Orchid Entertainment



poster! poster!
Thanks for taking your time to apply for a position as a poster maker. Just to let you know, I love you very, very much! <33
Good luck on your application!
Links to at least 2 examples of your works:
What website/application do you use to create covers?
How often do you believe you can create covers?
Do you go on hiatus often?
not required but highly recommended
Are you willing to work at Orchid Entertainment as a manager? 
Are you willing to advertise for Orchid Entertainment?
Please write a few comments for you profile on the staff page. These will be posted on postershop and on Orchid Entertainment STAFF page, so write wisely! 
Thanks for submitting your applcation to spark931's wall in a private message. We will take your application into consideration. please take a moment for applications to be processed. it will likely take up to at most a week, but probably 1 or 2 days.
story! story!
 required (There's more, so scroll down)
Profile Link:
What is your native language?

Grammar Skills:
How quick can you finish reading a story, and review it?


Are you willing to work at Orchid Entertainment as a manager? 
Are you willing to advertise for Orchid Entertainment?
Please write a few comments for you profile on the staff page. These will be posted on postershop and on Orchid Entertainment STAFF page, so write wisely! 
I'd suggest around 2-3 sentences regarding what you like to read, what you don't, so that requesters will know.
Do you write fanfiction normally? (This doesn't affect outcome, I'm just curious.)
Thanks for submitting your applcation to spark931's wall in a private message. We will take your application into consideration. please take a moment for applications to be processed. it will likely take up to at most a week, but probably 1 or 2 days.
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