Takeru's Secret

High & Low Higher Grounds 「Amamiya Kyodai」

"Takeru lived in a place like this.." Masaki wondered as they arrived at the Takeru's apartment building. Both brothers lined up their bikes in front the entrance and climbed off their bikes.

"He sure had his reasons." Hikari responded suddenly. She had already arrived. She was wearing a pair of jeans, black shirt and a black jacket.

"You knew he lived here?" Masaki asked as he still couldn't believe that his older brother ended up living there.

Hiroto with his gaze pinned on Hikari "Why were you even in contact with Aniki?"

"Hey, wait!" said Aika who had arrived just by taxi. She was pissed at Hikari and the brothers. "You said you wanted to hear the story, why did you leave me there?" she complained.

Hikari was glad Aika had saved her from answering any odd questions. Honestly, she could give Hiroto and Masaki a lot of information. But she wanted to keep Takeru's wish. Not to have his brother draw into, the same faith as them. Hikari experienced how badly a revenge can drain you. She could understand why Takeru, choose not to inform his brothers. She ignored them and walked inside the entrance.

"It couldn't be helped." answered Masaki "It can only seat one person." He pointed at his bikes seat.

Aika kept forgetting, even Hikari's bike had one only seat. The Amamiya brother's bikes weren't any different. "That's why it's useless if only your face is attractive." she mocked them.

"What did you say?" Hiroto cut her off.

Aika went on "What about it?"

Masaki rolled his eyes "Why are you guys flirting?" He thought, he should be the one get the attention. "Let's go!"

Hiroto added pissed "Shut up, we weren't flirting."

"Hey, hey." said Masaki as they passed through the entrance door and stopped Hiroto.

"What?" complained the younger brother. He needed to find out about Takeru, and Masaki was into a chatie mood.

"Isn't she too young to be Takeru's girlfriend?" he gossiped.

Hiroto rolled his eyes "I don't care."

Aika had already climbed up few steps. She turned and stared at them explaining "I'm not his girlfriend."

"What?" asked curious Masaki "But you lived together?"

Aika noted "One week ago, I started living here due to certain circumstances."

But Masaki still wasn't convinced. "That's the same thing and I won't approve." he made it clear. "Between men and women..."

But Hiroto cut him off again. He knew how irritating Masaki could get. He signed her to move up "Go, go, go!"

But Masaki went on with his wild imagination "I'm sure one of them was thinking about things."

Inside Takeru's apartment...

Hikari had already entered Takeru's place. But there was something odd. They place was a mess. Like someone had searched the place. She was sure last time when Aika and her were there, everything was in place. "What happened here?" she mumbled to herself.

"It's not that he couldn't clean up.. right?" Masaki said as he looked around the place.

"It was probably the guys at the cemetery." murmured Hiroto.

Aika went to look for her things. She just wanted to check that her only picture with her father was still there. Hiroto looked at the documents on the floor. While Masaki was reading the cut Newspaper articles.

"They said that the factory has also been confirmed as a redevelopment area, right?" Masaki asked as he went through few articles. As his few memories come back when they were still kids.

"Hey! Why is Aniki investigating something like this?" Hiroto asked confused. He looked around for Hikari. But she was searching around for something. After all she went there to find more clues for her brothers death. She had other priorities.

"Oi! Tell us everything you know." voiced Hiroto at Aika. "This past year, we've been constantly searching for our brother. Finally, we gathered information that he was in the Nameless City. But when we got there, Takeru wasn't there. However, he said that our brother isn't the same person we used to know." Hiroto explained with a softer tone.

Hikari pause as she listened at Hiroto speak. She knew that Takeru was involved serious with the Kamizono Group. She also knew the reason. She sighed and went on looking. After all she had not the heart to tell them.

"Speaking of which, who is this guy?" suddenly asked Masaki.

"He's a member of Kuryu. The boss of Kamizono Group. A new powerful figure who will get rid of anything in his way to fulfill his goal..." Aika started then explaining. Hikari glared at her few times wanting her to stop. But Aika went on " When they cause trouble, they always wear white. That is proof that they are dedicated to the organization. That's why they can kill people easily. They get rid of all the evidence. By wiping away all the evidence, the incident is gone as well."

"It seems like there's something going on between Takeru and them." Hiroto had already noticed "Go on with your story."

Then Aika, told them everything. About the way her father die. How, she escaped. That the police didn't helped her. Only Takeru showed up the right time to give her place to stay. Who her farther was. How he was connected with the Kamizono Group. About the USB.

Hikari pause her searched and leaned against the wall next to the bedroom door. Hearing Aika story made her realize. That Aika wasn't any different. Aika, as well as Takeru and her had lost family, because of Kamizono Group.

"We're all in the same boat." uttered Hiroto as he threw away a folder with more articles he was holding "In the end, he just silently disappeared."

"Hiroto." calmly called Masaki his brother.

Hiroto pissed replied "He can't even trust us that much?!"

