New Students

Mr Dimple

Jung Irene…She is 19 years old girl who lived alone. Her parents have died in accidents many years ago. Now, she lived alone with independent. Today’s routine for her is as usual as always she had done.


Kringgg…. Kringgg…


Her phone’s alarm has ringing. She woke up from bed and take her towel to take a shower. She is ironing her uniform, making breakfast and prepared for her school. She went out from her house and locked the door. She went to school with her light steps.


Irene’s POV : woahh, what a nice day today. I wish that I can share with mom and dad. Hmmm, I hope that they will always be happy in there. Mom.. Dad.. Irene will never forget you both. Saranghae…


Irene went to her classroom and greeted her friends. Although Irene is growing up without parents in a very long time periods, she always make herself happy. Because she does not want her parents saw her in bad and sad condition. Her friends always support her and make a good friends with her.


Irene is friendly with everyone. But, with her friendly attitude has make someone jealous of her from far.




Bell’s ringing loudly and make all students rushing to their classroom because lesson is going to start. Mr Kim entered the classroom with few new students. All eyes are on them. Some of the boys and girls in the class are talking about them.


“Yahhh, they are so handsome, right? Omo~ My heart is beating fast!”


“Woahh, their faces seriously are not joking. ing handsome. I should make friends with them. I bet I can increasing my popularity. Haha.”


“Yahhh, did you see that?!!. The tall guy from left have dimples!!. Omo~ seriously I also want that one. So handsome.”


Many students are talking about them without stop. Impressed with their looks and height. The boys are skinny and their face is looked like models.


Irene’s POV : Woahh.. They are so tall. I bet they also can be a model. They can sell their face to the world.


“Alright students. Today I’ve new accompany in today’s class. All of them are new students from Haneul High School. You guys can introduce yourself to the class.” said Mr Kim.


“Hi. My name is Koo Junhoe. Shortly is June.” June smiled and bowing to the class. Girls smiled brightly when June introduced himself.


“Hello. My name is Kim Donghyuk. You guys can called me Donghyuk. Please take a good care of me.” Donghyuk bowing to the class. Suddenly, a voice from back of the class was heard, “I will take a good care of you handsome”. One of the girls said that and a whole class were laughed very loud because of the girl.


Donghyuk laughed brightly and winked at her. Irene just laughing at the new student's act. The girl at the back said to her friend, “You saw his smile!! Woahh so handsome”. Lastly, students from left beside Donghyuk introduce himself.


“Hi. My name is Jung Chanwoo. I preferred you guys called me Chanwoo.” He smiled and bowing to the class. Irene noticed his dimples and she impressed because she never thought that guy also can have a cute dimples like that.


“Alright class. You guys can have your seat there. Alright class, I will start our class now. Open your textbooks and turned to page 87.” Mr Kim pointed to the vacant tables at the back of the classroom and continued the class as usual.


Three of them sat together behind the other boys’ tables. “Hi. I’m Kwanghee. This is Hwanhee and that’s Simon.” The boy said introduced himself and other. They shakes their hands with the new students. “Oouukk.. Twins..,” Donghyuk said while pointing to them. They just smiled and nodded their head.


Their class continued until the bell’s ringing. Mr Kim went out from the class as his class session has ended. Some students went out for lunch. Some of them chit chatting with others. While Irene take her lunch box and went out from the classroom. She went to the rooftop of the building to take her lunch there.


Irene finished her lunch in quiet atmosphere. “Woahhh, the sky is so beautiful. It’s so beautiful like mom’s face.” Irene said while looking up to the sky. She tears up but quickly wipe it when she heard somebody’s laughing. When she look to the door of a connection to the rooftop, she saw the new students out from there.


“Yahh, Dong. There’s a girl there.” June said while pointing to Irene. Donghyuk and June show their smirk smiled and approaching Irene without Irene notice. Chanwoo just following their butts.


“Hi there.” Donghyuk said. Irene a little bit shocked when she heard the voice. Irene flustered and bowed to them. “Can we sit here too?” Donghyuk asked. “Yeah, sure.” Irene replied shyly. “What class are you?” June asked Irene. “Hmm.. Same as you guys. June, Donghyuk and Chanwoo.” She replied and point to them went she said their names. Chanwoo just watch her quietly.


“Oouukkk… You’re in our class.” Donghyuk said with shocked. “Yes. My table is next to the window. Maybe you didn’t realised that.” Irene smiled awkwardly. Chanwoo just heard they chit chatting until the bell’s ringing show that lunch time is over. Four of them went to their classroom together.


Irene noticed that Chanwoo is much quiet than June and Donghyuk. She just thought that when they were walking together to their classroom. As soon as they sit at their chair, their teacher came to teach for the next lesson.


After a long periods of teaching, Ms Kwon give them 15 minutes rest. Some of the students went to restroom and some of them take a nap to rest their mind.


“Yahhh, Dong. That’s girl quite cute right? I think I want to be friends with her. Who knows maybe she will be my girlfriend….” June smiled while watched Irene at her sit. “Yahhh. Don’t you dare to try her. Because I will be first. Hahhahaha.” Donghyuk’s laughing is too loud and it surprised everyone in the class.


“Boy at back there. Please use your 15 minutes wisely.” Ms Kwon said with a firm tones. Donghyuk sadi sorry to her and to the class. Irene just smiled while watching Donghyuk bowing to the others. Chanwoo lied down his head on the table facing to the window. He looked toward Irene with his eyes one closed.


Chanwoo’s POV : Irene…… I want to know more about you……


After 15 minutes rest, Ms Kwon continued her lesson back. Irene got much more energy after the rest. She give 100 percent focus to the class. She would not miss out any single lesson that Ms Kwon taught because it is her favourite subject. She wrote the notes concisely.


Ting… Tong… Teng…


“Alright guys. That’s all for today. Please continue read on your own before we move to another subtopic. Okay. Take a good care and enjoy your weekends.” said Ms Kwon to the class and went out from the room. Irene packed her things and get ready to go home.


“Irene. See you next week.” June shouted and wave at Irene. She smiled and wave back at him and said, “Alright. See you guys next week”. Irene step out from the class. “YAHHH!!! You have start your game. I will not lose to you. Don’t you dare, June!!” Donghyuk shouted to June and chased him when June ran as fast as lightning from the classroom. They left Chanwoo walked behind and waited for him at the gate.

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