Chapter 2

You are the flower of my heart

Nichkhun could feel a few pair of strong hands lift him bodily up and the metal they placed him on felt cool to his skin. He struggled to wake up but his eyelids were heavy and the place he was knocked on hurts like hell everytime he tried moving. He was lifted up once again of the cool metal which got replaced by soft sheets that felt comforting to his skin as he allowed himself to be lulled by the serendipity of it and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

Nichkhun woke up after what felt like hours later and his stomach growled hungrily as he realized he hadn't had breakfast yet. He touched the back of his head gingerly to check out his injury and felt the touch of soft cotton bandages around it. Glancing around his surrounding, he found himself staring at 4 walls that were yellowed and mouldy from age and the air was musty and cold from the wind that would seep in from in between cracks in the walls. Nichkhun pulled the quilt blanket that was placed around him tighter and it was then realized his clothes were now replaced by an drab old sweat shirt and the tattered sweatpants he had on only came down to his ankles.

The door opened revealing the face of a kindly old grandma. She was carrying a bowl of hot piping red coloured soup, a metal bowl of rice and was talking in some weird gibberish that completely made no sense to Nichkhun. He reached for his IPhone to translate what she had just said only to remember that he had lost all his stuffs to the goons that had ambushed him. His passport, his wallet, his IPhone 4s were all gone now. Remembering the DSLR around his neck, he screamed inwardly swearing to kill them if they took even that. He turned around and saw it sitting on the table beside his bed and heaved a huge sigh of relief and he held it in his hands to check if it was damaged in anyways

Nichkhun turned back and smiled at the kind old grandma as he tried thanking her with the few Korean words he had learnt before coming to Korea. "ka...kam..kamsahada kap??" she laughed loudly at his attempt to speak Korean and the room turned warm slowly as the two of them shared a laughter that transcends over the language barrier they have. Nichkhun's stomach growled loudly and he turned red from the embarrasement of it. The old lady pushed the tray towards him and motioned with her hands for him to eat as she watched him tuck in to his first meal of the day happily.


Nichkhun realised that he probably will have to be stuck here for a while as he needed time to replace everything he had lost. So he started helping out in the village, doing whatever odd jobs he can get in exchange for food, shelter and money. He remembered the story he had read on the plane and laughed at the irony to himself as he really felt like the beggar in the story now. He wondered where was the princess that he is suppose to start on a magical journey with and shooked his head dismssing the thought as it felt stupid to even think about fairy tales at his age and in this current situation. Flexing his muscles, he continued toiling on the farm he is currently helping out in as a little boy walked up to him and offered him a bottle of water. He found a clean spot and sat himself down as the boy settled into his lap telling him all about his day in the broken english Nichkhun had taught him. The boy was Yoogeum, the son of a farmer which had hired Nichkhun. Since there weren't many young people around, Nichkhun had pretty much became like an elder brother to the kids in the village as he would play and teach them english while he learnt to speak korean from them. After a few weeks in the village, He could now speak simple sentences in korean and was well loved by many of the ahjusshis and ahjummas in the village.

It was just another day in the village as an ahjumma hobbled over to where Nichkhun was staying and asked him for a big favour. She had sprained her ankle that day before and could not go on her daily flower delivery trip to one of her client in Seoul. Nichkhun gladly accept the job in exchange for a pot of her delicious home made kimchi and set off in her truck on his first trip to the capital of Korean, Seoul.


Taking the wrong turn for the umpteenth time, Nichkhun found himself hopelessly lost as he turned the map in his hand this way first then the other way. The words on the map made no sense to him as it was in Hangul and everywhere was adorned with tall buildings after tall buildings that look pretty much the same. The people and cars around him were all moving so fast and he could not stop any of them to ask for directions. The giant map he held in his hands blocked his view as he walked and eventually he felt himself crashing into someone else that was walking in the opposite directions. The flowers he held in his hands fell to the ground and a scream rang out nearly deafening his ears.A burst of fluent korean greeted his ears and it didn't sound very pleasant to him. Nichkhun hurriedly folded up the map he was holding and apologised profusely with the few korean words he knew. "Mi.. mian.. mianhe" She broke into a laughter when she heard his broken korean and bent down to help him with the flowers that was now scattered all over the floor. Glancing at the delivery docket in his hands, she pulled on his sleeve and spoke in english to him. "Follow me."

The stranger lead Nichkhun through the maze of alleys and she turned left and right easily as if she knew the place at the back of her mind. Nichkhun tried his best to keep up with her as he followed her through the different alleyways and finally ended up in front of the flower shop he was looking for. She walked in and called the boss by her name as an ahjumma walked out from one of the rooms inside the shop wiping her hands on the apron she was wearing. She greeted Nichkhun and took over the flowers he held in his hands. She frowned a little at the state of the flowers and laughed eventually when the girl walked over and whispered something in korean to her. Nichkhun looked at the girl and smiled in gradutity for helping him explain what had happened just now as she cooly brushed past him and started arranging the flowers that he had delivered.

Nichkhun walked over to the girl and tried asking for directions to the train station in the broken Korean he knew and she smirked as she spoke in fluent english. "Seriously, your korean is even more horrible than mine." She shouted to the lady boss that she was going out and lead Nichkhun to the train station. She watched him board the train and turned her back as she left the platform slowly. Nichkhun settled into his seat as he looked at her back view and slowly smiled to himself as the train's whistle hooted in the distance and the train slowly left the platform as they got further and further away from each other.

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badtestament #1
domo1219 : Haha thanks dongsaeng. Saranghae =) So how do you find this story so far? Is it as nice as my previous ones??
Of course i hv to comment!! <br />
Ure the best unnie/writer ever!!!
badtestament #3
smoothieoeek : Haha maybe?? Stay tuned to find out. =D
is there gonna be khunsica? interesting pairing :D
badtestament #5
SicaFeverZ: Hey our first commenter =D thanks for liking it so far. Read on to find out. Will be updating soon. (I hope) 3 fanfics to write. Gawd!!<br />
<br />
Domo1219: Dongsaeng *hugs*. Haha thanks for commenting. Happy that you liked the first chapter. Saranghae =D
Aww im not the first comment...<br />
Nvm, the first chapter was cool enuf ^^
Hmmm not bad for a first chapter ^^<br />
Interested to see what happens after that xD kindly old voice? Jessica's mom?! LOLOL