The Meeting

Into the 5fire...

Into the 5fire!



Jae-Sun/Jason's POV


I check my watch again making sure I wasn't a minute late, I wasn't. Actually I had arrived at the conference room in the QES

Entertainment building 30 minutes earlier, but checking my watch was a nervous habit of mine I couldn't break. I looked at

my watch again. It was 1:30 already. The time the meeting was supposed to start. I look over at the empty chairs across the

table, wondering if I had gone to the wrong room, a swirl of panic suddenly made me feel light headed, and I take a sip of tea

to calm myself down. I inhale through my nose as I close my eyes and tilt my head back in the chair.


Everything's fine. Everything's fine. Deep breaths.


Suddenly I hear the click of a door opening, and I immediately bring myself forward, and I stand up tentatively. I see a young girl

with cat-like features, looking young enough to still be in middle school, as well as two other boys, one about my age with a slightly

muscular build, and another younger than me that looked like he was still going through puberty, enter the conference room. I greet

each of them with a proper bow and I start by introducing myself.


I break out my perfect smile. "Annyeonghaseyo! My name is Kang Jae-Sun. I hope we can work well in the future"


It is dead quiet. So quiet I could hear the crickets chirping, but then like the silence before a storm.....


"Annyeong! My name is Lee Shin-il, but everyone just calls me Lee Shin!  How old are you? Can I call you hyung? You seem like a nice

hyung. Are you hungry? Do you have a favorite idol? I like HyunA from 4minute, she's pretty. Oh I'm so hungry, omo! "  the high school

boy blurted out all in one breath. I blinked blankly, amazed at the speed of his talking, wondering how . many cups of coffee he had

today, or even worse, if this was his usual self without coffee.


" Nice to meet you," I manage to say, but he keeps talking and starts rummaging through his backpack, and finally with one hand takes

out a take-out box filled with kimbap and jajangmien.


"Hyung! You want some?" he asked with a mouthful of noodles, offering me a pair of chopsticks.

I waved my hand a little uncomfortably, looking away at the splashes of sauces he had on his clothes and face, "No thanks". He

shrugged and kept on chowing down in his own blissed out bubble.


Is this guy really going to be one of the members of our new group? And what was the deal with the quiet and unfriendly atmosphere

coming from those two wallflowers?





Shin-il/Lee Shin's POV



Man, I'm starving! I could scarf down a whole cow! It must be from all the exercising I did yesterday to tone my abs. Suddenly the door

swings  open, and I nearly choke myself as four men in black suits, looking like they just came out of the Men in Black movie,

entered the room. I quickly scrambled to pack up my food and ditched it underneath the table before they could look at me. The man

in the black suit farthest to the left, shot me a funny look, whereas the other three were still organizing some papers on the table. He

made a big show of clearing his throat and looked at me in the eye, and pointed at the corner of his mouth, as if he was trying to tell

me something. I stared at him, and scratched my head, puzzled. This time he grabbed a hankerchief from a pocket inside his suit

and made a show of pretending to wipe his mouth. I rolled my eyes.


Why didn't he just do that in the first place? And some people say, I'm dense.  I wiped my mouth on the sleeve of my thermal sweater,

and shot him a thumbs up. He shot me back a thumbs up with a grin on his face. He seemed like a pretty cool hyung too!


Then the four men started to sit into the empty chairs across the table from all of us group members. "We will now begin the meeting

discussing your future endevours with our agency."


"Ah! Wait a moment, Sir! We are still missing one of the members," said the pretty cool hyung on the left.


" If whoever we are missing does not show up in the next ten minutes, then cross their name off this group," said the man in the centre,

on the left of the pretty cool hyung. Woah, he seemed scary. Eyah! I can feel goosebumps running down my spine from how cold

he was.


"But sir! "  he pleaded.


"That was not a question."  My pretty cool hyung fell silent, and I felt pretty bad for him. I hope the person who isn't here yet comes quickly.


"By the way, does anyone happen to smell jajangmien in this room beside me?" asked the tall man farthest on the right.


I gulped and tried not to look him in the eye. Eyah!





So what's going to happen?

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Chapter 3: this was great so far!!! i loved all the perspectives. and tbh the jaejoong pic is just fine~~~ he's pretty no matter what hehehe
i don't know if you're still updating this story or not but i hope you update x.x
Chapter 3: please update soon (;
Chapter 3: please update soon (;
please update soon, I like these kinds of stories. like a behind the scenes to kpop. lol.
Aww poor U-Ae! And poor Ace D: