… Quite interesting…

Our blind connection [SLOW UPDATE]
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(Jin's road)

At his wake, Jin thought that today will be a good day. He had a calm and relaxing night. The wind was walking through his bang, making him smile. Since yesterday’s memory, he let the window opened. It made him feel less captive and more liberated, of his movement and mind. The wind became stronger, which quite surprised him but didn’t make him flinched. He sat on his bed and wait. Nothing were supposed to come but he had a feeling. Jin was good with feeling and expectation. One day, where he was lost in his thought, he imagined himself being a person in which people will ask advices about anything. It made him giggled a little and started to think who was the real Jin. He could be an interior designer or an architect. From the apartment where the memory occurred, the wall was familiar to him. He wasn’t sure but the apartment could be his. From the standing, he either had a good job or recently won at the lottery. The only thing that didn’t match was Namjoon. He wasn’t fitting in this kind of environments, but still he was still here.


… Why?


Jin never found the answer to his question and had a shock when a paper had been laying on his sheet. Stars’ dust showed that it came from the windows before landing in front of him. He touched it before it vanished in the air and was surprised to feel softness across his fingers. He blew his fingers, making the dust disappearing from his fingers.

He decided to pay attention to the paper, which was waiting for him. He could see Namjoon’s handwriting on the paper and felt his heartbeats increasing. He unfolded it and his smile dropped.


“Were you my sugar daddy? Or something like this?”


His journey had been great indeed but… Right now, Namjoon’s message changed everything. Jin was feeling anger, he was sure about it. His hands clenching, his heartbeat changing his rhythm and his vein on his neck: it was definitely anger. Jin crushed the paper and cursed.


What even is a “sugar daddy”??


Something weird produced. A tiny voice from its head responded to him.

“A rich, older man who gives money, gifts, etc., to someone (such as a young woman or man) in exchange for , friendship, etc.”

Jin blinked his eyes several times and thanks whoever spoke. He got up and came toward his desk. He took a paper and violently wrote each of his words on it.

Finished he took the paper and throw it at the windows. He then went to his bathroom and check his reflection in front the mirror. He touched his chin with his thin fingers and cursed for the second time in this day.


I’m handsome!!


(Namjoon's road)

Namjoon didn’t have to wait too much after his wake to receive the paper. He happily came toward the windows before taking the paper. He had regretted sending his previous message but Jin seemed a gentle person. He didn’t seem to be a person who got hurt easily about stupid things.

He unfolded the paper on his bed and laughed. Jin was sensitive and Namjoon learned it at his own costs.


“So first you got a memory about us, congrats because me too actually, you punk! I saw your hair color: pink??? PINK??? Plus, you don’t tell me what was your memory??? How can we go forward like this??? No, really, I don’t see what I must do with you…. PUNK !!!”


He fell on his bed and continued to laugh until his stomach hurt. Jin reacted as a child to his message. Finally, maybe him and Jin weren’t as odd as it seemed. He took a sheet, that he delicately torn this time and sat in front his desk. Jin were right about a thing, they couldn’t progress if they hide their memory from each other. He took a blue pen and wrote everything until his hands abruptly stopped. He was about to write a name: Jackson.

He got a short flash that scared him. His story with Jin were more complicated that it looks. It happened in a second. Namjoon saw himself standing in front a man from his age. He was slightly shorter than him wearing a black cap and huge glasses. His clothes were tight at his waist and leg, which showed his great body. On his jacket were embroidered “Jackson WANG” in red letters.

“I can go out with you, but you need to forget Jin…. All right?


His flash stopped after his answer. Namjoon was feeling uneasy about it. Who was this guy named “Jackson WANG”? From his previous flash, Jin knew him too but only qualified him as a “friend” not as a “boyfriend”. They were both wearing a sad look, Namjoon had been able to see his own reflection on the sunglasses. Why doesn’t it feel right to both?

Namjoon couldn’t think straight anymore and send his paper like this, avoiding the part with Jackson and all his secret.


(Jimin's road)

Jimin was rubbing his cheek. It was red as if someone had slap him. After his flash back, the words behind the paper disappeared. He will maybe discover it later but he was quite upset right now. He wasn’t in the mood of playing. The piano was in front of his bed but he couldn’t feel the energy to bring his feet toward it. He sighed and fell on his bed.

Jimin smiled and opened his eyes. He was now able to know when he was having a memory. He was proud of himself. He could almost have a memory on purpose now. It wasn’t Yoongi’s way, which was dangerous for him but quite the same. Instead of “searching”, he was “emptying” his mind. He never had any problem with it, so he continued. He hoped that he wasn’t doing something more dangerous but nothing bad happened; he could enjoy his day like this.

He was in his bedroom. He knew that it was his because pictures of him with unknow person were decorating the room. He got up and strength his arm. He was yawned when he saw the crazy hour in his watch. It was 7am and his heart became insane. He rushed in another room and took the quickest shower in the World. He skipped the breakfast despite having his stomach empty and leaved the apartment. While he ran to go wherever he was going, Jimin took the time to observe his surroundings. The sky, the people minding their own business and finally the life. They were all surrounding by something or someone alive and breathing. The leaves falling, the dog barking, they were all alive; unlike him.

Jimin got his sense back when he was in front a mansion. He was adjusting his tie when the huge portal opened. He had his hands sweaty and nervously step into the mansion.

There, he automatically wears a smile.

“You’re almost late… You almost lose your job.”

Jimin’s smile didn’t flinched and he apologized. He walked across the old woman and went upstairs? He stopped in front a door and knocked at it. A weak voice responded to him and he slightly opened the door.

“You’re late Jimin.”

His smile disappeared and sighed. A young girl was sitting on a pink bed. She was wearing a light dress and nothing else. Her room were brighter than her, surrounded by flowers from most part of the World.

“No sigh here, or I’m firing you.” Her voice was strong and impressive. Jimin was so small compared to her, that he stood quiet for a moment.

She looks quite upset. I wonder who she is.




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Will post at least one chapter a month. (I restarted school today and I'm already overwhelmed...)


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Can't wait to start reading this <3
Queenmerlia #2
Chapter 8: Omg I love the chapter also that pic of suga got me shook like just look at that smirk / smile so magical sighs my heartue is my heart -
LilTae #3
Chapter 7: This is an interesting story. I hope you'll keep writing, because it's good and I can't wait for more. Thank you for the story!
Queenmerlia #4
Chapter 7: 911 what's ur emergency
Um author nim just passed out yeah something about a bag of sugar being adorable and to much swagg yeah I don't think she's well
Queenmerlia #5
Chapter 6: O no u pulled tbc on us yo lolz
Queenmerlia #6
Chapter 5: Omg this is interesting and I think every member is perfect I don't care if its editing which I believe its not they all highkey perfect
Queenmerlia #7
Chapter 3: OMG so good cant wait for more