
Kang Seulgi, Will you be my prom date?
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“Hey, let’s be serious for a moment.”

Sooyoung or is known as Joy speaks to her two best friend who are talking to each other about their strict math teacher. Bae Joohyun aka Irene and Son Seungwan aka Wendy are junior, studying in the same class while Joy is a freshman. The three have been friend since they were young and they know each other like the back of their hands. Right now, they are inside the cafeteria, eating together.

“What do you mean? You can never be serious, Sooyoung.”

Joy rolls her eyes at Joohyun. Joohyun is 23, has her hair black and long, meanwhile Seungwan is 22, has her hair in brown, light brown. Joy has her hair short and black, making herself looks extremely young although she is close to 20 years old now. They are studying in the same college.


“Shut up, joohyun unnie. You are lucky, my mother told me respect you or I will chokeslam you now.”

Irene rolls her eyes at Joy.


“What is it that you want to talk about?”

Joy forms a smile to Wendy. The girl has always been nice and kind to Joy, unlike Irene who would always beat the young girl if she has ever said anything wrong. Joy used to think that the three of them are completely opposite, but for some reasons, she knows that they cannot live without each other.

"Let's make a bet between the two of you."

Joy exclaimed with her soft witchy smile causing Irene and Wendy to stop doing whatever they are doing and focus on joy.

"What bet?"

Irene asked, annoyed.

"As you guys know, prom is coming soon in two weeks."


Wendy is getting impatient. Joy raises her eyebrows.

"Who will make this girl as her prom date, will be the winner and I will ask my dad to give that winner a ticket to see Red Velvet's first concert. While the loser will have to pay us lunch for three weeks."

Irene and Wendy are widened their eyes, widely. Red Velvet's first concert, who the hell wants to miss such a masterpiece chance.


Joy smiles in satisfaction. “Alright, ladies. Calm down. Don’t you want to know who will be the girl that you guys have to fight for?”

Irene and Wendy stay silent, wanting Joy to continue. The youngest among them raises her eyebrows.

“Just spit it out, I am going to use my charm to get that whoever, for the sake of the ticket.”

Irene exclaims impatiently. Joy can only laugh as she turns to look around, hoping to see the particular girl. When she spots the girl she is looking for, Joy points to that girl secretly as she doesn’t want anyone to know about their bet. “Her.”

Wendy tries look see who is Joy pointing to. Irene raises her eyebrows while opens her eyes widely to see her target better.

“That gorgeous sophomore, Kang Seulgi.”



Irene’s point of view


I’m staring at the unfamiliar face. I am Bae Joohyun, the goddess of peace. At least this is how I call myself, staring at my target. It has been seven days since my last conversation about this girl. I did not do anything because I was busy with my exams—no Wendy and I were busy with our exams so we did not really make a move. Both of us decide to give ourselves a fair competition by starting it from today on. Right now, that I have done my last exam, I am free to stalk my target.

My target or my lucky star. That’s how I prefer to call her, my lucky star. Because if I can get her as my prom date then I am going to get a ticket to see Red Velvet’s concert. How can I miss such a chance? I will do anything to get her as my prom date. My lucky star, please notice me.

I need to know more about her if I want to get her as my date, so that is why I have been following her around for a while. I guess she doesn’t have so many friends because she has been eating alone for twenty minutes and there is no one here who comes to sit next to her.

Should I approach her and just ask her to be my prom date? isn’t it a little too straight forward? Gosh- get a hold of yourself.


I decide to take a seat at the table which is not too far away and starting to observe her.

Kang Seulgi. She is taking out something and starts sketching so I guess it may be her sketchpad. I let myself wander on her slender hands. By this distance, I can see how long they are. Her blond hair makes her looks so effortlessly beautiful. I wonder why I have never noticed her before. A beautiful face like her shouldn’t be missed from my sight.

I think maybe I have stare at her for too long that it makes her lift her head up to see if there is actually anyone looking at her. And she is met with me. Never once that I take my eyes off her.

She has such a pair of beautiful eyes. Her eyes are like fox’s. Sharp and mysterious. They make me lost and I don’t think I can find my way back.

It is like she has been staring deep to my soul. She has cursed a spell on me and I am here, wishing to be under her spell forever. It wasn’t long until Seulgi’s face breaks into a soft polite smile to me. And I am stunned. She looks so beautiful that I want to carve a statue of her smile and worship it.

