Let's Break Up - 1

Let's Break Up
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Sana's POV


Day 1. 

"Oh hey babe, I was just about to call you. Where are we going to the movies this aft-" 


"Sana, Let's break up" 


Hearing those words.... I blanked out completely.


"Sana...?"  Oh, how I love the way her voice sweetens my name.




"Wait, do you have anything else to say?" 


what else do you want me to say?  "no. I gotta go. Bye"  with these words coming out of my mouth, with a click of a button, I threw my phone. 


I lay there on my bed, wondering where everything went wrong. 


"Who am I kidding, everyone saw this coming." I laughed  bitterly


I looked around my room, everything seemed so dull. 


But with a couple quick scans around my room, I realized that everything was with her. 


Chou Tzuyu


And that's when my life went to hell. 


Losing her was hard, but losing the memories that came with her was even harder. 


Everything I could ever possibly loved reminded me of her face. 


Playing guitar hurt because the steel strings could only ring her name. Tzuyu. Tzuyu. Tzuyu


Staying up was better than sleeping because sleeping was with her and if she wasn't here then I didn't want to sleep at all. 


But eventually, I fell asleep with her face clouding my mind


Week 1


"Getting over her" was harder than they say, because when it hurts it really does hurt. 


I stayed in my room playing songs on the guitar recklessly until my fingers were bleeding but no pain felt. 


I hopped off my bed that I haven't left in 12hrs to go to the bathroom. 


I take a look at myself. 



I felt pathetic looking at myself. 

but instead of getting mad, I just dragged my empty body back to my comforter. 



I lost the concept of time, during this week. 

time didn't exist at this time, nothing mattered at all. 

all that mattered was Netflix and ice cream. 

I allowed myself to do all the pathetic things that I've promised myself I wouldn't do.

listen to an old voicemail just to hear her talk again. 

stare at old photos as my heart tears inside listening to our playlist. 

looking at her contact that had that stupid cheesy nickname I have given her. "my sweetheart"

I never bothered dressing up. Who am I trying to impress anyone anyway? 


Week 2. 

I felt better about myself, so I called up a few of my friends just to talk about her with a clear head. 

I was a little excited leaving the house. A little mascara, some eyeshadow, and maybe some highlighter? nope, not that ready. 

I met up with Sowon and Doyeon. They avoided questions about my ex which I was thankful for. 

I'm healing. 

but I still miss her.

Sometimes I felt like rebounding back to her, but I had to learn how to suppress those feelings. 



Week 3

I got out of bed earlier than usual just to do extra stretches and my morning exercises.

This week, I actually felt like socializing with others. 

talk, flirt up at the bar... or whatever I did that night. I was a little rusty but I realized that it's okay, as long as I'm smiling again.

I started to drink protein shakes, hit up the gym and dye my hair. 

A little by little, I started to work towards the better versions of myself. 

Not to prove anyone wrong, not to prove Minatozaki wrong but to love myself for those past weeks I've slipped up. 


Using some of my savings that I was too afraid to waste, to check off some activites off my bucketlist. 

to bungee jump for once. 

go to Singapore and meet new people

moving in with a friend that I

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