come to Shanghai.”

Kyungwon’s eyes widen, “They’re even better in Shanghai?!”

“Are you kidding me?”

Kyungwon puts her hands up in surrender, “I’ve never been - wouldn’t know!”

“Where are you from,” Jieqiong asks, leans a little closer onto the table, “isn’t there food there that is better than it is here?”

Kyungwon nods, “The food in Gwangju is amazing. And so much cheaper. Seoul is a rip-off.”

“What’s better in Gwangju?”

Kyungwon sits up straight, levels Jieqiong with an extremely serious gaze.


Jieqiong giggles at the look on her face.

“No way.”

“Yes way.”

“Not possible.”

“Ok, fine. The Chinese food in Seoul is probably better. But the Korean food in Gwangju is tons better than it is in Seoul.”

Jieqiong clearly does not believe her and Kyungwon does not know what comes over her.

“Do you want to come and see?”


“Yeah, I mean, I guess it is kinda weird, huh.”

Kyungwon shrugs, scratches the back of her neck a little nervously. That was weird, wasn’t it. She barely knows knows Jieqiong - their interactions have always been mediated by Minkyung and frankly limited to Kyungwon picking them up from the same bar.

Inviting her home over the Lunar New Year is definitely not a normal thing to do. But she’s already said it and Kang Kyungwon does not go back on her word. And it really would not be bad to have someone else around.

Kyungwon is very unprepared for Jieqiong to beam at her, “I’d love to!”

Kongie is basically done her face off when Kyungwon leaves Jieqiong to unpack in her room. Clearly she had not thought this through because they do not have a guest room and they would have to share Kyungwon’s room, embarrassing middle school sheets and all.

“Who is this,” her mother asks after Kyungwon comes downstairs to greet her father who had just gotten off of work. He pauses briefly by the doorway but just nods at her then heads to his room.

“Friend from school,” Kyungwon mumbles, “she’s from China so she doesn’t have a place to go to for the Lunar New Year.”

She entirely neglects to mention that earlier today is the first time they have actually properly spoken to each other.

Her mother frowns lightly, “We’re going to your grandparents’ tomorrow.”

“She can stay here,” Kyungwon says, “it’s fine, she can take care of herself. I’ll show her the instant noodles.”

Her mother purses her lips, “No one’s going to stay at our house alone, especially on the Lunar New Year. She’ll come with us. I’ll just let your grandmother know to expect your friend. You should go upstairs and call her down. Dinner’s almost ready”

Kyungwon nods, scoots back upstairs to find Jieqiong splayed out on the floor in the middle of the room.

“Uh,” she says.

Jieqiong scrambles to her feet, “O-Oh, sorry.”

“DInner’s ready, you should come downstairs. What were you doing?”

“Just looking at your ceiling,” Jie

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I hope you are not dropping this fic <3
lexiegrey #2
Chapter 2: I love this.....so much.......I hope it gets updated soon ㅠㅠ thank you for this nonetheless
Chapter 2: Just assigned Im Nayoung to solve this puzzle, voila, they get their soulmate. Sorry for my bad 2kyung and Napink mind's..
Chapter 2: I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS UGH! ALL THE FEELS. I came here after reading your latest superior 2kyung bodyguard au but THIS makes me want to scream. The only thing that tops superior 2kyung is 3kyung! Keep doing gods work. Bless you, orz.
Chapter 2: Lit. The fluffs and angst and love. I love them all. Thanks for writing this authornim! Hwaiting
Chapter 2: Pls update soon iloveyou
yuhaha #7
Chapter 2: Loving this so much thank you for continuing it! This 3kyung dynamic is one I've never seen written and honestly it's such a joy to read. I'm very curious about the direction this fic is going to take...ot3? Very excited.
Chapter 2: I've literally been waiting for someone to write about this ever since that vlive where Kyungwon mentioned bringing Jieqiong home over the holidays!!! GAWD Jieqiong playing with Kongie and Minky being jelly makes me so HAPPY!!!
Thank you so much!!! Author-nim jjang!!~~~~
etechnology #9
Chapter 2: Okay a random thought after I've overcome this chapter: if someone's soulmate dies, aren't they then free to go over to anyone? Basically becoming available? (Has anyone doing soulmate au ever worked on this thought?)