got a problem

Internship, and next?

A few weeks have passed. You and Hyuk are like really good friends. You always play along when you are together, can talk about everything and even if you have different opinions and it comes to a fight you can clear it out easily. Working with friends really makes live easier for you. All the Vixx members were great to you. All except of Jaehwan. From the videos you have watched you know him as a joyfull and always happy person, and the members also say that he is like that.


"Hyuk," you asked "I think you all are really great friends for me. But somehow, I really can't say why, I have a strange feeling with Jaehwan. He always react's awkward and unnormal. He don't like me, right? But I cant remeber to have done something bad to him."

You and Hyuk you were sitting in a café near the company, drinking a coffee. "Hm, I thought that earlier, too. But seriously I don't know why. When we talk about our work, also where you are included, he always talk so nicely about you, always praise you and stuff. But he really is different when you are around. Have you ever asked him what the problem is?"

"No. But I am also afraid of asking him."

"If you really wanna know it, you have to. C'mon! He really is a nice guy, I am sure this is only a misunderstanding or something like that. He likes everyone and everyone likes Jaehwan. He's a great Hyung, sorry but he also is a sh**head. Don't worry to much about it and ask him direktly as you asked me. It will make everything easier."

"Hm, I guess you are right. Huuuuuuuuuuu. Do you have any advise how I can talk to him in a nice mood?"

So You and Hyuk planned how you could easily talk to him. The next day you wanted to take him for lunch, look how it will go and if he still act strange you will ask him directly. Good plan! :D


On the next day around 11:45 am you went to Jaehwan's practiceroom and as Hyuk said earlier, he was there. Practising singing. You stopped a moment before opening the door. Silently you could hear his sweet voice singing. It sounded really pretty, but also kind of sad. You couldn't tell properly since the door was still closed. You waited until he finished and knocked on the door and went in.

"Hi Jaehwan. Nice song, it really soundes good. Is it a new song from Wonsik?"

"Ah hi. eh...... no. I wrote this song. Wonsik helped me a bit with the melody but the text is from me."

"Sounds interesting. Anyway, I wanted to ask if you are free for lunch today. Hyuk had no time for me today but he said I should ask you instead. Are you interested?"

Jaehwan said nothing.

"Of course I will invite you, the bill is on my side! HarHar!" You tried to be funny to overplay the awkward situation. But most of the people tell you, that you have no talent in jokes. (unfortunately...) :D

Jaehwan was not sure how he should react, you could tell. But then he answered "Ah.... eh.....m.... sure. Sure. I am... free for lunch. ... No problem........ at all. ...... when do you want to meet?"

"I thougth of right now or in a few minutes. I am really hungry."

It was so awkward. You couldn't handle this strange situation. This guy, who stayes on stage in front of so many people, singing, dancing. Doing many videos and everything, this guy stood in front of you and couldn't handle the situation. You were so happy that you may have the chance right now to overcome this awkwardness with a lunch. Hopefully after that everything will be fine.

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