Ch. 1

Filling in the Blanks
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I blinked a couple of times. So I wasn't dreaming. I AM in a hospital room. I tried to sit up on the bed, but my shoulder started to hurt. Trying not to move my shoulder so much, with great effort, I managed to slightly sit up against the headboard. Leaning on my left side, I pressed the button to call the doctor. Not a second later, two nurses walked in holding some equipments and pushing a cart. A few seconds later, a handsome man in a white coat came in with a clipboard in hand.


"Hello _____. I'm the doctor who is in charge of you, Dr. Kim Seok Jin. How are you feeling?" He smiled at me. How can a doctor look like an angel like him?


_____? Is he talking to me? I looked all around the room and it was just me, the nurses, and the doctor, They were all smiling at me. How creepy.


"My body from my stomach and up hurts and my head kind of hurts too." The doctor let out a little chuckle. "Well, that's to be expected. You were stabbed on your right shoulder, lower abdominals, and hit on the head. We'll give you more pain relievers right now."


I watched them put more things in the bag that's connected to the string that's going through my hand. What is it called again? An IV?


Wait a minute. "_____? Is that my name?" The doctor looked up from his clipboard with his eyebrows slightly furrowed. "Yes, _____ is your name. _____, do you know what year it is?" I had to think for a while. What year IS it?


"No. What year is it?"


"_____, it's the year of 2017. What is the last thing you remember doing?" "Waking up in pain before waking up for this time." "What about before waking up in the hospital? Do you remember what you were doing before then?"


I tried to remember, but the harder I tried, my head started to hurt more. "No. I don't know. My head hurts more when I try to remember."


The doctor looked at me with sad eyes. "I suspected this would happen since you were in a coma for quite a while, about a month actually. _____, you seem to have amnesi. You must've been hit on the head really hard, harder than I expected. We'll do more on the next check-up to find out more. Right now, I want you to stay in bed and relax. Rest for now. Sleep, if you must. We'll come back to see how you're doing later. Okay?" I just nodded my head and he smiled a bit before leaving with the other nurses.


Okay. So my name is _____. I was attacked somehow for some reason. I apparently have amnesia from the assault. There are more questions that I want to ask. Why is it so lonely here? Did anyone visit me? Do they know what happened to me? Can they tell me how exactly this all happened to me? Will I be able to recover my memories to fill the voids in my mind? Also, one question that I have to keep asking myself from now on, who are the allies that stand by my side?


All of these questions are just popping up around in my head. I can't help but think of them and of everything that has happ

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