Just how lame I am to miss such an ethereal beauty. I am going to make her—not just my prom date—but my girlfriend too. Watch me.


Wendy’s point of view


Right now, I am talking to Krystal. I am not flirting with her. I know have one duty. To make Kang Seulgi accept to be my prom date. I am doing it now. And I started with krystal. She is Seulgi’s classmate and she is quite close to me too since we used to join a volunteer work together. I know irene is trying to stalk Seulgi now, but I cannot be like her. I have to know at least ten things about Seulgi first if I want to step up my game.

I cannot lose.

Irene has always been so competitive but I can be one too. For the sake of Red Velvet’s ticket. I am going to win this.


“So, do you know what Seulgi like to do in her free time?”

Krystal is tapping her chin, trying to think of what to say. I give her my soft smile, telling her to think carefully, not to rush things.

“Seulgi likes to draw and sing. She is very good in them. You should see her drawing, most of them are really beautiful. Seulgi can sing really well. Like really really well. Oh—she can dance too. She is the best in dancing. You should see her movement. Man—I am gay for Kang Seulgi. Ah—and she loves to go to karaoke alone.”

I noted down everything that Krystal told me. It will be useful. In the future.

But this Seulgi girl is really interesting. She loves singing, just like me. Maybe one day we can sing together.

“Do you know anything more about her?”

I let my eyes wander to the table while trying to think of what more to ask.


“Seulgi is doing a bit poor in physic. Maybe you could be her tutor, a smart senior likes you.”

I beamed. Definitely.

“Thanks, Krystal. How do I know if I can be her tutor?”

“Just make sure to go to library at 7am tomorrow then you will see her there. Seulgi is a very friendly and nice person so it is not that hard to start a conversation with her. Just make sure that you don’t freak her out.”

I grin. Just as wide as I can. Sure thing!

Tomorrow 7am. God—I hate waking up in the morning, but for Kang Seulgi—the girl who loves going to karaoke alone, I will.

See you tomorrow, kang seulgi.



Wendy’s point of view

Goddamit! Why is it so hard just to wake up early? I think I am thirty minutes late but I hope I will get to see Seulgi. I don’t want to miss a chance to see Red Velvet as well as getting to know Seulgi better. I look at the library for a moment, taking a deep breath before walking inside the library. A few juniors greet me and I greet back. Irene, Joy and I are popular in this college. I don’t understand why am I famous too, I am just a normal student, but Joy always tells me that we are famous because all of us are beautiful, y and cute, so I guess maybe Joy is right.

I look around the library, trying to search for a familiar face. And here she is. Seulgi is looking so effortlessly cute, biting on the bottom of her pencil, looking confused with the exercise she has been doing. I take a random book as I approach her slowly.


“Excuse me, is this seat taken?”

I asked, making sure my voice came out soft and calm. I wouldn’t want to freak her out or her first impression toward me will be bad. Seulgi lifts her head from whatever she is doing to stare at me. I am speechless.

Kang Seulgi’s close view is breath-taking. She looks so ethereal that I cannot believe myself that she is a human. Her pointed-nose scrunches, her eyes fix on my face. “Sure! But, do I know you before?”

I smile softly, taking a seat in the same table as her. “Mm, I’m not sure. I am Son Seungwan but you can call me Wendy, a junior.”

I extend my hand to her. Seulgi is quick enough to take my hand and shake it politely. “I am Kang Seulgi, a sophomore.”

I smile at her. I knew. I knew a lot of things about her from Krystal. “Oh—it is good to know you, Seulgi. I have a friend who is a sophomore too. Her name is Jung Soojung.”

“Ah. She is in the same class with me. We are friends, close friends actually.”

I knew but I don’t have to say it out. All I need to do is to be close to Seulgi and ask her to be my partner for prom then that’s it. We can still be friend or even close friend because I think I started to like this Seulgi girl now, especially when she smiles at me. I like it. I like her smile so much.

“I like your smile.”

I think I said something wrong because Seulgi is widen her eyes while looking at me like I am some kind of creeps.


“I—I mean you are beautiful. I like you, we are going to make such cute babies together.”

Did someone curse a spell on me? Help!!!!!!!! I cannot hold my mouth.


“I—I need to go, I will see you later, I guess.”

Or hopefully not.

