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Taemin is sitting on one of the benches with Tae Joon, finally he can see how manly and sporty Minho is, he never knew this hot daddy can be much hotter in a sleeveless and sweaty outfit. He saw how well build Minho body is, he saw how serious Minho is when he's trying to score the game and Taemin knew he's starting to like this young daddy more and more without that guy even trying to woo him. 

" Are you hungry Tae Joon? do you want some sandwich?" Taemin ask Tae Joon who is really focused on his Appa right now. 

" Ne, but... hand dirty?" Tae Joon said while looking at his finger, he remembers his Appa always said to wash hands before eating. 

" Ahh.. samchoon have wet tissues, we can wipe our hands together, or do you want me to feed you?" Taemin asked the boy. 

" Ne," Tae Joon reply happily while looking at Taemin. 

" You're so cute you know!!! can samchoon kiss you?" Taemin asked and he's happy when Tae Joon nodded his head cutely. Tae Joon seems comfortable with him, and he knows he feels the same way too for this boy. 

Minho finished the game 45 minutes later and he's glad to see Tae Joon and Taemin get along very well.  

" Hey.. would you mind to wait here for a while? I'll get a quick shower and we can go for a dinner if you don't mind." Minho asked. 

If this question were asked by any other people, Taemin surely will reject the offer immediately but with Minho he just smile and said " Okay we'll wait

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Chapter 14: An amazing story with lots of emotions... Just loved it 💓
Chapter 14: Oh my god that was so sweet!!!! Taemin with a closed heart is suddenly open all because of hot daddy Minho and cute baby Tae Joon. Its so cute, its so sweet and I'll be reading more of your fics :D Umma Taemin!!
Chapter 14: I'm not crying . OK I lie.
Chapter 14: The main reason I like your story is because the English is not my language but your story is so simple and in direct speech which make it easy to understand unlike the other story which has a lot of authors thought and a lot of feelings and explanations.. second, your storyline is so good.. third
, it is about 2min love .. please keep up like this and write another story.. thank you
Chapter 14: Author-nim thanks for this amazing story, I really enjoyed reading it.
Chapter 14: AAAAAAA cuttttwe
RNshawol #7
Chapter 14: ITS DONE SO SOON!!!! AWHHHHH well okay, I really liked it tho. But I wanna know what it's like when they move in together, what's they're like as a happy family, lots and lots of flufff!! You should definitely do a sequel if you can. Thanks again!! <3
2minjjang #8
Chapter 14: Thanks for the awesome story you made author-nim
I expect another awesome 2min story from you ^^
ashima #9
Chapter 14: Completed?? But yyyyyyy?? Its like the story startd jus ystrday. M so upset dat u completed dis awesome story soo soon. Really upset.
By the way the part was too gud as always. The story was small sweet simple n outstandin. I hope u back again with a new story. Ill b waitin dear.
All the very best.
Till thn take care n keep writin bout 2min
Chapter 13: Next chapter..