Chapter 4

Love After
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Hyesung's POV:

I woke up and saw him next to me. Looking down at him, I couldn't help but remember last night and blushed. I can't believe that this man, this perfect man is all mine. I kissed his forehead and got out of bed silently so that I wouldn't disturb him. I planned on going to the kitchen to make him some breakfast; however, as I was walking through the living room I found the white box, which he told me me never open the first time I came over to his apartment. Even though I had promised Eric I would never open at that time, curiosity of course got the better of me today. I opened it and found a photo album, and some other things in it. I took out the album from the box, and inspected the outside. The album was not titled, but looked well taken care of. I opened the album and felt my heart drop. In the pictures there Eric was with a woman I have never seen before. He was posed sitting down on a chair with her posing over his shoulder; they stared into the camera lovingly. I read the description on the bottom of the picture "Shoo & Eric " was written in neat handwriting. Tears started streaming down my face. My heart hurt it felt like it was breaking into tiny pieces. I closed the book and put it back into the box that I wished I had never opened. I then put the box back where I found it and quickly went to the bathroom to wipe the tears from my eyes and wash my face. I looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, and decided that I need to leave.

I need to get out of his apartment, I need to be far away from here, I need to breathe. I quickly and quietly as possible went back into the bedroom where he was still asleep and got dressed quickly into my clothes from last night. As I was getting dressed his phone all of a sudden lit up, he had received a text from the woman in the pictures as the text read "Hey babe, I have a huge surprise for you today  -Shoo". My heart broke a little more reading the message. After I got dressed, I wrote him a note and stuck it on his mirror. I looked at him and could help but let a few tears fall from my eyes. It's best for me to just disappear now before things get even more complicated. With one last glance I whispered goodbye and left his apartment. I grabbed a taxi and instructed the driver to take me home. I quickly changed my clothes after a shower, grabbed my violin, and car keys. I then got into my car, shut my phone off, and drove. I didn't think of a destination, I just drove and drove until I eventually ended up at a deserted beach.

I step out and grab my violin, The intention was to start playing immediately to let out all of my sorrow, but my body has other plans. I just ran towards the ocean with my violin in hand. Once I reached the edge I couldn't help but yell. I yelled and cried until my voice had gone hoarse. I crumbled to the ground my white clothes got dirty from the sand. When I closed my eyes all I saw was Eric. His smile, the way his eyes light up when we went out for sashimi, his childish behavior, the way he kissed me, and of course the way he held me last night as if I was the only person in his life. I felt so betrayed. I finally found the strength to get up and head towards my car. I drop my head on the steering wheel and finally decide that I need time away from here. I turn on my phone and see messages and missed phone calls from Tiffany, Andy, Taeyeon, Junjin, and of course Eric; however, I ignore all of them. I dial my music professor's number and inform him that I will take the opportunity to study

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liyana6196 #1
Chapter 7: Please update soon author-nim.. Really miss this fic^^ fighting :)
Vee_RS #2
Chapter 7: This is beautiful.. They are lovely.. The kids are cute. I hope they will be happy forever.. I'll wait for the update..
turyka #3
Chapter 7: This a beautiful story.. i just got time yo Read it.. love the kids so cute... And Sungie with awesome... Lovely family I want more of them... Great work authornim
Chapter 7: Love love love! Finally the family is complete and together atlast. But then...its still not the end?? Im sensing trouble brewing author-nim. I wonder what is Eric anticipating and why he needs the DNA results?! Only happy ending please author-nim!! Please be true to your promise Eric and protect Hyesung and your kids with all your might! Don't let Hyesung down again please!
Chapter 7: Awww sweet.. happy family.. love it! please don't ruin their happiness, Authornim kkk
Chapter 6: Wowww your story is wonderful. I can't wait to read more. But I think the DNA test is just so fast :)))
Chapter 6: Love it!!!! Hurray Ricsyung!! Mommy Syung is so protective of the twins! Well sooner or later it's bound to happen that they will meet their Daddy RIC! For a change that DNA test and Eric finding out about That the twins are his kids are just way too fast! Hehe.. More update please author-nim! MORE sweet Ricsyung moments please!!!
deniez3104 #8
Chapter 6: prince and superhero, gud job authornim ^o^