This is what I can see inside Seulgi;s beautiful orbs. And I bump my head to the table after Seulgi went away from me.

Nice move you got there, Son Seungwan.


Irene’s point of view


It is lunch time again so it means a time for me to stalk Kang Seulgi, the owner of a pair of seducing eyes. She is not walking alone anymore; there is a girl walking next to her. I’m sure this girl is not a junior or senior, she looks so young. I think I have seen her before. Somewhere. Her face gives off that evil vibe. I don’t know why, but here face reminds me of Joy.

I sit next to Seulgi’s table, to make sure that I can hear their conversation.

“And I thought I am the dumb one.”

That girl said while pushing Seulgi’s shoulder harshly. Seriously.

Does she not know that she is not allowed to touch an art?

I roll my eyes.

“No. Yerim-ah, I am not lame.”

What Seulgi did left me speechless. Seulgi is hugging that Yerim girl tightly until Yerim has to push her away.

Seulgi, sweetie, you are supposed to slap, punch, beat, and choke her. My child, you can’t just hug her like this.

“Oh. By the way, I have something to do with my partner in class, Joy. I will see you after class, okay?”

Joy? There is only one Joy in this college. Then Yerim is friends with Joy too. Then Yerim is just a freshman. No wonder Joy knows Seulgi who is a sophomore.

I wait until Yerim went completely out of my sight. Seeing Seulgi sitting alone, I dare to get up from my seat and approach her.

“Hey, is this seat available?”

I bite my lower lip hardly. It is my first time approaching someone. Normally, I was the one who has been approached and talked to. I feel extremely nervous. I don’t want Seulgi to see me as someone who is not in her right mind, so I try my best to give her my soft smile.

“Yes, it is.”

I take a seat in an instant, mouth mumbling a thank you. Seulgi nods her head at me in reply as she focuses to her food. I don’t know if I should start a conversation first or wait until Seulgi says something first.

“My name is Bae Joohyun. I am single.”

Wow. Nice move, Bae Joohyun. Now Seulgi is looking at me like I am some kind of those weirdos who like to steal girl .


I see how Seulgi shifts herself uncomfortably and I want so much to bump my head with the table.

“I mean I want to marry you.”


“I mean no—I don’t want to marry you. I want your phone number.”


I pinch my own thigh hardly as I want to stop myself from saying anything lamer. Guess I did it too hard and I accidentally let out a loud ouch. 

“Are you okay?”

Seulgi looks so concerned about me and I can’t help but to smile at her. “Yes. Yes. I am perfectly fine. It is just my knees.”

“What happened with your knees?”

I smile, confidently.

“I just scraped my knees, falling for you.”






“I—I need to go. It’s nice to meet you, joohyun.”

And Seulgi does not wait for me to reply. She just runs and runs away from me. Like she does not want to encounter with me anymore.


“Pft… what? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh my god. You guys are so lame. Why are we even friends?”

Joy is laughing, just as hard and loud as she can, pointing at her two best friends’ face. There are tears at the corner of her eyes for laughing too hard.

“Wendy, why did you suddenly say that you love her smile and indirectly ask her to have babies with you? Isn’t it too creepy?”

“Like—I said I LIKE her smile.”

Wendy corrected her best friend with a small pout but Joy is too busy laughing to care about it. “And you??”

Joy points at Irene as she starts laughing again, harder.

“HAHAHA you just confessed to Seulgi that you want to marry her and wait—that pickup line hahah. Seriously, you are so old fashioned.”

Joy keeps laughing and gets a glare back from both Irene and Wendy in return. The youngest wipes her tear again for the fifth times. “You guys really need my help.”

Finally, Irene and Wendy can soften their death glare to a normal sulking one.

“I am going to give you guys Seulgi’s address and phone number, but don’t do anything to make yourself look like a creep like this again.”

“Then what should we do? We only have 5 days more.”

“Make it looks like a coincidence. Seulgi’s home is nearby so she would always walk. You guys can use your car and ask her to ride with you then you can use this opportunity to know her more and stuffs.”

“Don’t be a creep, okay? I feel bad for that poor girl. Call me if you need anything more. I have to hang out with my classmate.”

And then Joy left the two of her best friends after she handed them two pieces of papers with Seulgi’s phone number and address on.



Irene and Wendy are shocked to see Seulgi is sitting on the same table with Joy, and it was supposed to be their seats. The duo is not brave enough to look at Seulgi after what they have done to the young sophomore.

“Come here, you guys. This is Seulgi, Kang Seulgi.”

Joy exclaimed innocently while stood up to pull the duo to sit next to her. Seulgi doesn’t look shocked to see them or have the i-want-to-go-back-home face when she saw Irene and Wendy anymore. The two older girls can finally breath properly now.

“Hello, Irene and Wendy. Joy has told me about yesterday. It wasn’t your intention to do that to me, so I’m sorry for running away just like that.”

Seulgi shows them her wide cheeky smile that make it impossible for Irene and Wendy not to smile back. Still—they send Joy a look like asking what-did-you-tell-her face. Joy laughs softly as she pats Seulgi’s back gently.

“It was a dare. Seriously, Seulgi. Yerim said it is fun to tease you so I did it. I’m apologize for doing that.”

Both Wendy and Irene look dumbfounded but still let out an awkward laugh when they see Seulgi starts laughing.

“We are sorry for creeping you out.”

Irene said. Seulgi gives back a smile as she nods her head. “It is okay, really. I know how evil Joy and Yerim can be. I am glad they did not dare you guys to do something stupid like stealing my or stuffs—ouch”

Seulgi rubs her shoulders and laughs when she feels a hard slap on them, from Joy. “We are not that kind of psycho.”

“Hahaha. Sorry, Joy-ah.”

Irene and Wendy look at how close and Seulgi are and they cannot help but to ask.

“How did you guys know each other?”

Seulgi smiles. “I met Joy through Yerim, my cousin and Joy is Yerim’s—”

Joy covers Seulgi’s mouth as she doesn’t want Seulgi to say anything more. “Yerim wants it to be secret you dumb.”

When Seulgi nods her head in agreeing, Joy releases her hand from Seulgi’s mouth.

“Anyway, I need to attend class now. I will talk to you guys later. And it is nice to meet you, Irene and Wendy.”

Seulgi grins at them, the childish and adorable one causing both irene and wendy to gasp while they watch until the girl is out of their sight.

“Don’t you have anything to ask me?”

This voice is able to bring Wendy and Irene back to earth. Of course, there are like thousand questions that the duo wants to ask.

“How did you know Seulgi?”

“Who is Yerim? Why didn’t you let Seulgi talk about her?”

Joy smiles. “Seulgi already told you guys about it. I met her through Yerim, my classmate, my partner in crime. I don’t expect you guys to ask me such a question; I thought you will ask me another question like how to get close to Seulgi or how to make Seulgi like you. I was wrong AHA.”

Irene and Wendy groan in frustration. “Seriously, Joy?”

“Well, you guys only have 4 days more. If none of you can get Kang Seulgi as your prom date then I’m gonna use that ticket to watch Red Velvet’s concert myself.”

Joy shrugged her shoulders coolly before she walked away from the duo with a smug smile on her face.




Wendy’s point of view

I’m on my way to the library again. Today I need to have a normal and decent conversation with Seulgi, I have to ask her to be her tutor so I can use this chance to be close to her. And maybe—just maybe—as a payback for being her tutor, she will accept to be my prom date.

As usual, Seulgi is biting the bottom of her pencil while staring at her exercise.

“Hey, Seulgi.”

The girl who somehow resembles a bear lifts her head up to face me. “Oh

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76 streak #1
Chapter 1: DAMN?!!!!
Sir_Loin #2
Chapter 1: Seulrene jjang indeed 😁
Chapter 1: Irene didn't win the bet but she got her irl lol
Chapter 1: Damnnnn Irene you lucky one haha
24 streak #5
Chapter 1: Lol.. Wendy got the prom date. While Irene got the girl.. Win win
Chapter 1: seriously Irene so bold hahahaha, thanks btw
assej7IM #7
Chapter 1: HAAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHA. SEULRENE ftw. Then the Joohyun will ask Seulgi fto get married with her hahahahha. And damb Wendy, you smartass hahahaha well 12am is really a official another day though hahaha
UserVelvet #8
Chapter 1: Joy is so much a demon, she's perfect!
See Wenrene fight for Seulgi is really beautiful
And their intro is really perfect ...
I wondered which of the two would happen to have Seulgi for the prom date and finally it is Wendy but Irene is the one that emerges the most victorious hihi
i love how you write author-nim, and your stories are long to read, it's great!