You're My Weakness


“Yah, Jung Hoseok!” Besides a slight flinch Hoseok remained indifferent to Yoongi's yelling, burying himself further into the white sheets of his bed and mentally cursing himself for forgetting to lock the door in his upset. “I know you hide in bed when you're saaaaaad.” His crush’s voice was directly outside of his door now, however the handle didn't move. Yoongi had always been rather careful when it came to others’ privacy. “But why are you sad? Why'd you leave?” he tried quietly when Hoseok kept quiet, sliding down the wall and sitting staring at the one opposite. He didn't want to leave until Hoseok stopped being so sullen. His self proclaimed “Sunshine” was barely ever so depressed he holed himself up in his room - not anymore.

“I didn't feel like staying,” Hoseok mumbled his response, unsure (and somewhat uncaring) over whether Yoongi heard him.

“Are you sick?” Yoongi frowned, lolling his head against the door. “Oh, I could swear I saw you talking to Taehyung. Did he say something to you? Do I need to hit him? Because I don't give a how popular or talented he is if he hurt you I'll ing-” Hoseok's expression contorted into a strange combination of happiness over Yoongi's protective manner concerning him and upset at his utter obliviousness.

“Taehyung didn't do anything and I'm not sick,” he cut Yoongi off in as reassuring a tone as he could muster, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and shuffling to the door. Yoongi nearly fell onto his side as the door was pulled open, Hoseok looking down at him with weary eyes and a sad smile. “Thank you, though. Look, it’s late and we both had a lot to drink,” he sighed, scratching his head as he realised the buzz still hadn't quite settled down and, when he focused on it, it confused him even more than he already was. His head was spinning, his thoughts were loud, and he just wanted sleep. “You should go home.” He had a hard time muffling his shy and bewildered yelp as Yoongi reached up and took him gently by the hand, tugging on it as to bring Hoseok down to his level on the floor.

“Not until you tell me what's wrong,” he murmured, his face showing his adamance.

“I'm just drunk,” Hoseok coughed, hoping that his excuse would be enough explanation for both his abnormal attitude and flushed cheeks.

“Nice try,” Yoongi scoffed, smirk tugging at his lips. “I've seen you drunk. You're the total opposite of, well,” he gestured to where his best friend sat crumpled on the floor, countenance still one of melancholy. “This,” he finished solemnly, quickly falling serious again.

“Okay, I'm going to try my best to explain here…” Hoseok whispered, trying to conjure up every ounce of confidence he had within him. “What would you do if. Speaking hypothetically of course,” he could have facepalmed from his inability to confess and sighed, struggling to put words into sentences and explain himself. “You liked someone, and someone else also likes that someone, and you feel threatened by that someone else?” Yoongi blinked slowly as he tried to comprehend what Hoseok was saying.

“Riiiight…” he raised an eyebrow and nodded as he began to understand. “I'd respect the ‘someone's’ decision. I mean, it's up to them who they like, isn't it?” Hoseok didn't speak, bobbing his head in agreement and sighing. Before he could even try and respond Yoongi gasped, slapping his knee as his whole face lit up. “It's Jungkook, isn't it? You like Jungkook!” he exclaimed, laughing and clapping loudly. Hoseok's brows furrowed and he shook his head vigorously.

“No! How drunk are you?! I-” Yoongi continued to fire accusing and sly smirks his way and so he groaned, palming his eyes and resting his chin in his hands. “You got me,” he said, not quite giving it much thought. “I do like Jungkook, yes Yoongi, ing Korean Sherlock over here! My secret is out!” Yoongi faltered at Hoseok's sarcastic tone, not knowing if he was kidding or not, but he continued to cackle excitedly. “Yoongi, go home. I'll walk you. It's late, you quite obviously need sleep.” Hoseok rolled his eyes and stood, pulling Yoongi to his feet as well and returning to his bedroom for Yoongi's scarf. He wrapped it tight around his crush’s neck and adjusted his jacket over his shoulders so he wouldn't grow cold on the journey back and exhaled heavily. Sometimes it felt like he was babysitting a child, especially when Yoongi drank.

“But I don't wanna go home~~” he whined, now obnoxious as he usually was when inebriated.

“Where was this attitude earlier when you were so serious… I swear you're like. Bipolar or something.” Hoseok muttered, taking Yoongi's arm in case he stumbled (though he was pretty steady and Hoseok could see this).