"That's not true." shouted Aika.

Hikari looked at them. She could tell why Takeru didn't want them mixed in his business and now Aika got them involved more than they should.

"Takeru-san didn't want you guys to know that he was working for the Kamizono Group." Aika said loudly.

Hikari opened her eyes wide "Aika, shush!"

Masaki looked worried "He was working there?"

"Aika! Stop it!" Hikari shouted trying to make her stop.

Though Hiroto pulled her back "No, let her explain. What do you mean?"

"Since a long time ago, his goal was to become closer with the Kamizono Group. Although it was easy to sneak inside, if you guys found out about it, you would get involved. That's why he left home." Aika finally told them the truth.

Hikari was really pissed at her. It was Takeru wish not to get anyone involved. If he didn't tell them until then, it was to protect them. "Aika, you!" she yelled at her.

But Aika went on telling them the rest of the story. And about the USB. Though it got them confused. As they couldn't see the main reason. Why Takeru was after the Kamizono Group.

"What kind of work is he doing?" Hiroto asked as he was really worried and confused.

Masaki noted "It seems like it's related to the USB." as he was sitting down.

"Oi! You knew about Takeru. What was he planning?" Hiroto suddenly asked Hikari. He pinned his eyes on her once again waiting for an answer.

Hikari sighed "I know you are worried about Takeru and I will make sure to find him. But he had his reason and didn't want you mixed in this game."

But the answer made Hiroto more pissed "He is our brother. How can we ignore that. Tell us what you know?" he asked again.

But Hikari didn't agree. "Aika told you more than enough. I cannot add anything to your story. I would suggest not to get involved."

"Hikari just tell them. You know. I am sure you have come across the Kamizono Group. You investigated about them before, didn't you?" added Aika making things worse.

Hikari glared at her. "Aika shut it!" she yelled at her younger friend. Today she was pissing her.

"You were what?" Hiroto asked. But thankfully for the time being a phone call cut the argument. It was a lady hacker on the phone. She had the USB and informed them.

Hikari found the right time to escape. So she wouldn't give any answers. Of course she would follow them at the Hacker's house. She needed to find out what was in that USB. "You keep the notes and I will place an extra seat for Aika." she said and picked up a pink seat that was laying around.

Outside Takeru's place...

Hikari went down stairs. She was holding the seat on her right hand. She was about to screw it on her bike. But she pause. She didn't want Aika with her. She was really pissed with the young lady.

"How could she tell them everything. Takeru would flip." she mumbled at herself.

Without even thinking she screwed the seat at Hiroto's bike. When she was finished she noticed what she had done. She let out a laugh. "Well it serves him right!"

"Hikari, why is the seat on Hiroto-san bike?" Aika asked as she appeared outside confused.

Hikari serious tried to explain "The seat would only fit on his bike."

"No! I am sure it fits yours too!" Aika said.

"It only fits Hiroto's bike." Hiakri said serious. "And why did you inform them like that. Takeru will be pissed."

Aika looked at her "I am worried about Takeru-san. They can help. You have seen their abilities."

"Aika i know they are strong. But we are talking about Kamizono Group. If Takeru hid it form them, he had his reasons." Hikari said annoyed and sat on her bike.

After getting the info and the adress from the lady Hacker, both brothers also walked downstairs.

"Oi!" Hiroto yelled as he noticed the pink seat on his bike.

Masaki was cracking up. He didn't believe he would ever see a pink seat on Hiroto's bike. Hikari and Aika were also enjoying his reactions.

"What is this!" he complained.

"This way, I can ride with you too." explained Aika normally.

"What?" yelled Hiroto.

"When did you get this done?" Masaki asked as he was laughing loudly.

"Just now." Aika said trying not to laugh.

"Who gave you permission to do this?" Hiroto flipped.

"Hikari did!" Aika answered innocently.

"Why would you get permission from her. That's my bike?!" Hiroto went on yelling.

"It's fine, it's fine! You can sit together." Masaki mocked him.

"She should've put it on your bike! Or why isn't the seat on your close friends bike" Hiroto asked.

"Well, only your bike would fit." Aika tried to explain.

"How unfortunate." Masaki couldn't stop the tease. "I wanted to ride with you, too."

"I can't believe this." Hiroto sobbed liked a child.

"I don't want to ride with you either, but it can't be helped." Aika added.

Hikari turned her bike on "Enough. Let's go!"

All four visited the hacker. She explained them about the USB. How it was encrypted. That Takeru made a copy. That she had managed to read some of it. Slowly to many information were revealed. They concluded to go at Sannoh district and talk with Cobra, Yamato and the others. Since it involved them too. Their next move would be off all five to show up at Sannoh District.

Though the question is, how would Cobra and Yamato welcome the Amamiya brothers. When they were under Mugen they all had a serious fight. What was forgiven and what was forgotten?

((Next Chapter: 10th Act))

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magi63 #1
Chapter 13: I loved it! Thank you ;)