“Nooooo it's not that bad my uncle has thatttt… I just need to make sure my Hobi is okayyyyy~” he lilted, grabbing Hoseok's shoulder and pulling him into a tight and warm hug. Hoseok was startled, eyes widening as his best friend's body pushed flush against his.

“Yah, Min Yoongi, what is this?” Yoongi pulled back but kept his arms encircling Hoseok's neck, childish and innocent frown etching his face.

“What do you mean?”

“In the fifteen years we've been friends you've initiated hugs what, like, seven times? That I can recall, anyway. And one of those times, you thought I was choking.” Hoseok chuckled, feeling his cheeks burn yet again.

“You don't deserve to be sad, Seok-ah.” Yoongi whispered fondly, uncharacteristic yet to Hoseok, all too alluring.

“I'm fine,” he settled for, trying to swallow the lump in his throat and gnawing on his bottom lip as he guided Yoongi out of his apartment and to the elevator as to take him home.


“Kim Namjoon, why aren't you asleep?!” Cried Kim Seokjin as he sleepily stumbled his way into the living room of the rather lavish penthouse apartment he shared with his fiancé. Namjoon grimaced at Seokjin’s harsh tone but kept his eyes glued on the chapter drafts before him, groaning in frustration and scribbling out another paragraph before resting his hands over his face. “This is what happens when you get tired,” Seokjin chided drily, joining his love at the kitchen island and leaning over to take a look at the work he'd done today. “Holy …” he breathed, leafing through the many pages of plans and drafts before smiling softly at the still irritated looking Namjoon. “Babe you did so much today!” he beamed, face soon falling into a pout when Namjoon's frown didn't lift. “But you don't look happy about it…?” he piqued an eyebrow and waited for an explanation, Namjoon sighing deeply and pushing himself up from the low-backed chair with a yawn.

“I can't figure out this one character…” he muttered, small feeling of patheticism settling within him. He wondered if perhaps he was being preposterous in his worry over one side character as he ambled over to their coffee machine however Seokjin reached out and grabbed one of Namjoon's muscled arms in his slender fingers, doing his best to pull him away from the caffeine and to the papers scattered over the marble surface.

“Which one? I might be able to help…” his lack of confidence shone through in his guttural voice however he coughed lightly and smiled at Namjoon, moving to his side and propping himself up on his elbows.

“Well… this person is who helps the main escape…” Namjoon attempted to describe, scratching the back of his neck and wetting his lips slightly.

“She's his soulmate?” Seokjin asked, Namjoon firing him an affirming nod. “What if you make her a him?” he wiggled his eyebrows, giggling impishly when Namjoon swatted at him with the now neatly gathered papers.

“A gay guy writing about two gay guys… wonder who the demographic is there,” he chuckled in response, setting his day's work aside and once again trying for the coffee pot.

“Kim ing Namjoon, what do you think you're doing?” Seokjin enquired, hand resting itself on his attenuated waist and his eyebrow raising in an accusing glare.

“I'm getting a drink, what does it look like I'm doing?” Namjoon answered tiredly in an over exaggerated accent, shrugging and reaching out for the machine. “Since when do you curse so much? Stressful day at work?” Seokjin tutted and took the ‘I'm gay and I'm proud’ mug from his fiancé and shook his head.

“Apart from Seungcheol spilling coffee in the recording room all over the new equipment when he shouldn't even have it in there and the many emails from Jihoon’s needy representative who really needs to learn how to do their job I mean the musician is great but she's just-” he caught himself rambling and sighed loudly. “It was fine but stop changing the subject! That story ain't gonna get anywhere if you don't sleep.” Namjoon chortled and leant back against the white countertop, pursing his lips at Seokjin.

“I can't.” he mumbled, pushing away from the side towards his lover.

“You haven't even triiiied,” Seokjin huffed, cupping Namjoon's face in his large hands and narrowing his copper eyes. “And you know sleeping is easier when I'm next to you, so here's what we'll do. I'm gonna quickly eat something because it's been eight hours, and you're gonna march your cute into that bedroom and get washed up. Trust me, you're not gonna get anywhere with such an amazing idea if you're exhausted.” Namjoon's mocking smirk became a smile of adoration and he took Seokjin’s hands in his, bringing them down to swing between them.

“Okay,” he gave in, still grinning. “But one question…”


“Do you really think my is cute?” he burst out into bright laughter when Seokjin batted at him and smacked said when he turned around, swaying his hips wildly and shaking his as they continued to laugh before winking at his wet-eyed boyfriend and heading for the bedroom to change into his pyjamas.


Hoseok propped his elbows up on the canary yellow and white countertop before him, rubbing his eyes tiredly as he surveyed the café. That morning was surprisingly quiet, though with Hoseok's racing thoughts and pounding head he was in no mood to complain. The small silver bell overhead the front door tinkled and as if he'd been yanked up he straightened almost immediately, beaming smile spreading over his face as he looked over to see who'd entered.

“First time seeing you in here, way too big a coincidence for me to ignore,” he laughed in slight disbelief as Taehyung grinned cheekily up at him.

“Well, usually I get my coffee from the coffee shop down the road but I saw you working here and decided to see how good you were,” Taehyung leant closer to Hoseok over the counter, smile widening and making it impossible for Hoseok to hold back his giggles. As he did he looked over the musician, slightly perplexed by his attire. Red and black plaid covered his torso, partly tucked into suffocatingly tight black jeans. Combat boots ran up to his mid calves, and the finishing touches of a black beanie and pair of thick rimmed lensless glasses were especially not what Hoseok would expect from someone who, the previous night, had dared to look so devilishly handsome in a shirt.

“You're looking… oddly stereotypical hipster today…” he mumbled, still looking over Taehyung as he chuckled.

“I dress like this most of the time,” he responded nonchalantly, glancing down at himself quickly before looking back up at Hoseok. “I'll just have a mocha, please. To go, gotta head to the studio soon.” Hoseok nodded and set about preparing the drink.

“I don't know why, it just doesn't seem very. You .” he muttered as he did, Taehyung laughing once more as he intently watched Hoseok work.

“Hoseok, you barely know me.” he pointed out. “There are a lot of things you don't know about me. Especially considering you never called last night.” Hoseok saw him pout and laughed in disbelief.

“Ha! Who calls on the same night they get the number?!” he cried, face reddening slightly when nearby customers turned to stare. “How desperate do you think I wanna seem? Not to mention I was unhappy, didn't you think it'd be more likely for me to go cry in bed?”

“C’mon sweetie, you're-”

“Too pretty to cry, too cute to frown, too nice to be sad, yeah yeah,” Hoseok waved his hand dismissively. “You're sweet.” he grinned as he capped Taehyung’s coffee cup and picked up the Sharpie on the counter next to him, scrawling his name quickly and drawing a rather teasing heart next to it before handing it to him. “I'll call you,” he whispered, Taehyung smirking triumphantly and blowing him a playful kiss before hurrying out of the shop and down the street.


[04/04/2017, 16:27] Yoongs - Yah answer me


Hoseok hung up his apron and struggled to ignore the vibrations emitting from his cell, taking his water bottle from his canvas bag and taking a tentative sip.


[04/04/2017, 16:31] Yoongs - You can't be all friendly with me and walk me home and then ignore me

[04/04/2017, 16:32] Yoongs - Especially when I'm this ing hungover and I'm still facing this bright screen for you


Hoseok saw the notification pop up and sighed, running a hand through his slightly sweaty hair and taking his phone into his other hand


[04/04/2017, 16:34] Hobiiiii - Lol I just finished work

[04/04/2017, 16:34] Yoongs - About ing time we haven't spoken today

[04/04/2017, 16:35] Hobiiiii - That doesn't usually bother you

[04/04/2017, 16:36] Yoongs - It does when you're being weirdly depressed. It's like college again

[04/04/2017, 16:37] Hobiiiii - I told you I'm fine, what more do you need

[04/04/2017, 16:38] Yoongs - Proof that you're fine for s sake! I hate it when you're obviousky sad but tell me you're not bc I can't do then

[04/04/2017, 16:38] Yoongs - *obviously

[04/04/2017, 16:39] Hobiiiii - Yoongi you worry too much. I'm happy you care so much but really. I'm fine


He thought back to his meeting with Taehyung that morning and smiled softly, quickly grabbing a black coffee for Yoongi who he had no doubt would be slumped over on the couch groaning, and bid his coworkers goodbye as he left for his crush’s tattoo shop.

His face fell and he became thoughtful. His heart was beyond confused.

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Chapter 2: Please update ♡ Its good